Perfect World: The Holy Spirit of Perfection is actually myself

Chapter 374 "Return of the Reborn God"

Chapter 374 "Return of the Reborn God"

Death is eternal silence, withering, and the fate of dust returning to dust and dust returning to dust. All causes and effects and all ties will end with its arrival.

This is not a good or bad experience. Dead creatures have no thoughts, no consciousness, no six desires and seven emotions, no ties to the world, and only eternal silence and sleep.

Ancient emperors such as Taiyin Human Emperor, Lingbao Tianzun, Demon Emperor, etc. have been silent in this state for too long. They all had supreme glory in the past, but they all had to face the situation due to various reasons. Come to an end, either die in battle on the road to becoming an immortal, or fail in the process of becoming an immortal.

These are a group of emperors with the most outstanding talents throughout the ages. They have left a more profound mark on history than other ancient emperors. Even if they fell for various reasons, no one dares to question their power.

Over the years, Feng Lie's Three Thousand Dao Mirrors have been paying attention to such emperors. When they fall, the Immortal Mirror will take action to absorb their broken true spirits and keep their essence immortal.

From the age of mythology to the era of Hengyu, Daojing selected a total of nine such deities, ancient emperors and emperors.

Now, Feng Lie has brought these precious true spirits to the Immortal Realm, found the most majestic and magical dragon vein in the ancient Immortal King City, planted these true spirits into the dragon vein, and nurtured them with the power of heaven and earth. The physical body and the soul.

"Master, are you going to let them follow the same path as you, to nourish the divine fetuses and incarnate into the Holy Spirit?" Gu Tuo couldn't help but watch the wind stir the water in the sky, ignite the fairy fire, lift up the thick earth, and shape the bodies of those true spirits. asked.

As Feng Lie's direct disciple, he certainly knew his master's footsteps, and it was not surprising that Feng Lie forged the Holy Spirit bodies for these supreme beings.

"After all, they are all emperors who once ruled the world. It would be inappropriate to find biological parents for them. This innate body avoids the filth of acquired bodies and also breaks the ties of cause and effect. It is good."

Feng Lie smiled and nodded. He did not give these emperors any deep support. He only used the earth, fire and feng shui of the immortal veins to shape their innate bodies. They were born without any cultivation, but their bodies were in line with the sky, and they were in tune with the heaven and earth. The affinity is extraordinary.

After all the visions dissipated, the first person to regain consciousness was the famous Lingbao Tianzun in the Mythical Age. This was definitely a powerful existence that could rank among the top three among the nine Tianzun in the Mythological Age. He had refined the Immortal Killing Formation. Forging four killing swords, regardless of formation path or killing path, make sure to be at the forefront in the entire ancient history.


After Feng Lie finished shaping the nine innate flesh bodies, Gu Tuo nodded. His cultivation years were close to tens of millions of years. Hearing this, he held up the nine weak true spirits and blew them gently. The true spirits were incorporated into their respective bodies.

If I had to compare them, the heels and feet of these emperors were almost the same as those of the Spiritual Emperor in the Forbidden City of Heaven.

"let's start!"


The power contained in a drop of the Dao blood of the giant Immortal King is so vast that even if it is divided into nine parts, it still makes Gu Tuo's Immortal King City rumble and shake. All living beings in the city are horrified and marvel at Gu Tuo's supreme Immortal King methods.

Immediately afterwards, dense magical formations burst out from Feng Lie's eyes, and a drop of bright red Dao blood was sacrificed by Gu Tuo, which intersected with the origin of the Immortal King's dragon veins and merged into the nine new physical bodies.

"This body...this reincarnation?"

Now, the ancient Heavenly Lord carefully inspected his body and found that he had turned into a little child of two or three years old, without any cultivation, sitting naked on a fairy lotus leaf.

Such an environment made the reborn Lingbao Tianzun feel a sense of inner peace and harmony, and then a raging fighting spirit ignited in his heart.

Lingbao Tianzun was very involved in many fields back then. Sword Formation and Killing Sword were just one of them. The secret composition he corresponded to was the ancestor of the world's formations. Even the Emperor had to study it with humility and study it deeply. The power of thinking about life and death has led to the creation of "The Sutra of Saving People"... Now, he is living a new life with all the memories and achievements of his previous life. Needless to say, this high-spirited freshness goes without saying.

"Phew! Incredible!"

Suddenly, Lingbao Tianzun heard a sigh not far away. The voice was childish, but it had a sense of vicissitudes that had gone through the years, making the newborn Lingbao Tianzun alert.

Looking closely, I saw a child on another lotus leaf not far away, who was also carefully checking himself and his environment. He was also two or three years old, without any cultivation, but his body was extremely strong. He jumped two or three feet away.

"My name is Lingbao, what should I call this fellow Taoist?"

Lingbao Tianzun hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to show up. Although he only looked like a child of two or three years old, he stood on a fairy lotus leaf and bowed in a very formal and standard manner.


Lingbao Tianzun appeared, making the child stunned for a moment, but soon he came back to his senses and nodded to the other person.

"My surname is Si, my Taoist name is Taiyin, and I have met Taoist fellow Lingbao."

Hearing the name Lingbao, the child named Taiyin's pupils visibly trembled, but he still had a natural confidence and grandeur when the name was announced. Even if he had no cultivation, he still had the aura of a king in the world.

Soon, in this small lotus pond, which was only a few hundred feet in size, nine young figures woke up one by one.

Most of them look like human children, but there are also three or four creatures from other ethnic groups, such as a small ape with golden hair, a small silver dragon that is only more than two feet long, etc., all of which look like they have no cultivation at all.

The nine extremely powerful men who were famous in ancient history soon gathered together. After exchanging names one by one, they also realized their respective identities.

After all, latecomers all know the names of forerunners. Although everyone present is young, they are all extraordinary. Their names are Lingbao, Taiyin, Xue Yueqing, etc., which are famous in history. If it is a coincidence, the emperor will not be killed. They didn't believe it.

"In other words, those of us who were lost in history...have returned?"

Among the nine emperors, emperors, and deities present, Emperor Fuxi was undoubtedly the youngest. He squatted on an eighth-grade Taoist lotus and glanced at the young children. His names are definitely in the history books. I have heard that the name "No God" has shocked the past and present.

"I don't understand. Is this reincarnation or the world after death?" Xue Yueqing's small dragon body was lying on a silver-white fairy lotus. He could clearly feel the ubiquitous vitality of heaven and earth, the nine major While the Ultimate Master was chatting, he had already smoothed out his new body.

"Can't figure it out."

The Taoist body of Emperor Fuxi is not completely human. There are two young dragon horns on the top of his head and a golden dragon tail on his back. He dipped his hands in water and carved the Eight Diagrams pattern on the eighth-grade immortal lotus, calculating silently for a long time. Finally, he sighed helplessly.

"Of course it can't be calculated. This is Tuowang Immortal City in the Immortal Realm. Do you still like this feeling of being born towards death, and the Taoist body that I have personally shaped for you?"

Suddenly, a clear voice with a bit of a smile came. Feng Lie walked slowly to the fairy lotus pond and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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