Chapter 746 Inventory of the Two Great Treasures

Even Bai Yang had only seen a world ring filled up once.

That was when he broke through to immortality and exchanged a large amount of Rock Holy Water from the tribe to cultivate the Abyss Dark Gold Tree.

But now, he actually saw eight world rings filled with things!
This isn't one of those junk rings you get for free on Taobao in a junk galaxy.

It is the finest item that only the Lord of the Universe would wear!

It is necessary to have a certain level of defense so as not to be easily destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. The diameter inside is at least nearly 100 billion kilometers!
As an existence that has existed for countless cosmic eras, it is possible that an ordinary immortal possesses extremely astonishing wealth!

For example, a special life like Yintuo is the only one of its kind in the three cosmic eras.

Their Lord of the Universe may not have many top-grade treasures, but he has a lot of special items and materials accumulated from various cosmic eras.

To Bai Yang, this kind of thing is even more valuable than the ultimate treasure!
After the monster clone from the outside world picked up the ring, he also put the weapons, armor and other things of the two masters of the universe into the dragon monument.

The Abyss Sub-body flashed out of the ring, entered the Dragon Monument, found an auxiliary space, and poured out all the spoils in the eight rings!


Countless objects surged out like waves, covering most of the area of ​​the entire plane.

This turned out to be a green grassland world with a diameter of nearly one trillion kilometers. If you look down from the sky, you can see that two-thirds of it is occupied by these objects!
"The combined wealth of the thousands of immortals, hundreds of venerables, and a dozen universe masters in the Purple Moon Holy Land...

They all say that they are afraid of death when they come to accept the inheritance, so they dare not bring too many treasures.

But the Purple Moon Holy Land is obviously much richer than the Divine Eye Clan!"

Bai Yang was also deeply shocked by what he saw, and his virtual divine power swept towards them.

In just a moment, he discovered that there was at least one percent of something he had no idea what it was.

This was the result after he had just finished reading Duan Donghe’s information!
Something from another universe? A specialty of the Purple Moon Holy Land?

"Take your time. You'll have time when you're on the road."

Bai Yang felt only joy in his heart. The feeling of slowly counting the unknown items was very good.

He planned to pick out the treasures, optical computers and other items first.

He mobilized a massive amount of divine power and forced it into the entire plane.

Immediately, hundreds of treasures of various kinds appeared and flew towards him, and were put into a single new ring.

Bai Yang is now on his way to the blue secret room. Once he gets Jie Fanzi Zhenlin's treasure, he will definitely have to replace a batch of items, but he is not in a hurry to replace the treasures.

Then he took out more than thirty blank rings, and after counting the remaining things, he put them in according to categories.

According to Luo Feng's original speed, it would take him 900 years to drive the Tomb Boat to the blue token area.

Moreover, the tomb boat is unshakable and will not be blown away by some terrible environment.

If the Dragon Monument wants to travel the same distance, it will definitely take longer.

But this time, Bai Yang had the silk-pulling diagram left by Zhen Lin.

Zhenlin's strength is not as good as Jie Fanzi's, but he described the location and route of his treasure in more detail.

There was only Bai Yang, who used the extended function of the Dragon Stele almost unscrupulously to forcibly overcome various obstacles.

It only took 1,200 years to reach the destination, not too much time wasted.

All the cyan secret room areas are actually not far from each other.

As long as the token is there, there is no danger at all.

Bai Yang took one step at a time and emptied out all the contents of the two secret rooms!
Zhenlin's treasure is naturally less than Jie Fanzi's.

Adding all the gains together, Bai Yang’s wealth is at least twice that of the human population!

There are a total of 45 treasures at this level of the peak palace field.

There are 174 ordinary top-level treasures in total.

The top treasures and those below them add up to more than two thousand pieces!
Jie Fanzi looked down on them, but Zhen Lin stockpiled quite a bit of them.

Theoretically, the token was discovered together, and Luo Feng also had a share. However, he felt even more guilty because Bai Yang took the initiative to withdraw from the inheritance.

I had told Bai Yang long ago that he didn't want anything in the blue and silver secret rooms.

The core area of ​​the spacecraft is still too dangerous, and it will take tens of thousands of years to arrive safely.

After Bai Yang got these things, he immediately set off to return along the same route.

On the way, he carefully compared his own treasures with these treasures, and picked out three substitutes first.

The first is the ultimate treasure that can seal the palace.

Although the Spirit Lock Palace is good, it is only a top-level treasure after all, so of course it should be replaced first.

Zhenlin has a [Linbo Tower], which is of very good quality and far more powerful than Zhenlin.

Secondly, it is a top-grade, supreme treasure long sword.

Jian He Luo is good, and my secret method is also tailor-made for it.

But now it’s not complete, so its power is indeed weak.

If the two clones fight at the same time, if both want to use swordsmanship, this Jetting Sword can be used.

It is Jie Fanzi's collection and is much stronger than the original Xiangfeng Huayue Sword.

Thirdly, it is a treasure of origin!

This kind of treasure can allow the strong to activate the origin of the universe and draw the energy in the sea of ​​​​laws.

It is enough to increase their speed of absorbing divine power. The [Heart of Space] that Luo Feng encountered is such a thing.

Bai Yang's thing can reach a terrifying power of 300,000 times!
As far as he knew, humans did not have anything of this level in their inventory.

The strong ones in the original universe can usually fully recover within a few years after leaving the battlefield with it.

The effect of this in battle is equivalent to daring to burn more divine power than others!
The strong men from other eras and holy lands in the universe sea had no use for it, but I didn’t expect to encounter it this time.

This thing was contributed by the Purple Moon Holy Land, and no one knows which master of the universe it belongs to.

"Ten thousand years from now there will be a tribal war, and this thing will be of great use then."

Bai Yang put them into his most commonly used world ring so that he could use them at any time.

In the main space of the Dragon Monument, the Abyss sub-body held two spherical crystals and thought for a while from time to time.

Jie Fanzi's "Origin of Water and Fire" is at the top of the tenth level, while Zhen Lin's "Water and Wood Hua" is at the top of the eighth level.

“Zhen Lin must have received guidance from Jie Fanzi, and he also thought of the prototype of the source of the law.

However, her qualifications are insufficient and her inheritance is indeed inferior.

Both of them studied the laws of water, no wonder they could become good friends."

Having read the inheritance of Duandong River, Bai Yang could spot their problems at a glance.

However, the two of them are lives in the cosmic sea after all. Compared with the inheritance of the Origin Continent, sometimes the threshold is lower, which is more suitable for Bai Yang.

He could also absorb something from it, and next he planned to integrate the three laws of water, fire and wood into his own secret method.

It would be even better if we could take this opportunity to touch the inspiration of the source of the law.

The only regret is that this cyan secret room is obviously more advanced than the black secret room.

After Bai Yang looked carefully, he didn't find any difference.

The black secret rooms all have black-veined stone pillars, but the green secret room does not.

Bai Yang put aside his doubts and decided to wait and see when he explored the silver secret room later.

The core area must be the living area for senior crew members, right?
It doesn't make sense that there is nothing there to assist in cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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