Chapter 375 The Rose Hotel
After arriving at Soto City the next day, Zhu Zhuqing originally wanted to part ways, but when she was about to leave, MiG stopped her again. Zhu Zhuqing was very confused about this. After some questioning, Zhu Zhuqing knew that MiG The reason why Ge stopped her was to ask her if she would like to live in Ice Palace's stronghold in Soto City.

Initially, Zhu Zhuqing was ready to refuse, but when she heard MiG say that Shrek's registration fee was 110 gold coins, Zhu Zhuqing decided to go over and have a drink. After all, she didn't have many gold soul coins in her hand at the moment, and she only had 110 for five coins. The consumption in Soto City is not low. In addition, she needs gold soul coins to investigate Dai Mubai's whereabouts. Therefore, five gold soul coins may not be enough for her to use, so she can only choose to borrow one. Two, otherwise, she would have no money to stay in a hotel and would have to go camping outside Soto.

Later, under the leadership of MiG, they came to the most famous Rose Hotel in Soto City. Yes, this is the place where Tang San and Dai Mubai first met in the original work. Since MiG knew about this place, it was naturally impossible not to This hotel was acquired.

"Um, are we in the wrong place?" Zhu Zhuqing said with an embarrassed look on his face as he looked at the sign for the rose wine order.

"I've never been here before. This hotel is indeed owned by the Ice Palace. Let's go in!"

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he really had no money, Zhu Zhuqing would never have stayed here. After all, the atmosphere of this hotel was too ambiguous and not suitable for them to live in at first glance.

After entering the hotel, the teller stood up and said, "Hello, three distinguished guests!"

MiG didn't have any ink marks, so he took out the token directly. After taking a look at the token, the teller immediately said respectfully to MiG: "Please wait a moment, distinguished guest. I'm going to ask for our manager now!"

After saying that, the teller left immediately. After about a minute or two, the teller came over with a middle-aged man. After checking the token handed over by Miguel, the middle-aged man said respectfully: "I don't know. The elder is here, but I am sorry to hear you come from afar, but I hope you will forgive me!"

"It's not surprising if you don't know. We are going to stay here for a few days. Two rooms are given to us!"


After saying that, he saw the teller take out two sets of keys and handed them to Miguel. Then the middle-aged man said: "Elder, these are room keys specially provided for sect members to live in. Please don't dislike them!" Miguel then handed them over. He gave Zhu Zhuqing a bunch of keys, and then said: "Take us there. By the way, before we leave, as long as we are still in the hotel, you must remember to provide us with food!"


After arriving here, the middle-aged man led MiG and his three friends toward the room. On the way to the room, MiG suddenly remembered something, and then he said to Zhu Zhuqing: "He is from Soto City." A local snake, maybe he will know some information about your fiancé."

"Yes, beautiful lady, if you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

"Thank you, Baldr!"

"you are welcome!"

After sending Zhu Zhuqing to the room, Miguel and Dagleis walked to the room under the leadership of the manager.Looking at the delicate and fiery roses in the room and the extremely ambiguous environment, Miguel could only silently complain in his heart that the Rose Hotel was worthy of being a famous love hotel in Soto City.

Because of Zhu Zhuqing, Miguel and Dagles couldn't go back to the Kingdom of God to rest at night. They were very tired now. After taking a bath, Miguel and Dagles fell asleep.

When Miguel and Dagles were sleeping soundly, they suddenly heard a knock on the door. Miguel was a little reluctant to get up, so he asked Dagles to get up and open the door. After Dagles opened the door, the waiter carrying the food appeared. Dagleis was frightened by the cold breath all over his body. However, due to his professionalism, he quickly calmed down and said clearly without being arrogant or arrogant: "Dignified guests, this is the request specially prepared for you by the manager." Please enjoy the delicious food from Tuocheng.”

(End of this chapter)

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