New York 2006

Chapter 70 Guiding Public Opinion

Chapter 70 Guiding Public Opinion
Luo Ji stood up straight with a calm look on his face. He raised his index finger on his right hand and waved it back and forth towards the camera: "Fake news!"

Luo Ji spread his hands in both directions and continued with an indifferent expression: "These reports are all fabricated and fake news. Those so-called eyewitnesses are all fake. I don't know why they are talking about me. I have never sold pirated discs or fake watches to others. I have never bullied my classmates. Just ask other people in the school. There is no such thing. I don’t know how those tabloids thought of this. To smear me, I can only say that their imagination is too rich, and I am just an ordinary 16-year-old middle school student."

The reporter from the CNN affiliated media who just asked the question wanted to continue asking questions. Luo Ji directly interrupted and refused, and loudly said to other reporters: "Which other reporters want to ask questions next?"

This morning, after Luo Ji sent Braun away and asked him to go about his duties, he made another phone call. After waiting for the people to arrive, he walked down the apartment building and began to interview the media.

However, before the interview, Luo Ji also set a rule. Each reporter could only interview one question. If he didn't comply, he would go upstairs and end the interview.

When Luo Ji said he wanted to continue asking questions, all the reporters raised their hands, and Luo Ji singled out a FOX News reporter: "Logic, do you have anything to say about Joe Cecchini's accusation of plagiarism against you? "

"Joe Cecchini? Who? I don't know him." Luo Ji said, pretending to be confused.

The Fox reporter really thought Luo Ji didn't know who this person was. Just as he was about to explain, Luo Ji laughed and interrupted, his face confident and firm.

"If you had asked me a day ago who Joe Cecchini was, I wouldn't have known. He was a nobody. I had no idea who he was, and I had never heard of his album. But this morning I I read the report. He must be crazy about money. When he saw my single selling well, he wanted to get a share of the pie. What I want to say is that he found the wrong person. I won’t blame myself for what I didn’t do. Pay for the matter and let’s meet in the Los Angeles court.”

The reporter also wanted to ask a question, but Luo Ji chose another reporter from Yahoo. He said: "Logic, you said you have never plagiarized, but why is a small melody in your song the same as Joe Cecchini's melody?" Woolen cloth?"

"From a music theory point of view, there are only so many melodies in pop songs, and repetition is normal. From a creative inspiration point of view, my song is inspired by Frida Kahlo's paintings. I don't know his inspiration. Where he's from, then you have to ask him. Next one."

All the reporters present raised their hands. Luo Ji pretended to look around, and finally pointed at Robin. Robin picked up the microphone and said, "Logic, I heard that your album will be released soon. How many songs are in that album?" Where are your original songs?”

Luo Ji cleared his throat, his body posture became normal, and he became more formal: "My first album has a total of ten songs, five of which were composed by me. Everyone must have heard of Viva La Vida and Marvin Gaye, I guarantee that the level of the other three songs I created will definitely not be worse than these two. Everyone will wait and see."

Robin continued to ask: "When do you plan to release your album?"

"The album will be available to everyone soon. The release time is kept secret for the time being."

Robin continued to ask: "Logic, since you can create four very high-level songs, why do you still copy Joe Cecchini's songs?"

When the surrounding reporters heard this question, they immediately protested.

"Why can she interview three questions? You two are obviously cooperating. You are too shameless, Logic..."

"Don't say anything. Do you still want to be interviewed?"

The reporters finally quieted down, and Luo Ji continued to answer Robin's question: "The fact that I was able to compose five super-high-level songs just proves that I have no shortage of creative ability. I have no need, no need, and no bother to plagiarize." Someone else’s song.”

After saying these words, Luo Ji looked at Robin and winked at her.She nodded and extended her right hand in an encouraging gesture.

Luo Ji was interviewed by several more reporters, and finally one reporter asked him a question he had prepared to answer in advance.

"Logic, you said you created four super high-level songs, but we can't hear them at all now. How can we prove that what you said is true?"

Luo Ji put on his most serious expression and said the most absurd words: "If my album cannot satisfy most people, I Logic swear that I will run naked for ten kilometers on Broadway."

The surrounding reporters immediately exploded. Even Robin opened her mouth wide and was stunned. She never expected Luo Ji to answer like this.This completely overturned the media's perception of singers in the past. The photographer's camera kept clicking. Luo Ji put on his most serious look and allowed the reporters to take photos and videos.

The reporters wanted to continue asking questions, but Luo Ji waved his hand and returned directly to the apartment building, disappearing from the sight of the reporters.The reporters who got the explosive information returned to the interview car one after another and hurriedly sent the video interview to the headquarters.

When Luo Ji returned to the house, he saw that Blake had prepared a camera, so he sat on the sofa in his living room and shot a YouTube video to educate everyone on topics related to music melody, and to show that he had not plagiarized anyone. song.Then he edited it a little and uploaded it directly to YouTube.

The group had lunch at home and prepared to see whether the public opinion in the afternoon was developing in the desired direction.In the afternoon, everyone saw Luo Ji's morning interview on an NBC television station.Two presenters, a man and a woman, spoke on television.

The male host said: "Logic denied Joe Cecchini's plagiarism accusations against him in front of the media this morning, and said that his first album contains five of his original songs, and the release time is temporarily confidential, but he He swore to the media that if his album didn't satisfy everyone, he would run naked for ten kilometers on Broadway."

Then the video of Luo Ji's interview with the media in the morning was played. The female host laughed loudly after watching it: "Is Logic serious? Running naked on Broadway. Isn't he afraid of freezing to death now that it's winter?"

The male host also laughed and said: "Let's look at the video again when Logic said he was going to run naked."

The TV station continued to play Luo Ji's interview, and the male host continued: "Look at Logic, his expression is serious and his whole attitude is very serious. I feel like he is not joking."

After reading it, the female host said happily: "It seems that Logic is very confident in his album. But I still hope that his album will not be successful. After all, he is so handsome and has a well-proportioned body. I really want to take a look at him." of……"

"Ahem." the male host reminded.

The female host reacted and said awkwardly: "Haha, I was joking just now. After all, Logic is only 16 years old."

After everyone watched the program on TV, they went to other channels to find a lot of similar news. Lawyer Jamie smiled and said to Luo Ji, "Your public relations strategy is very successful. Everyone's focus has shifted from the plagiarism incident to your intention to run naked." The topic has come up. But will this cause damage to your image?"

Luo Ji laughed loudly: "I don't care what kind of image I have as a person from a lower-class background. I often swear in front of the media and give the middle finger. This is my media image. But my genius persona must be To keep it.”

Jeff Busker came over with a laptop, pointed to a website and said: "Look at this graphic report. Although the focus is on your streaking, they questioned you and changed the topic."

"It's okay. The public can only receive limited information. They just need to focus on streaking instead of plagiarism."

The person in charge of publicity also said: "We still have to release your album as soon as possible to prove to the mass media that you are a genius. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the more the media will suspect that you are changing the topic. You still have two songs by Eno. There is no recording, you have to finish it as soon as possible so that the album can be released as soon as possible.”

Luo Ji looked at the person in charge of publicity and said, "I asked you to contact Universal and ask them to make a release plan for the album. What did they say?"

"They agreed and are now discussing."

"It looks like you don't know anything."

"what do you not know?"

"It's okay. You can continue to urge the people at Universal Music to make my album release plan as soon as possible. I will go to the company to record those two songs now."

(End of this chapter)

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