New York 2006

Chapter 87 The Love Is Open

Chapter 87 The Love Is Open
In the early morning of the next day, the sky had cleared up and the sun shone into the room through the curtains.The kitten was running around on the bed, waking up the two people who were sleeping.Luo Ji turned to look at Taylor, who was playing with the cat, and said.

"Woman, I finally let you succeed."

"Hehe." Taylor smiled shyly.

"Tell me, did you start to have your eye on me when you first saw me?" Luo Ji said, pretending to be serious.

"No, no, no." Taylor said sternly.

This beautiful girl said no three times in a row.Isn't it obvious that he has a guilty conscience?

Luo Ji stopped pursuing it: "Get up, let's go back quickly."

Taylor approached Luo Ji and touched his chest with his fingers, then blinked.Luo Ji understood immediately and got up and carried Taylor to the bathroom. The two had another rough and tumble in the bathtub.

Ten minutes later, Taylor walked out of the bathroom with a happy face.Luo Ji helplessly hit his waist with his hands. It seemed that he would have to pay attention to exercising in the future.

After everything was tidied up, Taylor couldn't put it down while petting the kitten and refused to leave. So she said to Luo Ji, "I want to keep this kitten."

"Of course, we can buy it from the hotel later."

The two of them and the cat returned to the hotel in Cleveland after more than an hour.Luo Ji and Taylor found her mother sitting in the hotel lobby to greet them.

Luo Ji looked at Taylor's mother nervously. Taylor now lost the timidity he had on the phone yesterday. He held the cat in one hand and bravely took Luo Ji's hand with the other, interlocking their fingers: "Mom, we The two are together."

Luo Ji immediately expressed his stance and looked at her sincerely: "Auntie, I promise that I will take good care of Taylor and prevent her from being sad."

Taylor's mother said: "I should have guessed this. What else can you do on Valentine's Day besides falling in love? Since you two like each other, I won't stop you. However, you are not allowed to stay up all night in the future. Homecoming!”

"We didn't." Taylor said coquettishly, and then she walked to her mother: "Mom, do you think this kitten is beautiful?"

Taylor's mother ignored her and stared at Luo Ji.Luo Ji felt frightened by this look and quickly said, "I promise."

Taylor's mother nodded, and then said to the two of them: "Your agent is looking for you and Fili."

"What is he looking for us for?" Taylor asked in confusion.

"It's probably about the charity concert and your relationship."

Taylor's mother led the way, followed by Luo Ji and Taylor: "Which company is your agent from?"

"From Big Machine Records," Taylor said.

"Is signing a management contract with them one of the conditions for you to sign with Big Machine Records?"

"Well, I had an independent manager before. When I signed a contract with Big Machine Records, they asked me to use an agent related to their company." Taylor said helplessly.

This seems to be the current situation of singers. Singers and record companies are completely unequal.It seems that manager Braun was right, the rules of the record industry have begun to change.

"Hello, I'm Taylor's manager. I heard that you helped Taylor get product placement in the music video and a spot in the global charity concert on July 7."

Luo Ji smiled and shook hands with him: "Yes, I called Vice Commander Gore. He is very happy that Taylor can participate in that concert. There will be a lot of media coverage."

"Thank you, Logic." Taylor's manager looked at the two people's fingers intertwined, and then said: "Are you together?"

"Yeah, I like Taylor a lot."

"What are your plans for the media?"

"We intend to go public," Taylor said firmly.

The agent across the street couldn't make up his mind for a moment: "I'm going to make a call."

After a while, he walked up to Luo Ji with his cell phone: "This is the call from our boss, Scott Borchetta. He asked you to pick it up."

"Do you really like Taylor?"

"of course."

Scott Borchetta, the boss of Big Machine Records, said: "So are you willing to help Taylor with her career? You are much more famous than her, and the audience for Taylor's songs is also a new generation of young people. Your fans overlap. , their thoughts are not as conservative as those of the previous generation, and they should be happy to see you come together."

"Of course I would."

"So can we leave the public relations to the media this time?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Okay, but I'm going back to New York soon to promote my album. Can you please ask the media who are familiar with you to hurry up."

"OK, leave it to me."

An hour later, Luo Ji and Taylor dressed up carefully.Taylor held his shoulder, and the two of them walked on the streets of Cleveland like an ordinary couple.

There was a photographer around, taking pictures non-stop. Luo Ji and Taylor acted as if they didn't know he existed, talking and laughing as if nothing had happened.The photographer took a dozen pictures and walked up to the two of them.

"Let's take a few more pictures in a different place."

"How about taking photos on the street?" Luo Ji asked.

"You two have such a CP feeling when you walk together, it's great."

The two of them changed places again and took more than ten photos. After struggling for more than an hour, the photographer finally got satisfactory material and showed it to the two of them immediately.

"Just this one, what do you think?"

In the photo, Luo Ji is wearing a black windbreaker, a white sweater underneath, and a scarf that Taylor gave him. He is holding a reusable bag in his right hand, which contains things, as if he was returning from shopping.Taylor held the coffee in her left hand and put her right hand on Luo Ji's shoulder and placed it on his chest. Luo Ji's left hand held her hand. The two were of similar height and walked happily on the road with a smile.

"That's it. It's very natural." Luo Ji said.

The photographer immediately put away his camera and looked at the two of them with a smile: "I'll leave first then. I'll probably see your news in the afternoon."

"Thank you."

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Logic, where are you? There is a fan meeting this afternoon." The person in charge of publicity said.

"I will arrive in New York in the afternoon. Just ask Blake to pick me up at New York's LaGuardia Airport. Don't worry, I will arrive on time," Luo Ji said.

At Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Luo Ji and Taylor, two lovers who had just fallen in love, were about to separate. They were really reluctant to part with each other.Taylor is going on her promotional tour, and Luo Ji is also going on his album promotion.At this time, career was still the most important thing, and the two reluctantly said goodbye.

Three hours later, Luo Ji had already sat in Blake's car. Today, Blake and Hailey came to pick him up. "Logic, can you arrange a part-time job for Hailey." Best friend Blake said.

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Well, the company plans to build my fan club and website. I'll tell the person in charge of publicity and you can help organize my fan club online. This way, I won't delay my studies."

"Thank you, Logic," Hailey said with a smile.

Blake then said, "I arranged for Hailey to go to the same high school as you, the one in Brooklyn."

Luo Ji gave Blake a very high salary, and Hailey's academic performance was pretty good, so it shouldn't be difficult to get into that high school.

"Blake, what about you? What do you think about it? Do you still want to continue studying? Even if you go to study, your monthly salary will be paid to you on time." Luo Ji said sincerely.

Blake laughed at himself: "Forget it, I'm not a good student. As you know, my grades in school were not good before."


Several people drove to a small theater in Queens, which could accommodate more than 500 people.Assistant Fiona, publicity manager and manager Braun came up immediately after seeing Luo Ji.

"Logic, what do you think of the lighting effect? ​​It was designed by our company." Agent Braun said

Luo Ji specifically told his manager Braun to follow Grammy lighting standards.Looks like he's doing a pretty good job.So he gave him a thumbs up: "Excellent!"

Broker Braun took out two documents and handed them to Luo Ji: "Look, these are the two companies I registered. This is the information."

Luo Ji took it and looked at it, and immediately laughed out loud. The document said SB Management and SB Nation. SB Agency and SB Live Performance Company.


"What are you laughing at?" said agent Braun.

"Nothing." Luo Ji waved it casually.

Agent Braun asked: "When is it convenient for you to sign?"

Luo Ji casually handed the document to his assistant Fiona: "Tomorrow."

Luo Ji was very careful about signing documents and had to let lawyer Jamie take a look at them.The person in charge of publicity stepped forward and led Luo Ji to introduce the layout and style of the venue.

"This theater can accommodate 560 spectators, and all the seats have been sold out. There is also a record sales point and a derivative sales point set up by Universal Music at the entrance of the theater. The ticket price is relatively high, and most of the people who come here are your New York fans. members, so after the concert, you have to shake their hands and sign their records.”

"no problem."

After the exchange, Luo Ji walked over to the accompaniment members who were adjusting their instruments.After Luo Ji greeted them one by one.Ask if there is anything that needs attention.

Accompaniment member Tracy McConnell stepped forward and said: "Your album has a lot of female choruses. Do you plan to play the accompaniment directly, or do you want to sing with human voices."

Luo Ji knew that this woman had always been cautious and wanted to be a chorus member at the scene, but he still refused: "Just use a CD to play the female voice, and try to synchronize it with the album sound during the scene."

"Okay," Tracy McConnell said lowly.

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "If you are really interested in singing, then you can go find Jeff Basker. After a while, the company will sign several singers. As long as you pass, the company will give you a A record deal.”

"Really?" Tracy said in surprise.

"of course."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the concert started. Luo Ji saw that not only young people came, but also many middle-aged people.Luo Ji's albums are also very well received by older people.

"Tonight, we are full of youthful vitality, let us use our enthusiasm to ignite the world, shining with passion and vitality that is better than the scorching sun. Tonight, we are full of youthful vitality, let us use our enthusiasm to ignite the world, shining with passion and vitality that is better than the scorching sun. The passionate energy of the sun.”

Luo Ji sang "We are young" on the stage, showing off his youthful passion. There were several cameras around him recording the concert.But after a hard night last night, Luo Ji was not in very good condition.He only used [-]% of his strength.

The concert lasted for more than half an hour, and Luo Ji ended the concert with an unreleased song called "Memories."The fans seemed very excited. They lined up one by one to shake hands with Luo Ji and sign the album.

"Logic, can you sign this photo?"

A wretched middle-aged white man held a photo of himself and Britney chewing in the car and handed it to Luo Ji.Luo Ji ignored it and signaled the staff to take action.There was only one security guard, Blake, at the scene. For a moment, there was nothing he could do against the burly, middle-aged white man. After he had enough trouble, he yelled a few words before leaving with a curse.

"Logic, I love you so much. Can I give you a hug?" A girl with a Chinese face held ten albums in her hand and handed them to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji looked at this quiet girl, then looked at ten albums, and decisively bowed his head to the money: "Of course."

But this girl was very wild. When Luo Ji wasn't paying attention during the hug, she launched a sneak attack and kissed Luo Ji randomly on the face.Luo Ji managed to break free.

After the kiss, the girl said calmly: "Sign."

Luo Ji suppressed his temper and signed each of the ten albums. After the girl was done, she handed Luo Ji a note and left with the ten signed albums satisfied.Luo Ji saw the phone number written on it.When the girl walked away, Luo Ji threw it into the trash can nearby.

The fans behind him followed suit and rushed to hug Luo Ji.But for the sake of safety, Luo Ji had no choice but to refuse them all.

"Logic, why did you get together with Taylor Swift? She is not beautiful at all. Do you want to consider me?" A very beautiful white girl said.

"I like her very much." Luo Ji said with a smile.

The concert lasted more than 30 minutes, but the handshakes and autographs lasted three hours.Some of these fans bought more than one album, and there was a Chinese boy who bought up to [-] albums.

"You shouldn't have signed everything for him just now. I suspect that he took your signed album and sold it to others at a high price." The person in charge of publicity said.

"Before the concert, I didn't say that each fan could only get one signed album," Luo Ji said.

"That's what everyone does."

"Isn't that deceiving the fans? I can't do it anyway. I don't lack that little money, so I have to make it clear in publicity next time." Luo Ji said.

"Okay." The person in charge of publicity agreed decisively.

Luo Ji thought about the shortcomings of today's fan meeting, so he went to his manager Braun: "I found that the security was somewhat inadequate. Go and find me two bodyguards, the kind with gun licenses."

"Any other requests?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Employees must have families. You know their ethnicity."

"Okay." The agent winked at Luo Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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