New York 2006

Chapter 71 Global Pressure

Chapter 71 Global Pressure

On February 2007, 2, three days had passed since the plagiarism incident broke out.In the recording studio, Jeff Basker, Eno, and two of his men.Looking at Luo Ji quietly, Luo Ji finished listening to the song, took off his headphones and spoke to several people.

"This song is so good, we've finally finished recording it."

Clap clap clap clap.

Several people applauded, and it took almost a month to finally finish recording the remaining eight songs.Plus Viva La Vida and Marvin Gaye who have already recorded.Luo Ji's first album is finally officially released.Everyone laughed happily. The quality of this album is very high and everyone has great expectations for this album.

"Logic, have you decided on the name of your album? Maybe it will be the first album with the same name."

Jeff Basker spoke up, but Eno retorted directly: "Logic, logic, this is a very rational word, which does not match the style of his first album. Moreover, the name Logic is extremely recognizable. His reputation in the United States is not low either. There is no need for a debut album with the same name."

Luo Ji rubbed his chin and thought, and an idea flashed in his mind: "Let's call it "16". It's the same age as me. It can be said to explain what I think at this age."

Everyone agreed.At this time, Max and the publicity manager came over and said they had something to tell him.

Luo Ji said goodbye to Jeff and others, and took Max and Max to his office. Everyone found their seats and sat down, while Fiona made three cups of coffee.

The head of publicity then spoke: "Logic, I have been contacting Universal Music every day these days to ask them to make your album release plan, but they still have no reply today. They are also unwilling to settle the recording income. They are looking for excuses to delay. "

"I understand, you can go out. Just keep urging them."

The person in charge of publicity also noticed something was wrong at this time. He hesitated and said, "Logic, is there something going on between you and Universal Music that I don't know about? I feel like they are deliberately delaying the release of the album. NBC, which has close ties with Universal Music, has also begun to question whether you are diverting public attention by running naked topics. If something really happened between you and Universal Music, I hope you can tell me that you are very good to me. Don’t worry, I will never betray you.”

Luo Ji looked at the person in charge of publicity. He was a middle-aged white man in his 30s. He used to be a team leader in Universal Music's publicity department, so Luo Ji hired him to come to his company to be the head of the publicity department. He almost didn't care. Hesitantly agreed.

Judging from Luo Ji's behavior these days, he was not involved in Universal Music's attack on Luo Ji.If he had such acting skills and such scheming, he wouldn't do so poorly in Universal Music.

After much thought, Luo Ji decided to trust him: "Joe Cecchini didn't contact me, but directly broke the news to the media and filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles. It's probably Universal Music's fault."

"What? Why are they targeting their own singers?"

Max suddenly understood and took out a file and handed it to Luo Ji: "You were recording in the studio just now. I didn't disturb you. This was just sent by Universal Music. Please take a look at this file."

Luo Ji took it and took a look, his face instantly darkened. Universal Music finally took action.This is an acquisition offer of 3000 million US dollars. Universal Music will fully acquire Future Records, but it will bind Luo Ji to produce four albums in seven years.

"Max, you go notify Jamie and ask him to come over quickly."

Jamie's office also moved near Luo Ji's company, and he rushed over soon.He looked at the publicity manager and then at Luo Ji.

"It's okay, I trust him. He has been in Universal's distribution department for a long time, and I need him to help me figure it out now. Please take a look at this document first."

Jamie took the document and read it, and was stunned: "3000 million? Although the plagiarism incident revealed by Joe Cecchini may have been caused by Universal Music, this is 3000 million."

The person in charge of publicity said: "Logic's single Vida La Vida will sell at least 300 million copies this year if calculated based on last week's sales. Just counting record and digital sales alone, the revenue will exceed 500 million. This does not include Ringtone, subsequent recording copyright income, derivatives, songs, MV playback share, soundtrack and other income.”

After hearing this, Jamie said in surprise: "Well, I underestimated the value of a hit song." Jamie then reacted: "So Logic's first album is likely to earn at least 3000 million yuan this year?"

"Yes." The person in charge of publicity continued: "This is just a conservative estimate. Universal's acquisition offer is completely insincere, not to mention that they have to sign Logic's four albums in seven years. They just want to take advantage of Logic's first album. It has not been released, and the market’s valuation of future records is vague, so I took the opportunity to get a big bargain.”

"It's no wonder that Universal Music Group has come up with the idea of ​​future recordings. The benefits are enough to make most people tempted."

Luo Ji said, "Actually, there's one thing I can't figure out. Why didn't Universal Music directly send out an acquisition invitation? Instead of asking Joe Cecchini to disgust me."

The head of publicity said: "Maybe you often say in front of the media that you want to make your own independent music, but they feel there is no way to convince you to sell your company. But Universal is very optimistic about your album, so he wants you to If you encounter a crisis, we will help you solve it, and then ask for shares or a full acquisition of your company.”

Universal is the distributor of its own physical records, and the distribution contract is signed directly for five years.Luo Ji didn't want to cause any conflict with them.But now they had the idea of ​​their own record company, which put Luo Ji directly on the opposite side of them.

"I don't want to sell shares in my company right now."

Jamie said: "But now Universal Music has taken action. They can find Joe Cecchini to disgust you, which proves that their will to get your record company is very strong. Are you willing to sell some shares?"

Luo Ji said loudly: "If Universal Music could reach an agreement on the price through normal business methods, I could sell 10% or 20% of the shares. In this way, the cooperation between the two parties could be closer. But they came directly. I can’t bear to want to fully acquire my company.”

"Then you want to..."

Luo Ji interrupted directly and looked at the two of them: "What do you think Universal Music will do next?"

The head of publicity said: "Now that you are unwilling to sell your shares to Universal Music, then they are likely to block the release of your records, continue to put pressure on you in the media, and continue to hype up your plagiarism incident. The longer the release of the album is delayed, the more unfavorable public opinion will be to you. Not to mention that they may continue to dig into your past. During this time, more and more negative information about your past has appeared in the media." "Remember. , I have never done those things, they are all Fake News."

"Good good."

"Fxxk, these senior managers are so conscientious."

"Senior managers also want to be promoted, so creating benefits for the company is the best way,"

Luo Ji thought for a long time before speaking: "Jamie, you go to Universal Music and tell them that I am willing to sell 50% of my records. The price is [-] million US dollars. If they are willing to buy it, I will sell it."

"It's absolutely impossible for them to agree. Your company that hasn't released a single album is valued at US$[-] million. They would only agree if they were crazy."

"You go talk to them first and use your skills to blow my first album as hard as you can. Remember to tell them that I will only give them three days."

After Jamie left, Luo Ji and the head of the propaganda department were thinking of a solution again. The two chatted for a few more words, but they couldn't come up with a reason.Luo Ji suddenly had an idea.

“Are there any loopholes in my distribution contract that I can exploit?”

"This is Universal Music, one of the four major record companies in the world. How could it possibly make such a small mistake?"

"No, no. I really want to remember there are some terms."

Luo Ji took out the distribution contract with Universal and started studying it.All terms are indeed impeccable.But unlike the distribution contracts of other independent record companies, Luo Ji had already released his digital singles online before signing a physical album with Universal Music.In addition, I was also on guard against Universal Music at the time, so I had such a clause at the time.

For all songs from Future Records, the physical records will be distributed by Universal Music, while the online distribution of digital songs will be handled by Future Records.But regardless of physical records or digital songs, 23% of the distribution fee will be allocated to Universal.

Luo Ji pointed to the next clause in this clause and showed it to the person in charge of publicity.

"When future records are released as digital singles, they must be released at the same time as Universal's physical records. If this is violated, Universal Records must be compensated 20 yuan."

The head of publicity looked at Luo Ji in shock: "You don't want to break up with Universal Music, do you?"

"Tear it apart, they were the ones who made the first move." Luo Ji was very motivated at this moment, without any fear: "Go and hand over all the album information to Universal Music, and tell them I only give them one day to formulate it." Departure plan.”

"You're not afraid of them destroying you."

"Now is the Internet era. I have my own promotion channels and online distribution channels. The Internet era has greatly weakened the control of these record companies. Living in such an era, if I still dare not take a gamble, I might as well Just be a traditional singer from the beginning."

After sending the publicity manager away, Luo Ji sat on his office chair, closed his eyes and frowned in pain.He hadn't had a good sleep in the past few days, and something like this happened again today, and his head hurt very much.

Just as Luo Ji was about to rub his temples with his hands, he felt two hands on his shoulders. He opened his eyes and saw Max looking down at him.

"Let me give you a massage. I feel that you are very tired these days."

"I'm fine, you..."

"do not move!"

Max said in a commanding tone, Luo Ji could only give up, close his eyes and enjoy.Max's technique was very skillful, and soon Luo Ji fell into sleep.

Max looked at the 16-year-old boy with loving eyes and gently stroked his hair with his hands.He must be exhausted these days.

Max looked at him. The sleeping Luo Ji still had a sad look on his face and his hair was messy.He is a bit more mature than he was when they first met.

Max recalled that when the two met for the first time, the boy was very handsome and she was a little attracted to him.Later, he took the initiative to ask for his phone number and was a little shy when speaking.She agreed without thinking.

It would be great if everything could stay on that night.

Now, he has grown into a man in his own right.His heart was also taken away by the girl who came to the company before.

"She is not beautiful at all, not as beautiful as me, why can't you wait for me for two more years."

Max said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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