Chapter 747: Tips on the Strongest Treasure

There is more than one route to return to the Yanbing Domain. Bai Yang randomly chose one and flew slowly.

Along the way, Bai Yang was simultaneously comprehending the improved swordsmanship, "The Rhino Emperor's Divine Transformation", and several inherited secret techniques.

Only "Immortal River" is ignored for the time being. This inheritance will only be meaningful after one becomes a true god.

"Donghua" has a fast sprint speed, while the "Yayingfa" of the Yalong tribe has strong concealment skills and can break various restraints. It can be said that each has its own strengths.

“The most difficult thing is to practice “Rhinoceros Emperor Divine Transformation” and “Extinction” together.

The two, one seeking eternity and the other seeking burning, are totally incompatible and poles apart."

Even with his talent, he still found it extremely difficult and quite awkward.

The inheritance of Duan Dongliu usually consists of nine volumes, and only the easiest parts of the first three volumes can be read by True Gods and below.

"The Rhino Emperor's Divine Transformation" relies purely on self-deduction and does not have such limitations. The extent to which it can be used depends entirely on oneself.

For the sake of efficiency, Bai Yang chose to practice the first volume of "Duanmie" and "Donghua" first.

Then look back at "The Rhino Emperor's Divine Transformation" and "The Yaying Method", which are complementary practices.

The speed at which combat power improves is even faster than after practicing the second volume of "Duan Dong".

It is approximately 146892 Earth time, 2600 years after Luo Feng obtained the inheritance.

The Dragon Stele was already very close to the area of ​​the Tomb Ship. Luo Feng announced to Giant Axe Chaos that he would preach to everyone.

This is an opportunity to listen to the inheritance of Duandong River!
Luo Feng said that he would reveal the entire training system from immortal to the strongest in the universe!

Under a more perfect system, the human race may have over a hundred thousand Cosmic Lords and hundreds of Lords of the Universe!

This allows some people with slightly inferior talents, who were originally just Universe Masters at most, to become Lords of the Universe.

With a bit of luck, nearly a hundred of the strongest people in the universe might be born.

Great Axe immediately summoned the most promising group of Lords of the Universe to come and listen to these contents.

After Bai Yang's divine incarnation came online, he went straight to the long stone table in front of the Giant Axe Temple.

He looked around and spotted the figures of Wanlong, An An, Xu Jin, Qingdong, Peng Gong, teacher Long Xing, and Bing Feng.

As for the original Lord of Huangjian, it seemed that Luo Feng and the others had tacitly excluded him from the list.

Bai Yang turned around and looked twice, but couldn't find him.

Luo Feng glanced at everyone: "From the Lord of the Universe to the Strongest in the Universe!
Everyone must take a different path, but they can actually be summarized into two categories!

The first category starts from divine power! The second category starts from the law..."

Everyone was deeply shocked. They never expected that there would be such a distinction!
Bai Yang only left a tiny trace of his will, pretending to listen carefully, but most of his mind was still on his own contemplation.

What he knew was exactly the same as Luo Feng's, but as for the details he actually recorded, they were more than a million times richer.

Soon, Luo Feng talked about the law of chaos, which caused the original ancestor to appear.

However, this part has been restricted by the original will, and he cannot explain the details.

Bai Yang's level of comprehension of the ten great laws far exceeded his understanding.

This lecture lasted for three months, and everyone was fascinated by it.

Next, Giant Axe pestered Luo Feng to explain how the strongest person in the universe could cultivate to the limit, and he did this for twelve whole years.

It made him feel extremely tired, but soon Bai Yang received a video call request.

Luo Feng said that if necessary, he could explain all the inheritance information he knew at any time.

Bai Yang smiled and declined, saying that he would ask him again after he became the master of the universe.

Right now, Luo Feng must have many secret techniques to practice, so there is no rush.

"Luo Feng, I'm not far from the Mausoleum Boat.

Just like when I went out before, there are lurkers from various forces everywhere around.

You must be sure enough before taking action.

Otherwise, they will do whatever it takes to surround you and snatch your inheritance." "I understand. I won't let them succeed!"

Luo Feng on the opposite side had a determined look on his face, and it was clear that he had no intention of giving up.

Bai Yang knew the power of the Tomb Boat, but he still reminded:
“Except for the Lord of the North Star who is in the open, the remaining four Lords of the Divine Eye Clan and many of the strongest people in the universe from the first and second eras should all be here. It is not wise to try to outmaneuver them.

And the original universe may not be peaceful either."

Luo Feng was surprised:
"Inside the primordial universe?"

Bai Yang nodded and said:
“This inheritance is well known to everyone, and it’s not just about the universe sea.

What would you think if you were the strongest person in the universe from other top races?
Even what about those who are the strongest in the universe?

The strong ones in the universe sea cannot enter, but in the original universe we naturally have countless targets and weaknesses to attack! "

Luo Feng was certainly not stupid, he understood everything almost immediately.

He immediately understood the danger here!
"I'm afraid when I come back..."

Bai Yang looked into his eyes and said:
"Yes! It's not just the strong men in the universe who are blocking you. Wait until you return to the original universe.

The real impact is probably just about to come!

The elders of the tribe didn't tell us about this, but they must have been secretly preparing for it.

I have prepared some trump cards over the years, but the key lies in whether we can seize this opportunity."

Luo Feng knew that Bai Yang always had foresight and was definitely not exaggerating.

He had prepared his cards in advance, and that was the right thing to do.

He quickly asked:
"Brother Bai, what's the opportunity? What should I do?"

Bai Yang reminded him:

“Why do you think there was such a big fuss this time?

Who was the person in the entire universe who knew Duan Donghe the most and cared about him the most before?"

Luo Feng recalled it in his mind and understood it instantly.

“It’s the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor!

It was he who took the initiative to show up and sent out such a strong lineup, which showed that he attached great importance to the event.

That's what made all the forces go crazy!
So even though everyone has never come into contact with Duan Donghe, they all speculate that there is a secret of [breaking through the cycle of reincarnation] in the inheritance! "

Bai Yang praised: “That’s right.

There have actually been quite a few inheritances from ancient civilizations before, isn’t the Divine Eye Clan’s method of cooperation one of them?
The two holy places would not care about such things at all, let alone make such a big fuss.

Facts have proved that the judgment of the Eastern Emperor was correct.

He and the Purple Moon Ancestor must know something!
This is our chance!"

Luo Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he asked:
"You mean?"

Bai Yang's smile became brighter and brighter, and he said:
“In the Eastern Emperor Holy Land, there are at least three sixth-order universe masters!

They have a lot of powerful treasures in their hands.

The most powerful treasure in the primordial universe can instantly bring about a fundamental change in the strength of our human race!"

If the giant axe is equipped with a few more powerful treasures, it will definitely be able to roam the universe like its original ancestor!
The other top universe masters possess the most powerful treasures and are not afraid of the strongest being in the universe at all in the original universe!
Especially Bai Yang and Wan Long, Luo Feng felt scary just thinking about them!
"I understand!"

Bai Yang laughed and said:

“You figure out the details yourself, and I’ll come over to help when the time comes.

After obtaining the Rhino Emperor Bureau and Jie Fanzi Zhenlin's secret method, I will also give you a surprise."

Luo Feng was even more delighted. Since Bai Yang dared to say so, he must have made great progress!
Could it be that even though he didn't have the most powerful treasure, he was already the sixth-order universe master? !
Even if he had inherited Duan Donghe's legacy, he couldn't imagine the methods involved.

Is the secret in the Rhino King Bureau really that powerful?
(End of this chapter)

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