Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 138 Mu Yajing reappears

Chapter 138 Mu Yajing reappears

The moment a black flying knife approached the willow king under the obstruction of the golden willow branches, it suddenly froze, stopping in mid-air together with the crazy flying golden willow branches.

"Huh? Mental power? How is such a powerful mental power possible?" Luo Feng's expression froze and his eyes widened suddenly, looking with some disbelief at the looming red light in the dense mist-like energy rolling on the trunk of the Willow King. : "How could spiritual power be released in that ball of red light?"

With a muffled sound, the golden willow branches resumed their dancing. After a black flying knife flew to Luo Feng's feet, a clear and angry voice also came from the red light: "Luo Feng, You kid is a little too greedy! You have already obtained eight thousand-year-old willow hearts with nine willow tree spirits, and you still want to take advantage of me, the ten-thousand-year willow king?"

"President Di?" Luo Feng would never forget that familiar voice, but when he heard that voice coming from the red light, he couldn't help but become more surprised and suspicious: "President Di, you are so stupid this"

"I'm practicing!" Diko's calm and casual voice reached Luo Feng's ears: "Okay, don't disturb my practice, and get out of here!"

Practice?After hearing this, Luo Feng, who was still a little confused, couldn't help but come back and said: "President Di, are you practicing here? Could it be that you have discovered this foggy island a long time ago? The spirit of the vegetation on the foggy island is still there. There are those lord-level monsters gathered around Kirishima.”

"Haha... As expected of a genius spiritual master, his head is the aura. Yes, I have indeed discovered this Kirishima a long time ago. The monsters around Kirishima were all tamed by me to protect Kirishima. So, it doesn't matter. Get up, this Kirishima is my private territory. The spirits of the plants and trees on Kirishima actually belong to me. It’s just that I didn’t collect many of the spirit of the plants and trees,” Diko said casually with a smile.

"Then these thousand-year-old willow hearts..." Luo Feng took out the few thousand-year-old willow hearts he had just obtained from his arms, and felt a little like sitting on wax for a moment.They have been making trouble together for a long time, and he has become a thief?

As if feeling Luo Feng's depressed and embarrassed mood, Di Ke couldn't help but laugh loudly and said: "Okay, what you get is yours. It's just some grass and tree spirits, and I don't care too much. Otherwise, what do you think? Can the forces and powerful people from all over the world easily enter this Kirishima to seize the spirits of these plants and trees?"

Easily enter Kirishima?Luo Feng, who was once again speechless upon hearing this, was also a little happy and secretly relieved when he heard Dike's words.It would be better if Diko didn't want the thousand-year-old willow heart back, otherwise his work would be in vain.

However, Luo Feng, who understood the cause of the matter, couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Everyone said that Hong was a rich man, but now it seems that Di Ke is the real big spender!Dico had discovered this mysterious Kiri Island a long time ago, and he didn't care at all about the spirit of the vegetation on the island. He even allowed strong men from all forces to come and take risks. This kind of courage... Luo Feng was already a little bit brave at this time. Don't know what to say.

"Then Speaker Di, I won't disturb your practice," Luo Feng said. Just as he was about to leave, Di Ke suddenly reminded: "Luo Feng, don't leak the news that I am here. Otherwise, let all parties If the forces know, it won't be fun, and they won't be able to enjoy themselves even if they come here to fight and hone their skills."

Is not fun?Is this for fun?Could it be that in Speaker Di's eyes, the various forces coming to explore Kirishima is just a child's play?
Luo Feng, who was complaining and helpless in his heart, also roughly guessed some of Diko's intentions in creating this Kirishima. He couldn't help but secretly admire Diko's generosity in creating such a so-called mysterious treasure land to hone some God of War powerhouses and even strong MPs. By!
"Yes!" Luo Feng, who was thinking a lot. After he respectfully left, he couldn't help but thought to himself: "What level has Chairman Di's strength reached? Could it be that he has surpassed Hong and Lei Shen? It seems that after discovering Kirishima before, , Hong and Lei Shen are also cooperating with him in acting!"

"He has disappeared for so long, and he is really practicing in seclusion, and he is on Kirishima. No wonder no one can find him." Luo Feng's heart was full of curiosity and admiration: "He is so strong and works so hard. Cultivation, Speaker Di, really...if my strength reached his level, would I still practice so diligently? What prompted him to practice so hard? Is it the pressure from the civilization of the universe?" This time with Di Ke's contact made Luo Feng think a lot, and he felt that his whole body was shocked.It turns out that being the strongest person on earth is not that easy!Dicko, Hong and Thor were under so much pressure!

Just a few days after Luo Feng broke through and entered the planetary level, a sensational news spread. A God of War level expert was lucky enough to discover the magical and precious Wood Bud Crystal in the lake around Kirishima.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng, Li Yao, Yan Luo and other powerful members of the Chinese nation discovered and obtained the Mu Mei Crystal one after another, which completely detonated the atmosphere in Kirishima.

The news of the discovery of Kome Akira near Kirishima spread quickly, attracting almost all the powerful congressmen from around the world to come to Kirishima in a short period of time and start a big excavation.
With the rediscovery of Muya Crystal, its efficacy cannot be concealed.The forces and experts from all sides soon learned that the Muya Crystal contains rich vitality. Not only can it assist in cultivation, but one single crystal can easily allow intermediate and high-level gods of war to break through and enter the planetary level.

A wood bud crystal represents a planet-level powerhouse. With such terrifying effects, one can imagine the value of the wood bud crystal!The search and competition for Mu Yajing by various forces and strong men soon became bloody and fierce.

In such a competition, the God of War-level powerhouses are not even qualified to participate. Even if they are lucky enough to get the Muya Crystal, they will be taken away by the powerful council members, and they may even lose their lives for the crime of possessing the jade.

A treasure that can make even powerful members of Parliament fight for it like crazy. Even Hong and Lei Shen can't restrain the fight for it.In just one day and one night, in order to fight for the dozen or so wood bud crystals that were discovered one after another, several powerful congressmen were seriously injured, and even a congressman from the HR Alliance died.

At this time, there are no rules. It just depends on who is lucky and has a hard enough fist.Among them, the Chinese side is undoubtedly the most united and has the largest number of strong members, so it gets relatively more Muya Crystals.

The HR Alliance is the craziest. East united with America's 'Snow Emperor' Mo Henderson and went crazy. They did everything they could to get Mu Yajing, which resulted in the death of a HR Alliance member.

The two equally powerful martial arts schools also gained a lot, especially Luo Feng. He had just stepped into the planetary level. With the help of the escape shuttle given to him by Hong, he suddenly burst out with a force that was as close as Mo Henderson and East. Strength has become the most dazzling presence in this bloody competition of 'Muya Crystal Feast'.

And just when this battle was about to end, Diko appeared out of thin air above the red light of fog on the branches of the Willow King on Kirishima Island, greedily absorbing the fresh air on Kirishima Island, ruthlessly He stretched hard, and all the muscles and bones in his body were trembling slightly, making a sound of muscles and bones.

"Oh! What a long retreat!" He muttered to himself, and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were as bright as lightning, and there seemed to be an invisible force field surrounding him that made the space tremble. It was exactly The breakthrough had just been completed, and there was still some mental power that could not be perfectly controlled: "A first-level mental power master of the stellar level... It is really not easy to break through the mental power and step into the stellar level!"

(End of this chapter)

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