Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 137 Luo Feng is here

Chapter 137 Luo Feng is here
In 2058, there was no Earth where Dicko or Luo Feng appeared. All forces were still exploring Kirishima. There was actually nothing to say.

It's just that in this year, there have been five more strong men in the world who have surpassed the God of War level. Almost all of them have made breakthroughs on Kirishima, and three of them are from China, and four of them have the strength of the invincible God of War.

However, instead of reducing the number of invincible gods of war in the world, there are actually a few more.Obviously, some of the top and most powerful warriors among humans have grown up very quickly in the process of exploring Kirishima.

The number of powerful members of the human race on the entire planet has climbed to eighty.And similarly, in the repeated battles with the three-headed king-level monsters, the strong council members who have been staying in Kirishima all year round have generally improved in strength.

And as time went by, they gradually discovered that practicing around Kirishima was actually more efficient than other places.Naturally, they, who were amazed by the mystery and magic of Kirishima, became more and more enthusiastic about practicing in Kirishima.

And similarly, during these three years of hard-fought battles, a full three of the lord-level monsters guarding Kirishima have broken through and become king-level.

Although it was not difficult to kill the monster that had just broken through, the strong members of the House of Representatives had a tacit understanding and did not take action.Moreover, the three king-level monsters such as the dragon turtle are also vaguely protecting the three weaker king-level monsters.

In this way, under the protection of the dragon turtle, mutated octopus, and earth dragon king, the three new king-level monsters grew up rapidly in the battle with the strong human parliamentarians, and became the new training targets of the strong human parliamentarians.

I don’t know since when, the strong council members who knew that they could not enter Kirishima really used Kirishima as a place to practice and hone themselves.

However, during the exploration of Kirishima and the battles with monsters, a doubt in the hearts of strong people from all sides became more and more intense, that is, where did Dico go?He hasn't been seen in person for more than a year, is he really dead?

In this regard, Jia Yi and other Chinese parliamentarians who were most concerned about this had specifically asked Hong.The answer Hong gave them was that Diko was practicing in seclusion.But how can people believe this?God is practicing in seclusion?What can you practice for so long?
For a time, the matter about Dicko aroused a lot of speculation and suspicion, and even the conspiracy theory that Hong and Lei Shen killed Dicko for the treasures and opportunities of the ancient civilization came out.

If it weren't for Kirishima's influence, I'm afraid that because of Dicko's long-term disappearance, all forces around the world would be even more uneasy.

In fact, it's normal when you think about it. After all, Dicko's influence is really great now.Just imagine, if Hong suddenly disappeared, what kind of impact would it have on a global scale?It can even make many ordinary people panic.After all, he is not only the most powerful man on earth, but also the object of worship and belief among many warriors. He is also the spiritual leader of mankind on earth.

At the end of 2058, something happened that shocked all parties. Luo Feng, who had been trapped in the ruins of an ancient civilization for more than a year, actually came out alive.In this regard, after the same surprise, both the Extreme Martial Arts School and the Huaxia Kingdom were naturally very happy.For such a potential evil spirit master, if he can stay in the ruins of Civilization No. 9 for more than a year and still come out alive, he must have a great opportunity!
Facts have proved that Luo Feng has indeed gained a lot.After returning, Luo Feng, who came to Kirishima out of curiosity, naturally broke into Kirishima easily with his strength comparable to that of a strong member of the parliament.

This was not the first time he came to Kirishima. Luo Feng, who was familiar with the road, directly touched the place where the willows and vegetation spirits grew. He remembered that the largest willow king had a mysterious red light!When he was weak before, he didn't dare to risk getting close. Now that his strength has greatly increased and he is confident, he naturally wants to explore it.

"Perhaps, this red light is the biggest secret on this foggy island," Luo Feng, who was full of expectation and curiosity, saw the looming red light in the churning fog energy on the Willow King that seemed to be bigger than last time. Guang's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he looked at the seven surrounding willow trees that were also bigger: "Deal with these few first, and then deal with the biggest one."

With a thought, Luo Feng directly controlled sixteen black flying knives to spin like wind wheels, cutting some wildly waving willow branches, and bombarded the trunk of one of the willow trees.
Slender golden willow branches swooped in, trying to hinder the black flying knives, and it was obviously more difficult for the black flying knives to cut the golden willow branches.

Ning Mei controlled the flying knives to block the golden willow branches from approaching Luo Feng again and again. Using only three black flying knives, he still quickly cut and broke the trunk of a willow tree.As the one-meter-thick tree trunk was chopped into pieces by the flying knife, a flash of green flew out of the broken wood, and quickly fell into Luo Feng's hands under the control of his mental power.

Luo Feng's behavior also completely angered the willow tree king. A large number of golden willow branches swept in and struck towards Luo Feng as if tossing his hair, causing the air to vibrate.
Boom also controlled the black flying knives and rushed towards Luo Feng like a torrent of flying knives. Accompanied by the booming sound of energy clashing and exploding, under the bombardment of more than a dozen flying knives, many golden willow branches seemed to be struck by It was cut off and fell like shorn hair.

"This willow tree king is more difficult to deal with than last time. Can the spirit of plants and trees grow? And it grows so fast. Is it because of the red light on the tree? What is that red light? Can the willow tree grow? Can the growth of the king also help warriors improve their strength?" Luo Feng, who was helpless with his brows in mind, also became more and more curious about the willow tree king.

Roar... Aohou heard the roars of beasts approaching. Luo Feng knew that those lord-level monsters were chasing him. Although he was not afraid of them, he also understood that he wanted to get these willow trees and trees under their obstruction. The thousand-year-old willow heart of the spirit is undoubtedly more difficult, so I have no choice but to bite the bullet and leave to find other vegetation spirits on the island that are easy to deal with and easy to get.

But even with Luo Feng's strength, he couldn't get a few plant spirits this time. He was chased and intercepted by more and more lord-level monsters and was forced to leave Kirishima in embarrassment...
However, even so, Luo Feng gained a lot from breaking into Kirishima this time, which made many God of War powerhouses and even powerful council members feel jealous.

But Luo Feng is from the Extreme Martial Arts Academy and is the new inspector of the Jiangnan base city of the Extreme Martial Arts Academy. Even if he got the spirit of vegetation, no one would dare to snatch it away.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Day in 2059. Luo Feng, who had been silent for a few days, quietly broke through and became a planet-level spiritual master after getting out of his fighter plane.

Because those lord-level monsters and even a few king-level monsters couldn't tell that he was a planet-level spiritual master, Luo Feng, who deliberately restrained his aura this time, easily and quietly entered Kirishima.
After entering the planet level, Luo Feng's strength was naturally unmatched before. He came to the place where the willow trees and vegetation spirits were. Under the obstruction of the Willow King, he controlled the flying knife three times to divide five into two. In just a few times, it was enough. He easily eliminated the six willow trees around him, and finally focused on the willow king...
(End of this chapter)

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