Chapter 298 Blue Silver King

"Traction disappears here."



"Would you like to feel it again?"

"it is good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Yin sat on the ground and began to ask for the direction of the Blue Silver Forest through the surrounding Blue Silver Grass.When Lan Yin's spirit came into contact with the Blue Silver Grass, she felt their joy, and she completely regarded herself as their mother. Lan Yin also became happy when the Blue Silver Grass was happy.

Time passed bit by bit. I don’t know how long it took, but Lan Yin felt a spiritual energy coming from him. Maybe it was a little intermittent because of the distance, but the general meaning was.

"Great Emperor, I finally feel the aura of the great Emperor again. Emperor, come to me and let me help you crown you and become the true Blue Silver Emperor. I am in the Blue Silver Forest ten kilometers east of Wait for you."

Immediately, Lan Yin stood up and told MiG that he had received the news from the Blue Silver King and now knew the specific location of the Blue Silver Forest.After sitting on their mounts, MiG and his party walked towards the direction ten kilometers east.

Soon, Lan Yin discovered that the further east he went, the older the Bluesilver Grass became. From this, he immediately saw that he was leading in the right direction.MiG and his team were very fast and reached their destination in less than half an hour.

Lan Yin communicated with King Lan Yin again, and the news this time was complete. King Lan Yin asked Lan Yin to come in. Lan Yin did not refuse, but instead asked if he could bring MiG and the others in.

Maybe it was because the Blue Silver King felt that MiG and his party were friends of the Blue Silver King, and because MiG and his team had a clear aura and no resentment from the Soul Beast clan, he agreed to allow MiG and his team to come in.

Lan Yin began to move forward according to the guidance of the Blue Silver King. The further he went, the older the Blue Silver Grass he met. This walk lasted almost an hour.After passing the last obstacle, a special plant was seen.Slender vines climbed up and tangled up to about ten meters in the air.It looks like a special plant composed of countless vines condensed together.

The whole body is clear blue, and the surface is shining with a special crystal.Around it, Blue Silver Grass grows extremely lush.Each root of the vine is as thick as an ordinary person's waist and more than a foot in diameter.

At this time it was swinging slightly.In the middle of the vines, where the condensation was, there was a mark that looked like a human face.At this time, its expression seemed to be smiling.Smiled at Lan Yin.

This vine gave him the feeling of being powerful, and the extremely powerful aura was released without reservation. From the face in the center, strong mental fluctuations spurted out, circling Lan Yin's body with a cheerful rhythm.

"Are you the Blue Silver King?" Lan Yin confirmed again.

"Yes, the great emperor. It has been six years since we left the embrace of the great emperor. This is God's arrangement, allowing the great emperor to come to the world again. We are no longer wild children without an emperor. "Blue Silver King said with a pious look.

"Great Blue Silver Emperor, let me crown you."

"Wait a minute, I want to ask how many powerful people there are in the Blue Silver Grass clan now? Are they people with a thousand years of cultivation or more?" Lan Yin asked.

"I have ten thousand-year-old Bluesilver Grass, and there is also a Bluesilver Grass that is about 5 years old, and one that has only grown to ten thousand-year-old in recent years. As for the thousand-year-old to ten-thousand-year-old, there are tens of thousands of tribesmen on the entire continent, but apart from Except for a few exceptions, most of the thousand-year-level tribesmen are in the Blue Silver Forest.

Great Emperor, you also know that it is not easy for the Blue Silver Grass clan to advance. Very few clan members can break through to a thousand years, and only a few of them can break through to ten thousand years. "Blue Silver King thought for a moment before replying.

"None of these are important. As long as the emperor comes back, he can better guide our progress. So, emperor, let's start the coronation now."

(End of this chapter)

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