Chapter 374 To Soto City
Getting back to the topic, Zhu Zhuqing asked: "Although Wuhun Palace is quite good, I cannot choose to betray my family in order to survive, even if they are not very good to me. You just said there are two ways out, but I don't know the second one. What’s the way out?”

"Hide into the Star Forest or an island in the sea and perform penance. No matter how powerful the Star Luo Empire is in these two places, it will be extremely difficult to find you. With your qualifications, Contra is very promising. , after you reach the level of Contra, do you think the Xingluo royal family will forcefully depose you, a Contra-level powerhouse?"

After pondering for a long time, Zhu Zhuqing finally said: "I'm going to wait a little longer."

MiG did not continue talking. MiG saw that Zhu Zhuqing still had some hope for her fiancé Dai Mubai. Only after this hope was completely disappointed could she make a good choice for her future.MiG made some calculations in his mind. If they went there in time, they might be able to see the famous scene in the original novel, but he didn't know whether Zhu Zhuqing would be able to hold back when the time came.

"We happen to be on the way, how about we set off together?"

It was Zhu Zhuqing's first time coming to the Tiandou Empire and she was new to life. If she was left to go on her own, no one knew when she would get to Soto City. In addition, the time to register for the Advanced Soul Master Academy was getting closer and closer. , although she was very moved by MiG's proposal, she still had certain hopes for Dai Mubai, so she hoped to reach Soto City in time. Now that someone was helping to lead the way, how could Zhu Zhuqing not be moved.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Zhuqing said: "Okay! If you make me feel uncomfortable somewhere along the way, I will leave directly!"

"Okay, don't worry, I'm not very interested in you. Hodel and I's goal is to reach the top of the world. As for love, we really don't have much interest."

When he heard MiG's assurance, Zhu Zhuqing felt MiG's sincerity, and after they had chatted for so long, MiG and Dagleis's eyes were still very clear, so Zhu Zhuqing relaxed a certain amount of vigilance, but they After all, it was a chance encounter, so Zhu Zhuqing was still very vigilant.

In the next two days, no matter how good Miguel and Dagleis's food was, Zhu Zhuqing still only ate his own dry food. However, after getting along with each other for these two days, Zhu Zhuqing became more and more convinced of the character of Miguel and Dagles. With further understanding, I know that they really don't have any evil intentions. Miguel is relatively loose-mouthed, while Dagleis is taciturn and doesn't say much.

In addition, Zhu Zhuqing's impression of Xiaobai has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, Zhu Zhuqing thought that Xiaobai was just an ordinary pet cat, but who knew that the night was approaching on the first day when Zhu Zhuqing met MiG and Dagleis? When they arrived, MiG asked Xiaobai to go hunting. Zhu Zhuqing originally thought MiG was joking. Who knew that not long after, Xiaobai came back with several pheasants. It was at this moment that Zhu Zhuqing knew that Xiaobai It's actually a soul beast.

On the second night of MiG's trip together, they were very close to Soto City. MiG handed Zhu Zhuqing a pendant while having dinner.Seeing the gift given by MiG, Zhu Zhuqing also looked at a loss. Later, after MiG's narration, Zhu Zhuqing knew that the pendant given by MiG was actually a special soul guide that could isolate the connection between martial spirits. This also This meant that even if she appeared near Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai would not be able to feel the mutual attraction between the spirits.

Originally, Zhu Zhuqing did not want to accept MiG's gift. After all, although the value of this special soul guide was a little lower, it was not much lower. In addition, she did not have a good gift for MiG. She them.

But in the end, Zhu Zhuqing accepted the gift. The reason was very simple. They would arrive in Soto City tomorrow. There were still five days left before Shrek Academy. She would definitely go on-site to investigate by then. Without this thing, it would be really difficult for her to follow Dai Mubai and find out his whereabouts, so she accepted the gift shamelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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