New York 2006

Chapter 88 Talk Show Invitation

Chapter 88 Talk Show Invitation

In the morning, during the morning rush hour for migrant workers in New York, Luo Ji came to the largest radio station in New York and was interviewed by the radio DJ. The two sat in front of the microphone and chatted casually. The radio DJ smiled and spoke.

"Logic, we just listened to your song "We don't talk anymore". The song style is very novel and contains a lot of electronic music elements. Many songs in your album also have electronic music elements. So do you think that electronic music Will it be a new direction for the development of pop music?"

Luo Ji leaned forward and approached the microphone: "Yes, the current music form has reached a bottleneck. It is very difficult to fundamentally innovate. Then electronic music is a very good breakthrough."

"How do you say that?" the radio DJ asked confused.

Luo Ji smiled and said: "Various electronic synthesizers can produce many special timbres, which can bring a sense of freshness to everyone. I feel that electronic music has reached a singular point about to explode."

"Singular point?"

"Yes, this is a scientific term, indicating the initial state of the Big Bang. It can also describe a certain industry that is about to change and explode. The music industry is similar. Every few years, a new music style will become popular in the music industry. I think We are not far away from the electronic music pandemic, and now we have reached the singular point of the electronic music pandemic." Luo Ji narrated seriously.

The radio DJ said: "What is your basis? The most popular ones nowadays are still rhythm and blues and rock."

Luo Ji said confidently: "My "We don't talk anymore" and several other electronic rock songs have been liked by everyone. And Neely Fee, who is currently No. 5 on the Billboard singles chart. Tado's electronic song "Say It Right". The media also rated it very well. We have both innovated and been recognized by the audience, so I think this genre represents the future."

The radio DJ thought for a while: "What you said makes sense, Logic. Maybe you should submit your theory to a music magazine such as Rolling Stone."

"I will. Maybe you will be able to see my article in the magazine in a few issues. Of course, the premise is that the editor of Rolling Stone likes me. Then I can use the back door." Luo Ji said with a smile.

"Haha, so your next album will be closer to electronic music?" the radio DJ continued.

"It's still early for my next album." Luo Ji waved his hand: "But my record company plans to train several singers who specialize in electronic music. If there are any producers or singers who have experience and ability in this field, you can contact me. Record company."

The radio DJ smiled and said: "We very much welcome musicians like you to broaden the style of music."

Luo Ji said calmly: "This is what I should do. The record industry is in a very bad decline now. I made a fortune in the record industry. I think I have the ability and responsibility to inject new vitality into the record industry. My company is now There are more than 20 employees, and I am ready to continue to expand the number of employees to provide decent jobs for the majority of people working in the music industry."

The radio DJ jokingly said: "Can I recommend a few producers and singers to apply for jobs in your company?"

"Of course, I'm selling you this face." Luo Ji raised his hand and bumped fists with him.

"Thank you Logic." The radio DJ's attitude towards Luo Ji became more respectful, and his tone was much lower than before.

"You're welcome." Luo Ji said calmly.

The radio DJ continued: "Logic, I saw yesterday's news. You walked intimately on the street with new singer Taylor Swift yesterday. Are you two dating?"

"Hum, you guys discovered it. I thought we hid it well." Luo Ji said with a smile.

"American reporters have a dog nose, and any move you celebrities make will be discovered."


"So how did you and Taylor meet?"

Luo Ji looked at the draft in his hand and said, "I was promoting a few months ago and I was passing through Nashville. I visited Big Machine Records and met Taylor. As musicians, of course we had to communicate, and then we... "

The radio DJ said in surprise: "So Taylor Swift, using your experience of visiting Nashville, created a half-finished song in one afternoon."

"Yes, she is a talented girl. If you are interested, you can buy her self-titled debut album "Taylor Swift" to listen to. She is a great musician." Luo Ji boasted about Taylor's album.

"and then?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I have been alive for 16 years, and this is the first time a girl has written a song for me. My first thought at the time was that I have fallen."

"Haha, the sympathy of artists." The radio DJ said with a smile.


The staff next to me reminded: "It's music time."

The radio DJ nodded: "Next, let's enjoy the song "Secrets" from Logic's album "16"."

Luo Ji walked out of the radio studio, and his assistant Fiona walked up.She took out several newspapers and handed them over: "This is the news about you and Taylor dating. There are negative and positive news."

Luo Ji looked at it and saw that there were more than ten newspapers and magazines in total. Fiona had already folded up everything about herself.

NBC's newspaper said: "The two talented singers who were born in 2006, Logic and Taylor Swift, came together. According to reliable sources, the two parties have admitted that they are similar in age and both are talented original types. Both the singer and the album are selling well, so they are a perfect match."

Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction.A Disney-owned newspaper wrote: "I would say that Logic's taste is really poor. First it's Britney, then Taylor. Look at this photo. There's no sense of intimacy between the two of them at all."

The accompanying picture is a super handsome photo of Luo Ji. When put together with a bare-faced photo of Taylor when she just debuted, it really doesn’t look good.

Luo Ji curled his lips and flipped through the next newspaper.

A Fox-owned newspaper wrote: "If you ask me to say that Logic is not worthy of Taylor at all, he is a very troublesome person. He also has a lot of bad records. When he was in school..."

"M-Fxxk, they're just making up for it again. These conservative media are so abominable." Luo Ji said angrily while looking at the newspaper.

Fiona quickly took out a newspaper and said to Luo Ji, "Don't be angry. There are conservative media that are more optimistic about you two. Look at this magazine owned by Fox."

This newspaper is mainly a gossip and fashion magazine for teenagers: "I am very optimistic about the two of them. Look at the street photos of the two of them yesterday. They are similar in height and body shape, and they walk together very naturally. This means that the two of them get along well." Very enjoyable.”

"Taylor's new hairstyle suits her very well. It covers her forehead and makes her face symmetrical. Her new hairstyle is very suitable for girls with this type of face shape. If you want to imitate it, you can learn it."

"Both Logic and Taylor's outfits are very fashionable. They seem to have similar tastes and perfectly show off their figures."

Luo Ji smiled happily when he saw this report.

Overall, after looking at more than a dozen newspapers and magazines, most media are quite optimistic about the two young talented musicians coming together.

Only a few conservative media outlets targeting middle-aged and elderly white people slandered Luo Ji and were not very optimistic about the two men.

However, the reality is that many media believe that Taylor's main audience is still young people who listen to country music and has little influence. Luo Ji's fame has actually brought Taylor out of the music industry.

After walking out of the radio building and into the parking lot, manager Braun walked over with a smile, holding several letters in his hand: "Logic, there is good news."

"What are you so happy about?"

"The Oprah Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and several other talk shows have invited you to go with Taylor. They also said that if Taylor doesn't have time, you can go alone. go."

"So many invitations?"

Manager Braun said: "Choose one each from a daytime talk show and a late-night show. It's impossible to be on both."

Talk shows in the United States are generally divided into daytime shows and late-night shows, and the ratings of both talk shows are very high.It is simple to make and is a popular place for celebrities to promote their movie albums.

Daytime talk shows are broadcast mainly in the morning, so their main audiences are the elderly, women and students.

The themes are more focused on health, emotions, family life, etc.The overall style of daytime talk shows is more tame and even chicken soup.Representatives include NBCUniversal’s “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and Disney ABC’s “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

Late night talk show, broadcast late at night, usually after 10pm Eastern Time.The main audience is adults after work.

The topics covered are generally politics, movies, music, hot news, etc.Late-night talk shows tend to be satirical and the topic scale is relatively large.Representatives include Viacom’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.”

Manager Braun said: "Let's choose NBC's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" for the daytime talk show. Some time ago, you and NBC had a serious dispute due to Universal Music. Although you have reconciled, you still need to repair the relationship. ”

"What if we consider it purely in terms of ratings?" Luo Ji said rationally.

Agent Braun advised: "Don't do it. Although "The Oprah Show" has high ratings, most of the people watching it now are older, middle-aged women. "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" is mainly for young audiences. Her show coincides more with your fans. Don’t act out of emotion.”

"Okay. What about the night show?"

"Just pick Viacom's 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'? We've had a good relationship with Viacom since we reconciled last time."

"Okay, you go make arrangements." Luo Ji said.

"it is good."

"By the way, remember to call the other program teams to apologize and tell them that we have advanced the program for these two places," Luo Ji warned.

"Don't worry, you have to believe in my professional abilities."

Luo Ji called Fiona to his side and asked for two documents: "Braun, this is the document you gave me yesterday. I have signed it, and the funds will be transferred to the two SB company accounts in the afternoon."

Braun felt as if a big stone had been lifted from his heart. He breathed a long sigh of relief. He shook hands with Luo Ji excitedly and said sincerely, "Logic, thank you. You didn't abandon me to choose those large brokerage companies. I will definitely do it in the future." I will serve you wholeheartedly.”

 I have something to do today, the update is late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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