I ask you to make philosophical animation, and you make super beast weapons

Chapter 104 Ye Owl stepped on Tianyu’s face? !Extremely disgusting Night Owl!This is the last duel!

Chapter 104 Ye Owl stepped on Tianyu’s face? !Extremely disgusting Night Owl!This is the final duel!
Seeing that Tianyu was no match for Ye Xiaozi, Xiao Tuantuan felt like he was stupid!
Ye Owl's previous consumption was already relatively large.

Why didn’t Tianyu win in the end?
Speaking of which, she had just finished saying that Tianyu had the upper hand this time and was completely beaten.

As a result, Tianyu was completely defeated in just a short while.

Was she slapped in the face again...

At this time, the live broadcast room also completely exploded!
"Damn it, you damn night owl, you actually hit my Tianyu wife!"

"Ye Owl, let's fight in real life. Either you die or I live today!"

"Although Tuantuan has been slapped in the face again, I would rather Tuantuan not be slapped in the face so that Tianyu's wife can teach this night owl a lesson!"

"That's right, this Night Owl actually hides so deeply?? He even hides a ghostly calamity!"

I saw Tian Yu being hit hard in the abdomen by Ye Owl at this time.

I couldn't stand up for a while.

The audience in the live broadcast room almost exploded with anger.

Even many people find it very confusing.

Why has this Night Owl become so powerful?

Could it be that he has been hiding his strength? !
Ghost Shadow Tribulation, this is obviously a ultimate level skill!

For this reason alone, Night Owl doesn't look like a bit player.

At least it has the same supernatural energy as Senior Brother Zhan Long. Senior Brother Zhan Long also knows Ice Palm.

However, Ye Xiaozi's character is far inferior to that of Senior Brother Zhan Long!

At this moment, Shou Shoujun happened to look panicked and contacted Huo Linfei.

"Huo Linfei, something happened."

"Something happened Huo Linfei!"

Huo Linfei was very nervous when he heard this. He thought something big had happened and asked hurriedly.

"What happened, Fatty?"

"Please call me Slender Jun!"

"Okay, Fatty, tell me quickly, what happened?"

At this moment, Miao Shoujun has not received the news about the huge drop in Tianyu's supernatural energy.

He just laughed.

"Smelly Fei, I finally modified the spacecraft's ability deployment program."

"You can now enter the state of Super Beast Arms."


Slender and handsome looking.

Huo Linfei felt very speechless.

"You're just kidding me, you damn fat guy."

"I thought something big had happened!"

Slim Jun was a little proud.

"Isn't this a big deal?"

This was something he put together with great difficulty!

But at this moment.

[Tianyu is seriously lacking in energy and needs emergency rescue! 】

Sister Lisa’s prompt made Slim Jun instantly confused!
"What! It's not good."

"Something happened, something happened!"

Huo Linfei felt that Slim Jun was tricking him again.

"Pull him down, do you think that with my IQ, Huo Lingfei, I will believe you a second time?"

Slender Jun said hurriedly.

"No, Huo Linfei, something really happened this time."

Huo Linfei acted like a master.

"What's going on? What's all the fuss about?"

"To know the real master."

“The more critical you are, the calmer you become~”

Slim Jun thought of Huo Linfei's usual way of greeting Tian Yu.

The tone was a little weird at this time.

"Well, you're right."

"Although Tianyu is about to be beaten to death now."

"But we should stay calm."

Huo Linfei:? ? !

Now, Huo Linfei couldn't calm down instantly.

"What! Tianyu is about to be beaten to death."

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

"Magic Lin gallops!"

Huo Linfei summoned Huolin Flash and rushed towards the direction Miao Siaojun said as fast as possible!

The small group and the live broadcast room audience took a look.

Although Huo Linfei is usually lively and funny.

He always becomes the protagonist who gets slapped in the face the most.

But for Tianyu, it is indeed true love!
"Tianyu, I'm here to save you!"

Huolin flew away into the distance.

And Ye Lingyun said before that it was a one-on-one duel that was fair.

Seeing Huo Linfei rushing over at this time, he quickly summoned Flash to follow him.

Tai Lei and Long Jian saw this.

Even though Long Jian's condition has not recovered at all at this time.Feeling uneasy, the two of them also summoned Flash to follow them.

At this moment, Ye Xiaozi was ready to kill Tianyu.

"Tianyu, you really shouldn't challenge me."

"Because you don't know me at all."

"You don't even know my true strength."

"So, you have to die!"

Just when the Night Owl's armed claws were about to stab.



Huo Linfei drove the Phantom Lin in a flash and directly knocked Ye Owl away hard!

After knocking Ye Owl away, Huo Linfei hurriedly helped Tianyu up.

"Tianyu, how are you!"

When Tianyu saw Huo Linfei arriving, he fainted directly in Huo Linfei's arms.

see this scene.

Huo Linfei hurriedly contacted Miao Miaojun.

"Pang Dun, hurry up and help Tianyu recover his supernatural energy!"

Slim Jun also hurriedly contacted Baboo at this time.

"Baboo, how are you recovering?"

"Can we perform remote healing?"

"Tianyu is waiting for your help!"

Baboo heard that he wanted to treat Tianyu's injuries.

At this moment, I cheered up and entered the remote recovery room.

Transmit special energy to Tianyu remotely!

Xiao Tuantuan and the audience in the live broadcast room saw Baboo take action.

Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Baboo healed Tianyu.

Tianyu's next move will definitely be fine.

At the same time, everyone took a look at this moment.

Good guy, Baboo treats you somewhat differently.

When I heard that Tian Yu was going to be healed, I immediately became energetic~
Just when Huo Linfei was concerned about Tianyu's injury.

At this moment, Ye Xiaozi suddenly kicked the side!

Huo Linfei was kicked away from him, and his back hit a stone pillar.

At this time, Huo Linfei felt very angry.

"You only know how to sneak attack!"

At this moment, Ye Lingyun and others all arrived.

Ye Xiaozi was not in a hurry to take action against Huo Linfei.

"It seems like you care about her."

Saying that, Night Owl directly used his feet.

He stepped on Tian Yu’s armed helmet!

Audiences in the live broadcast room:? ? !
Now, I don’t know how many viewers are even more excited!

"What the hell are you doing, you night owl!"

"At this time, you actually step on my wife Tianyu's face?? This is simply intolerable!"

"The disgustingness of this Night Owl is simply beyond my imagination!"

"Huo Linfei, I allow you to take back the protagonist's halo at this time and beat him. Beat him hard!!"

At this moment, everyone fully supports Huo Linfei in regaining the halo of the protagonist.

Teach Night Owl a lesson!

Huo Linfei saw Ye Xiaozi stepping on Tianyu's head.

Even though Tian Yu was protected by an armed helmet, it still made him feel heartbroken!
"What are you doing? Let her go!"

This time, Ye Xiaozi was even more irritated.

"What I hate most is when people speak to me in a commanding tone!"

Ye Xiaozi stepped heavily on Tianyu's armed helmet.

Huo Linfei felt like his eyes were about to burst.

"Ye Owl, if you have the ability, come to me."

"I'll challenge you!"

Ye Xiaozi spoke directly.

"You guys keep fighting like this endlessly."

"It's really a waste of time."

Huo Linfei clenched his fists.

"Okay, this is the last duel."

"If I win, you will kneel down and kowtow three times!"

"If I lose..."

Huo Linfei hadn't thought about what would happen if he lost.

Night Owl spoke directly and coldly.

"If you lose, you have to die."

"Plus all your companions!!"

(End of this chapter)

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