I ask you to make philosophical animation, and you make super beast weapons

Chapter 105 Thousands of years ago, Ye Lingyun was not the leader of the Cloud Bat Legion? !

Chapter 105: 10 years ago, Ye Lingyun was not the leader of the Cloud Bat Legion? !
This final duel with Night Owl.

If Huo Linfei loses, not only Huo Linfei will die.

All companions will also die!
"Ah, this..."

Hearing that Miao Shoujun and others were involved, Huo Linfei hesitated for a while.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaozi stepped on Tianyu's armed helmet even more tightly!

Seeing this, Huo Linfei said hurriedly.

"Okay, that's it."

"You let Tianyu go first!"

Night Owl laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"You promised so easily~"

Obviously, Ye Xiaozi has figured out Huo Linfei's weakness!
At this time, Miao Shoujun contacted Huo Linfei remotely.

"Hey, I'm talking about you, Huo Linfei, who values ​​sex over friends."

"Why should you involve us when you make a bet with others?"

"This is a life and death bet!"

Huo Linfei asked directly.


"Do you think he will let you go if I lose?"

Slender Jun was stunned for a moment.

It makes sense.

"Uh, it seems to be."

Huo Linfei felt that he was very confident now.

"And we can now enter the super beast state."

"You can give it a try!"

Slender and handsome, but still feeling a little unsure.

"But after all, we have never tried it in such a harsh magnetic field environment."

"There is still a certain risk."

"You bet so big with him, if you lose..."

"No case!"

Huo Linfei pointed directly at Ye Owl.

"In front of me, the enemy either flees or is completely defeated!"

Ye Owl just snorted.

"Huh, is it?"

"You really don't understand my strength!"

When Night Owl is about to take action.

Miao Shoujun passed the Xuanwu and finally deployed Huo Linfei's supernatural energy and the surrounding magnetic field.

"Huo Linfei prepares!"

Huo Linfei had already made preparations.

"Super Beast - Armed!"

"Illusory Lin God!"

At this moment, Huo Linfei successfully summoned the Fantasy Linshen!
Slim Jun was very excited when he saw this.

"Successful, finally successful!"

But the next moment.

[The magnetic field interference is severe and the self-test has not been completed.

Under detection. 】

Slim Jun felt dumbfounded by this.

Does the magnetic field still have such serious interference at this time? !


Huo Linfei wanted to attack in super beast state.

As a result, my legs felt like lead.

It just felt like my legs didn’t belong to me, and it was difficult to move at all!
[Severe external interference, action instructions are blocked! 】

Long Jian and Tai Lei also saw something was wrong with Huo Linfei's Huan Linshen.

"There seems to be something wrong with Huo Linfei."

Slim Jun didn't expect it at all.

"Ah, how could this be?"

"Sister Lisa, check it out for me quickly!"

The surrounding magnetic field has obviously been adjusted.

Why is Huo Linfei so blocked in his movements at this time?

[Detecting, it will take 5 minutes. 】

Sister Lisa’s prompt came.

Slender Jun was even more confused.

In 5 minutes, Huo Linfei would have been half cold!Night Owl took advantage of the fact that Huan Lin God was unable to move and directly launched an attack on Huan Lin God!
The Bat Super Beast kicked the Phantom Lin God away with a heavy kick!


Huo Linfei fell to the ground.

However, let alone launching a counterattack at this time, it was very difficult to even get up!
"Stand up, stand up..."

"Get up quickly!"

Huo Linfei kept trying hard to stand up.

But no matter what, I just can’t stand up!
【Severe external interference, movement instructions are blocked. 】

Huo Linfei had difficulty even getting up.

At this moment, he received another heavy blow from the Bat Super Beast.


Xiao Tuantuan saw this scene.

"I'll go, Huo Linfei can only be beaten passively!
5 minutes, even if the supernatural energy is ready after 5 minutes.

Those who are beaten by then will probably have very little supernatural energy left! "

At this moment, Huo Linfei looked like he could only passively be beaten.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little excited at this moment.

"No, Huo Linfei, this is too miserable."

"It's hard to become a super beast, but you can only be beaten after being beaten. It is undoubtedly the worst protagonist!"

"At other times I might be able to laugh, but at this moment I just couldn't."

"That's right. Seeing this Night Owl showing off his power so proudly makes me feel more and more unhappy!"

"Huo Linfei, stand up quickly, let's beat up Ye Owl first!"

Many viewers would often joke that Huo Linfei was the worst protagonist and was constantly beaten.

But I saw Huo Linfei being beaten by Ye Owl at this time.

In their hearts, all of them just felt very unhappy.

This Night Owl is really disgusting!
At this moment, Huo Linfei would be great if he could beat up Ye Owl!
However, Huo Linfei was hindered in his movements at this time.

He can only be beaten passively.

Then Night Owl's Bat Super Beast.

Directly kicked Huo Linfei's Huan Linshen into the air.

"Ghost robbery!"


Ye Owlzi hit the Phantom Linshen's armed belly with a strike of ghostly shadow.

Huo Linfei screamed in pain and jumped directly from mid-air.

It hit the ground hard!

The bat super beast came to the ground and looked at Huan Linshen who couldn't stand up at this moment.

"You really underestimate me."

And Ye Lingyun saw this scene.

The eyebrows moved slightly.

When Ye Xiaozi defeated Tianyu with Ghost Shadow Tribulation before, he didn't see it.

It was only then that he saw Ye Xiaozi use Ghost Shadow Tribulation to hit the body of Huan Lin Shen.

At this moment, the screen turns.

Xiao Tuantuan's physical sensation changed accordingly, and he only felt that he was still in the Cloud Bat Palace.

But it seems that everything around you is different? !
In the picture, both sides of the main hall of Yunbat Palace are full of Yunbat warriors.

Ye Lingyun was in the center, looking towards the high position.

At this time, the person standing at the highest position was not Ye Lingyun.

But Night Owl! !

Ye Xiaozi looked at Ye Lingyun, who had just joined the Cloud Bat Legion.

"What, Ye Lingyun?"

"Are you here to challenge my position today?"

Ye Lingyun 10 years ago was extremely calm and elegant.

"Select the strongest in a fair duel."

"This is the only rule for our cloud bat army to choose a leader."

Viewers in the live broadcast room:! ! !
Now, the entire live broadcast room was in a state of shock!

"Damn it, Ye Lingyun wasn't the leader of the Cloud Bat Legion back then?"

"The leader of the Cloud Bat Legion was actually this Night Owl??"

"Good fellow, let Night Owl lead the Cloud Bat Legion, I'm afraid it will make the Cloud Bat Legion instantly cool!"

"Could it be that Huo Linfei asked Ye Xiaozi if he was the leader before, and Ye Xiaozi said that he is not now. It turns out that he was once the leader!"

"Haha, think about it on the other hand, Ye Xiaozi is no longer the leader. He has obviously been PKed by Ye Lingyun. Just thinking about it makes me happy!!"

This is how everyone knows.

At the beginning, Ye Lingyun was not the leader of the Cloud Bat Legion.

It turned out to be Night Owl, commanding the Cloud Bat Legion!

(End of this chapter)

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