I ask you to make philosophical animation, and you make super beast weapons

Chapter 107: Fire Lin Fei’s special energy has reached 0!Meta space!Master Xuan Yizi is still alive?

Chapter 107 Fire Lin Fei’s special energy has reached zero!Meta space!Master Xuan Yizi is still alive? !
Huan Linshen was unable to move at all due to ultrasonic interference.

At this moment, he was directly knocked to the ground by Night Owl's bat super beast!
There was absolutely no movement!

"Fire Lin Fei!"

"Fire Linfei!!"

Miao Shoujun and others were all anxiously calling Huo Linfei's name.

Tian Yu, who was seriously injured, looked in the direction of Huo Linfei with difficulty.

"Fire Linfei..."

When Xiao Tuantuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

The protagonist Huo Linfei.

It's not really that cold, is it? !
The viewers in the live broadcast room were also a little panicked at this time.

"I'll go, Huo Linfei, don't really die like this!"

Although they joked about Huo Linfei being the worst protagonist all day long.

But I still don’t want to see Huo Linfei really die!
Slender Jun asked hurriedly.

"Sister Lisa, can you still detect Huo Linfei's strange energy?"

[Huo Linfei’s supernatural energy has dropped to zero.

There were no signs of life. 】

At this time, Slim and Jun's whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning!
"Then, does that mean Huo Linfei is dead?"

He and Huo Linfei are the best brothers!
Sister Lisa's voice came quickly.

"It's possible, but not necessarily."

Slender Jun was stunned for a moment.


"What does it mean?"

Just as Slim Jun was asking Sister Lisa everything about Huo Linfei.

At this moment, the scene changed.


Xiao Tuantuan only felt that he had come to a very special area.

The pressure coming from around her almost made her scream in fear subconsciously.

In the picture, Huo Linfei opened his eyes.

At this moment, it has returned to its normal armed state.

But he saw himself in a completely white area!
"Where is this place? Am I dead?"

Huo Linfei subconsciously wanted to struggle.

However, this pressure becomes tighter and tighter the more you struggle!

Yet at this moment.

A familiar and experienced voice came from a distance.

"Don't move."


Huo Linfei was shocked. He didn't expect there was anyone else here besides himself.

At this moment, the distant voice came again.

"Huo Linfei, it's useless for you to move around like this."

Huo Linfei took a closer look at this moment.

Only then did I realize that the familiar figure in the distance was no one else.

It is his master, Xuan Yizi!
"Master! Is that you?"

Huo Linfei asked hurriedly.

At this moment, Xiao Tuantuan couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

"Ah, Master Xuan Yizi!

Master Xuan Yizi is really not dead. He is really in some metaspace as Tianyu said before! "

Xiao Tuantuan never expected it.

Here, you can actually see Master Xuan Yizi!
At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

"Damn it, am I right? This is Master Xuan Yizi?!"

"Master Xuan Yizi is really not dead. This is really great!"

"Good guy, I almost shed tears when I saw Master Xuanyizi using Degenkongni and the Lion Fleet to die together. Master Xuanyizi, please give me back my tears!"

"Haha, Tianyu's wife was not comforting Huo Linfei at that time. Master Xuan Yizi is really not dead. This is so comfortable!"

"With Master Xuan Yizi's help, are you still worried that Huo Linfei can't leave here?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were very excited at this moment.

I never expected that Xuan Yizi could be seen appearing at this moment!
It seems here.

Maybe it really is what Tianyu said before, the so-called Yuan Space!
Master Xuan Yizi appears.

I don’t know how many people felt at ease in their hearts instantly.

This is the sense of security provided by Master Xuan Yizi!

Huo Linfei also asked hurriedly.

"Ah, Master."

"Is it you! Master?"

Xuan Yizi warned again.

"Huo Linfei, it's useless for you to move around like this."

Huo Linfei struggled and looked at Xuan Yizi. "Master, is it really you?"

Xuan Yizi turned his back to Huo Linfei.

"Fire Linfei."

"Don't you recognize me so quickly?"

Huo Linfei felt excited.

"That's great, Master."

"I never thought we would meet in heaven!"

Xuan Yizi asked back.

"Does this feel like heaven to you?"

Huo Linfei was stunned for a moment.

"Is this the legendary hell?"

"Ah, no."

"I, Huo Linfei, was not serious about studying except for me."

"You didn't do anything bad."

"How can you go to hell!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room felt safe because of Xuan Yizi's appearance.

When I heard Huo Linfei's words again, I couldn't help laughing!
"Haha, Huo Linfei's mentality is so good!"

"At this time, what Huo Linfei was thinking about was not that he was dead, but that he was excited to meet Master Xuan Yizi in heaven."

"666, you are still wondering whether this is heaven or hell at this time, you are worthy of Huo Linfei!"

"It's so funny, even though Huo Linfei's fighting ability is not very good, I can accept his mentality~"

"Hahaha, Huo Linfei and Slim Jun are indeed the two living treasures of the Super Beast Arms, one of the True Heart Six!"

The live broadcast room is full of joy.

No matter what, they accepted Huo Linfei's mentality!

Xuan Yizi said.

"This is neither heaven nor hell."

"It's metaspace."


Huo Linfei didn't understand.

In my memory, it seemed that Tian Yu had only spoken to him once.

Xuan Yizi still turned his back to Huo Linfei.

"The space that usually exists is a space composed of positive matter."

"And this is a space made of antimatter."

"It's called metaspace."

Huo Linfei looked around.


"Why do I feel like this place is almost like hell..."

"very scary!"

Xuan Yizi's back was turned to Huo Linfei, and he kept holding something like a fishing rod in his hand.

"Human beings are always a little afraid of things they don't understand."

Huo Linfei saw that Xuan Yizi never turned around.

"Master, why do you always talk with your back to me?"

"I, I can't move now."

"Come here and help me, I feel so uncomfortable like this."

Xuan Yizi's voice came from far away.

"Fire Linfei."

"The supernatural energy in your body is not strong enough now."

"So it's impossible to break through the antimatter force field here."

Huo Linfei also felt a little panicked.

"Ah, what should I do?"

"Do I want to keep this posture for the rest of my life?"

However, Huo Linfei still thought all this was too simple!

"If you can't break through this force field in 10 minutes."

"You will be crushed by the force field here, and your body and mind will be broken."


At this time, Huo Linfei was instantly stunned.

This means that there is only 10 minutes left for him!
At this moment, the screen turns.

Sister Lisa also answered Slim Jun’s question.

[Although Huo Linfei does not have any supernatural energy now.

But his Huan Lin Shen did not exit the super beast armed state.

This explains his brainwaves.

It is very likely that we have entered the metaspace now. 】

(End of this chapter)

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