Chapter 127 A Quota

It is said that good fortune and misfortune always depend on each other, and luck will be reserved for those who are prepared and willing to work hard.

While Di Ke stayed in City 003 to influence the subjugation of some high-lord-level monsters, Luo Feng also waited for a good opportunity on his journey to become a warrior and received a special recruitment notice from the extreme training camp.

In Jiangnan Base City, in a large audio-visual room of the Extreme General Hall, the headquarters' special envoy Yang Hui, president Zhuge Tao and the new supervisor Zhou Zhengyong were sitting together and talking about Luo Feng's special recruitment.

"Although Diko often mentors some war-god-level warriors and supports some talented warriors, this is the first time that he values ​​a little guy who has just become a warrior so much," Zhuge Tao said with a hint of emotion in his tone. Some surprises.

"To be able to attract Di Ke's attention, this Luo Feng must have something special," Zhou Zhengyong said, looking at Zhuge Tao and said, "Such an outstanding genius warrior has emerged from the Jiangnan base city, you, the president, It should be very clear!”

"I know a little bit, but this Luo Feng has only been a warrior for a few months. How fast can he grow? I really don't believe how evil he can be," Zhuge Tao shook his head.

Zhou Zhengyong said without hesitation: "Is Luo Feng from Yangzhou City? Just ask the person in charge of the Extreme Club in Yangzhou City!"

"I've asked," Zhuge Tao said: "But according to the information we have so far, although this kid is relatively outstanding, he has not reached the level of a monster. Therefore, I am very surprised why he can be seen by Diko. Do you have a good eye? You all know how high Dico’s eyes are."

"I'm from the headquarters, so I know something about it. This time, it seems that Speaker Di contacted the headquarters specifically to ask for a spot, and it's also a spot in the elite training camp. This shows that Speaker Di really cares about this Luo Feng!" Special envoy Yang Hui said seriously.

Upon hearing his words, Zhuge Tao and Zhou Zhengyong both looked more solemn and surprised. After looking at each other, Zhuge Tao couldn't help but guessed with some surprise: "Could it be that this Luo Summit is extremely rare? Mentalist? But even if one has awakened the power of mentalism, there are still some outstanding mentalists in the world, and it’s not worth Dicko’s concern!”

"Forget it, let's stop guessing here. I'm here to take Luo Feng to the elite training camp at the headquarters. Once he gets there, what potential and talent he has, I believe it won't be long before he will be revealed. Yang Hui said casually with a slight smile.

Zhuge Tao and Zhou Zhengyong also nodded and smiled after hearing this.In fact, although a spot in an elite training camp is very precious, it is not worth worrying about. It is only because Dike asked for this spot for Luo Feng that they can't help but be curious.

"Hey, this boy named Luo Feng is really lucky," Zhou Zhengyong sighed and said, "Our country of China has a large population and a strong martial arts style. Especially under the influence of Di Ke in recent years, several people often appear. The peerless genius is coming. Naturally, he has to occupy more places in the extreme training camp. Although the number of places in China has increased a lot because of Dico, the competition is still very fierce. If Dico hadn't spoken in person, then Luo It’s very difficult for Feng to get this spot.”

"By the way, the Wang family in Kyoto Base City hopes to reserve a place for an elite training camp next year. They are willing to pay 800 billion Huaxia coins," Zhou Zhengyong said and looked at Yang Hui tentatively.

"The Wang family in Kyoto base city? Next year?" Yang Hui frowned after hearing this: "The HR Alliance and our Extreme Work also have long-term cooperation. Every year, the HR Alliance has a reserved quota. Why, the Wang family is also the core nine of the HR Alliance. One of the big family consortiums, hasn't it won a spot in the HR Alliance?" "If you want to get it, why do you want to go through the back door?" Zhou Zhengyong smiled helplessly: "There are nine core family consortiums in the HR Alliance, and the Wang family can't compete for it. Strange. After all, in the underground parliament of the HR Alliance, several major chaebol families headed by the Vidias family still have the upper hand."

"This matter is more troublesome," Yang Hui shook his head and said, "Generally, it takes an inspector to make a decision. 800 billion is a big deal! Unfortunately, it's hard to say whether it can impress the inspector!"

"But given your relationship with Speaker Di, wouldn't it be more convenient for you to tell Speaker Di about this kind of thing? Moreover, as long as Speaker Di opens his mouth, it is easy to get two or three places!" Yang Hui said and looked at him in confusion. Address to Zhou Zhengyong.

After hearing this, Zhou Zhengyong smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know something. The Wang family accidentally offended Diko before. How could I have the nerve to ask Diko for help? What's more, you also know Diko's temper. I want to If I go to him about this matter, even if he can give me face once, the relationship will fade away."

"Oh? The Wang family actually offended Speaker Di? No wonder..." Yang Hui, who raised his eyebrows in surprise, seemed to have thought of something, and then frowned and said: "Tie Shou, you are unreasonable! You know that the Wang family has offended Speaker Di, but you still You want me to help you make connections to benefit the Wang family. You, the son-in-law of the Wang family, have begun to betray old friends. This matter was fine before, but now, I am afraid that no one among the better-informed inspectors at the headquarters will be willing to get involved. .”

"Old Zhou, you shouldn't get involved in this matter, and you shouldn't even talk about it. It's okay if Diko doesn't know. If he knows, what do you want him to think?" Zhuge Tao frowned with some dissatisfaction.

Zhou Zhengyong also smiled bitterly when he heard this and said helplessly: "Zhuge, I can't help it! After all, I am also the son-in-law of the Wang family. The Wang family has begged me, what can I do?"

"It seems that the Wang family is really eager to cultivate a strong man. If the Wang family can have a strong member of the parliament, the influence and status in China and the HR Alliance will naturally be different," Zhuge Tao shook his head and sneered: "It's a pity that the Wang family spent such a high price to cultivate a high-level war god. It would be good. After offending Diko, the Wang family has little hope of producing a council member."

"Confused! The old man of the Wang family is getting more and more confused as he gets older. Why are you still bothering? Instead of trying every means to cultivate strong men belonging to the Wang family, it is better to support you fully. If you, the son-in-law of the Wang family, can break through and become a transcendent God of War A super powerful person, the Wang family can be considered to have a parliamentarian backing him," Zhuge Tao continued.

Zhou Zhengyong shook his head and laughed at himself: "Support me? Even I don't have the confidence to become a powerhouse beyond the God of War level. Do you think the Wang family will have confidence in me?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it," Zhou Zhengyong shook his head and said immediately: "Zhuge, your brother is in the base city, right? Yang Hui rarely comes from the headquarters, so he calls back for your brother, Lu Gang, Yan Luo and the others. , let’s get together.”

"That boy Yan Luo is currently focused on practicing hard to become a warrior beyond the God of War level. Now I don't know where he went to find a lord-level monster to practice with. I can't find him." Zhuge Tao shook his head slightly: "On the contrary, Dike and the others Yue is almost always in Jiangnan base city, but he has basically been practicing hard in the wilderness area and may not have time to come back."

"With Speaker Di's current status and unfathomable strength, it's really admirable that he still practices so hard. I'm afraid even the Hall Master and the God of Thunder are not as obsessed with cultivation as Speaker Di!" Yang Hui sighed and said: "I don't dare to expect that I can have such a big face when I meet Speaker Di! Let's not disturb Speaker Di easily."

(End of this chapter)

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