Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 126 Good and bad luck

Chapter 126 Good and bad luck
Just as Diko was thinking about it, a familiar roar suddenly reached his ears, causing his expression to change slightly: "Huh? Is it that king-level armored dragon?"

"No!" Dico, who realized something was wrong, quickly speeded up and turned into a stream of flames in the night towards the direction of the sound.

At the same time, Luo Feng, who was still a little uneasy in his heart and was rushing under the night to return to the military supply base to rest early, also heard a familiar roar. He subconsciously turned around and saw the night sky bathed in As if in flames, the ferocious king-level armored dragon swooped towards him, and his face suddenly changed wildly: "What? How did it appear here? Is it because..."

Thinking of the dragon egg he was carrying in his backpack, and facing the hot and terrifying aura that swept over him like a mountain, Luo Feng, who could only feel the heat all over his body, suddenly became desperate in his heart: "It's over! If I had known better, I wouldn't have stolen that dragon egg. Oh! Are you too unlucky today?"

And just when Luo Feng was caught off guard and seemed to have forgotten to dodge, the armored dragon that was already approaching him suddenly turned its head and fell to the ground with a low muffled sound. .
The roar was accompanied by a short roar of pain. After landing, the armored dragon struggled to get up, and then its body fell to one side without any breath.

"What? This..." Luo Feng was stunned, and through the light of the flames that began to extinguish on the armored dragon's body, he faintly saw a blood hole that was pierced and still bleeding on the armored dragon's head: "Dead? This armored dragon Killed? Who can easily kill a king-level armored dragon? Could it be..."

Thinking of Luo Feng here, when he subconsciously looked up, he saw a phantom of flames in the night sky quickly approaching and falling to the side, it was Diko.As he waved his hand, a fiery red bead faintly stained with blood flew out from the wound on the armored dragon's head and fell into his hand.

"Are you okay?" Diko, who was somewhat thankful that he arrived in time and rescued Luo Feng, asked with a gentle smile, and said in a random joke: "You kid, you can really cause trouble!"

"Thank you, Speaker Di!" Luo Feng, who had survived the disaster, still had a look of despair and fear on his face, and his mood was so agitated that he couldn't calm down and expressed his gratitude to Di Ke.

What Luo Feng experienced today was really exciting.First, he plotted to kill the members of the Huya Team, and then took the risk to steal the dragon egg while Wang Tong was fighting with the Armored Dragon. After escaping, he accidentally ran into Li Wei and others and was forced to kill them violently. Finally, Dike came forward to resolve the matter. , temporarily solved the trouble, then encountered the king-level armored dragon and almost died in its hands.

The continuous occurrence of these things really tests one's nerves.Looking at Luo Feng's unconcealable mood swings, Diko could predict that everything that happened today would be remembered by Luo Feng for a long time in the future and would never be forgotten.

"Luo Feng, I really don't know whether you are very lucky or very unlucky," Di Ke, who also knew clearly what Luo Feng had experienced that day, couldn't help but sigh.

Good luck or bad luck?Luo Feng grinned slightly after hearing this, but the smile on his face was really forced and unnatural.This question, in fact, he really wanted to ask himself at this time!

"Calm down. Stay here for a while. I'll have someone take you back later." Dike, who said to Luo Feng, was the person to directly contact him to deal with the body of the king-level armored dragon. After all, he was the king. Even if Dico doesn't care much about the corpse materials of super monsters, they can't just be thrown away and wasted like the corpses of ordinary beast soldier-level monsters.

Not long after, accompanied by the sound of air explosions, two dark red flying saucer-shaped fighters with the Chinese military logo quickly approached and landed. Then some military warriors jumped out of the open hatch and quickly approached with some equipment boxes. He found the body of the king-level armored dragon. "President Di!" A tall, strong officer with sharp eyes quickly came to Di Ke and shouted respectfully.

"Okay, let your people collect the materials for the king-level armored dragon and leave as soon as possible, so as not to alert the nearby monsters and cause unnecessary trouble," Diko said, pointing to Luo Feng beside him: "Also, by the way, Send him to the supply base in the military region."

"Boy, come on! I'm optimistic about you! A person who is very unlucky and very good, as long as he doesn't die, he will definitely achieve great achievements." After the officer responded respectfully, he smiled and stepped forward to pat Luo. Diko, who was on Feng's shoulder, flew up directly and quickly disappeared into the distant night like a stream of flames.

The tall officer who watched Di Ke leave turned to look at Luo Feng who was standing aside and said with a grin: "Brother, you are so young, and to be so valued by Speaker Di, you seem to be a talented warrior! This place is not far from the military area. It’s too far away, and there aren’t even lord-level monsters, so how did you encounter this king-level armored dragon?”

"What bad luck?" Luo Feng smiled helplessly and did not explain to the officer that he had stolen the armored dragon egg. The officer shook his head and smiled and said: "What bad luck? Being able to meet Chairman Di, You are just so lucky!"

"It's quite late. It will probably take some time for them to collect materials for the armored dragon. I'll have someone take you back first," the officer said, and directly arranged for one of the fighter planes to take Luo Feng back to the Southeast Military Region.

Winter turns to spring, and in the blink of an eye it is the spring of 2057. In City 003, where the weather has become warmer, the Huangpu River has been widened a lot by water monsters. It looks endless, like a big lake. On the grass on the bank of the river bay, there is a line as thin as a bucket. , hundreds of meters long, with complex patterns and spots all over its body, and a large snake like a tiger-striped mark with the word "king" hovering through its top. It is the famous tiger-headed monster dragon among snake monsters.

In the central open space where the tiger-headed monster is entrenched, the somewhat slovenly Diko is sitting cross-legged. The invisible spiritual force around him is permeating the air, forming a special force field, which makes the tiger-headed monster that wants to attack him The dragon hesitated and tested, and let out a low roar.
But unconsciously, the tiger-headed monster calmed down, and the look it looked at Diko no longer looked ferocious, but instead looked a little submissive. It lowered its head and lay aside like a well-behaved puppy.

As the sun slowly rose and the morning fog dispersed, the tiger-headed dragon seemed to be a little uncomfortable due to the sun. It looked at Dico reluctantly, let out a gentle roar, and then swam slowly and submerged. In the river, he couldn't help but pop his head up to look at Diko, as if he was a child leaving his relatives.

After waiting for a long time, the head of the tiger-headed monster sank into the river. Dike slowly opened his eyes and showed a smile: "It took two or three months, and finally it was done." Some powerful high-lord-level monsters have been conquered in City No. 003."

"Killing them directly would be too wasteful. It would also deprive some of the top warriors among our human gods of war from good opponents to hone themselves. It's still better like this. Although we can't stay here for a long time and influence them subtly, at least in their The seeds of not killing strong human beings are planted in their hearts. Even if they are red-blooded, they will always hesitate before making a desperate move, which can reduce the danger of the human God of War when fighting these lord-level monsters and reduce the risk of death. Casualties," in order to sharpen the human god of war and cultivate more planet-level powerhouses for the earth's lineage, Dico had good intentions and spent a lot of thought.

(End of this chapter)

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