Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 140 The atmospheric Dicko

Chapter 140 The atmospheric Dicko

Seeing the playful smile on Thor's face, Hong couldn't help but feel helpless: "You guys are really shameless!"

"As long as I can break through and become a stellar warrior, what's wrong with being shameless? I've been waiting for this day for decades. Brother Hong, this time, I'm going to be ahead of you! Wait until I break through and step into Stellar level, I guess you may not be able to win me even if you have the domain," Thor, who curled his lips slightly indifferently, said with a smile.

Seeing his confident and smug look, Hong was too embarrassed to hit him.Diko also smiled and shook his head slightly. It seemed that Thor had not competed with Hong for some time, and he also overestimated the strength of the stellar first-order warrior.

"How about it, Diko, you are now a first-level spiritual master of the stellar level. The strength of the warrior must be stronger. Just help your Brother Lei and help me!" The God of Thunder smiled at Diko. Liandao.

Seeing the God of Thunder like this, Dike couldn't help but shook his head helplessly and said: "Brother Lei, I actually didn't get many Muya Crystals. Besides, I also have to practice! Even if I don't use it, Jiang Fang can use it. This Muya Crystal is also a very precious cultivation resource for China..."

"Dico, are you too stingy? I told you it was on credit, but I didn't tell you that I wanted it for nothing," the God of Thunder glared and said angrily when he heard this.

"Hey Dico, your brother Lei is joking with you!" Hong coughed lightly, and Diko also said with a smile: "Haha...Brother Lei, I am joking with you too! I don't have much Mu Yajing, However, I have here some fire crystals that are more suitable for your cultivation, Brother Lei. Brother Lei, your original power is the attribute of thunder and lightning. This fire crystal containing pure fire energy is a great supplement for you. It should be more helpful for you to break through."

As Diko said and waved, dozens of dark red crystals appeared out of thin air in the air beside him. For a moment, a surging hot aura rose, causing the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly.

"This" Feeling the pure fire attribute energy contained in the fire source crystals, the God of Thunder suddenly stared in shock: "Dico, you actually have such a good treasure, and you have been hiding it. Yes, it’s too much.”

"Brother Lei, do you want it? If you don't want it, then I'll put it away! This fire source crystal is what I usually use for practice. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't be willing to give it to anyone else!" Before the Thunder God could say it, When it was over, Dico was about to put it away with his hand.

"If you want it, who said I don't want it?" As he spoke, Thor hurriedly controlled the Black God suit to extend, wrapping the dozens of fire source crystals like a large piece of black cloth, and picked up a He looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but said with shining eyes: "Dico, I know you are a very generous person!"

"Oh, am I so angry now?" Dico laughed a little. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the world ring could absorb the energy of the universe and condensed some fire source crystals in the inner world, Dico would have been No matter how generous you are, you can't give Thor dozens of fire crystals at once.

You must know that this fire source crystal contains the original power of a world. Whether it is preciousness or efficiency in assisting cultivation, it is not comparable to the Muya crystal.

Immediately afterwards, Diko turned over and took out twenty fire source crystals and ten wood sprout crystals, and said to Hong: "Brother Hong, your original power is the light attribute, and it is also related to the flame attribute. , the fire source crystal should also be useful for your cultivation. You can try it first. If the effect is good, I will give you some fire source crystal later. As for this wood sprout crystal, I don’t have much on me, so I will give it to you first. Ten are ready.”

"Dike, whether it's the Fire Source Crystal or the Wood Bud Crystal, they are both too precious. It's not okay for you to give me so much at once. I..." Seeing this, Hong couldn't help but refused.

The God of Thunder on the side also looked moved, and then the rare smile on his face turned solemn: "Dico, I was really joking with you just now. You are very talented, and now your strength has surpassed that of Brother Hong and me. As a person now The strongest man on earth, the stronger you are, the better! So your cultivation is more important, these fire crystals..." The God of Thunder said, actually returning all the fire crystals he had just put away to Di division.And Di Ke also smiled helplessly and said: "Brother Lei, slap me in the face, right? Do you think, since I have inherited the ancient civilization, I will waste this little cultivation resource? What's the matter, Brother Lei, you are not in a hurry to make a breakthrough. Have you entered the stellar level? Now that I am stronger than you and Brother Hong, you don’t have any sense of urgency? Don’t you want to help me share the pressure? You can’t have me to fight against anything in the future, right? Then I, the most powerful person on earth, am too tired!"

"Haha...Diko, now you know the pressure that Brother Hong and I had in the past, right?" The God of Thunder laughed loudly upon hearing this.

"Okay, second brother, since Diko gave it to you, just accept it! Practice hard and strive to enter the stellar level as soon as possible," Hong Ye said at the side: "I will also work hard and try to catch up as soon as possible. You. After the three of us have entered the stellar level, at least we will have some ability to protect ourselves when facing civilizations in the universe. Since we are the three strongest people on earth, we must shoulder some responsibilities. "

"I know, Brother Hong," the God of Thunder nodded slightly, turned to look at Dico and said, "Then Dico, I won't be polite to you!"

"There is no need to be polite," Diko said with a smile: "Although these fire crystals are precious, I still have some. And when I practice, I always absorb the energy in the universe, and I can also absorb it in that red light. A small amount of fire source crystals are condensed. So, feel free to use these fire source crystals when you practice, and don’t be reluctant to part with them. When they are used up, I will give you some more. For us, the most important thing is to improve our strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, Once the earth is discovered by civilizations and powerful people in the universe, no matter how good the treasure is, we will not be able to protect it without sufficient strength, and we will be guilty of it."

"It makes sense! After I go back, I will start to practice in seclusion. I won't come out until I step into the star level," the God of Thunder nodded and gritted his teeth in a fierce manner.

"It seems that I will have to go into seclusion when I go back," Hong Ye said with a smile: "This time, all the forces and powerful people have more or less obtained some wood sprout crystals in Kirishima, and there should be more in the future. It is estimated that some planet-level powerhouses and some veteran parliamentary powerhouses can also improve. The strength of the top powerhouses on earth can be raised to another level."

After hearing this, Di Ke shook his head slightly and said: "Using wood bud crystals to create planet-level first-order warriors is really a waste. Having more powerful council members actually has little significance in improving the overall strength of human beings on earth. On the contrary, it is not as good as Focus on cultivating some talented children with potential.”

"That's right! One or two more geniuses like Di Ke and Luo Feng are more meaningful than one, twenty or more powerful council members," Thor nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Hong smiled noncommittally after hearing this: "Having said that, how can there be so many truly evil geniuses? To improve the overall strength of our human beings on earth, the cultivation of a large number of strong people is also very important. The growth of human beings on earth has a lot of responsibilities. It’s a long way to go! We still need to work hard together!”

"Well, that kid Luo Feng is indeed good! His talent as a psychic teacher is better than that of East," Diko also said with a smile: "He can step into the planetary level so quickly. I believe he can catch up with us in strength." It shouldn’t take long.”

"Luo Feng has great potential and is indeed worth cultivating," Hong nodded slightly, while Lei Shen looked at Dike and said, "Dike, are you planning to give Luo Feng some wood sprout crystals and fire source crystals?"

To Luo Fengmu Yajing?Di Ke couldn't help but feel speechless after hearing this. Luo Feng, who has inherited the lineage of the Fallen Ink Star, definitely has the most Wood Bud Crystals on the earth, so he still cares about his three melons and two dates?

(End of this chapter)

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