Chapter 297 Lan Yin
By the time MiG and Dagleis had almost finished studying Father Luke's cultivation insights, Father Luke and his party had already returned to Wuhun City.After learning this information, Miguel asked Father Luke to enter the Kingdom of God after arranging everything.

After Father Luke entered the Kingdom of God, Miguel, Dagleis and Father Luke began to revise "New Xuantian Gong" together.Three days later, the second version of "Xuan Tian Gong" was revised, and MiG changed its name to "Xuan Tian Meditation Method".After the naming was completed, the task of creating suitable cultivation techniques for believers was successfully completed.

After compiling the exercises, MiG and Dagles returned to the central temple to rest. After their energy was fully restored, MiG instilled the compiled exercises into his followers. Of course, according to different levels of belief, MiG The number of layers of Ge bestowed skills are also slightly different.

In order to prevent the leakage of information about the exercises and benefit non-believers, MiG directly placed a ban on a group of believers through the line of faith. They can understand the content of the exercises, but cannot leak any information about the exercises.


Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, time came to the day when the clone broke out of the cocoon. Some time before breaking out of the cocoon, MiG took Dagleis to the side of the cocoon formed by the clone.

Time passed bit by bit. As time went by, there were more and more cracks on the blue silver grass cocoon, and MiG could also feel the movements of the clone inside the grass cocoon.Finally, when the cracks in the grass cocoon reached a point that the grass cocoon could no longer bear, the clone walked out of the grass cocoon.

When he saw the beautiful and handsome face of the clone, Miguel's heart froze. After all, Miguel didn't want a female clone. However, when he saw the beautiful breasts, Miguel's heart warmed up again. Quite a few, and finally after some confirmation, Miguel's clone was a man with the appearance of a man and a woman.As for his appearance, it is [-]-[-]% similar to A Yin's appearance description in the original work.

"Do you have a name?"


"Then your name is Lan Yin!"

"Thank you for giving me my name!"

"What level are you now?"

"Level [-]!"

"Then you mean you can take off the blue silver crown!"

"Yes or no! In fact, I am the Blue Silver Emperor, but if I am not crowned and do not have the support of my people, my throne will be very unstable. Once someone gets the support of the Blue Silver people, then I will become the Supreme Emperor. !" "I see, then go ahead and get crowned. It won't take much trouble anyway!"

"Do you know where the Blue Silver Forest is?"

"Shall I ask about this?"

"No, take me out first!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, MiG and Dagleis left the Kingdom of God with Lan Yin. After returning to Douluo Continent, Lan Yin felt the joy of the Blue Silver Grass around him. At the same time, he was still vaguely aware of He felt a pulling force, as if he was being asked to go somewhere.

"I feel a pull, shall we go there?"

"Yes, but Father Luke must come with us."

"This is natural. If you can save one thing, then there will be one less thing!"

Then the three of them went to find Father Luke. When Miguel said that he wanted to leave Wuhun City, Father Luke did not stop him, but strongly demanded to follow him.MiG and his party had this intention, so they did not continue to say anything.

Since the cultivation levels of MiG, Dagleis and Lan Yin are not very high, even if they rush on the road with all their strength, the speed will not be much faster. Therefore, in order to reach the Blue Silver Forest as soon as possible, MiG directly sent White Tiger Xiaobai and Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Nasser contributed and used them as mounts to travel quickly.

Although these two soul beasts are not speed soul beasts, they are still tigers after all, and no matter how slow they are, they can't be much slower.After nearly a whole day of turbulence, soon after nightfall, Lan Yin found that the vague traction had disappeared. However, looking around, Lan Yin did not see the place where the Bluesilver Grass gathered at all.

"Lan Yin, are you lost?"

(End of this chapter)

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