Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 141 The persistent Babata

Chapter 141 The persistent Babata
Around Kirishima, the search and scramble for Kome Akira ended quickly.Many powerful people left one after another after Hong and Lei Shen left.

Of course, there were some later strong men who were unwilling to gain anything or less and continued to search, but the result was undoubtedly that they could not find Mu Yajing again.

Moreover, Dicko had already discovered Kirishima, and even the news of practicing in seclusion on Kirishima spread quietly, which surprised all the forces and powerful people, but also made them feel complicated and embarrassed.

It turns out that what they thought was a treasure, the spirit of the plants and trees obtained by venturing into Kirishima, actually belonged to Dico long ago in principle.

I'm afraid Dicko is still watching them on Kirishima as they hone their adventures!Thinking of this, some of the powerful God of War worshiped Dico even more, secretly praising his magnanimity.But those planet-level powerhouses, especially the planet-level powerhouses who did not have a good deal with Diko, such as Mo Henderson, East and others, were depressed. Why did Dicko suffer all this good thing? What's up?

Especially Mo Henderson, who sneaked into Kirishima from the underground and found the Koge Crystal but was snatched away by Dicko, became even more depressed and helpless after seeing Dicko's unfathomable strength.The growth rate of Diko is too fast. Now I am afraid that both Hong and Thor are very afraid of him!
"That Dicko's aura... is really too powerful! Could it be that his strength has surpassed that of Hong and Thunder God? Could it be that he has become a star-level powerhouse?" Thinking of this, Mo Henderson became more and more worried. Trembling and powerless.

And Di Ke, who had made a breakthrough and became a first-class astral-level spiritual master, and had also cultivated the Force to the third-level stellar level, also suspended his training and went to the extreme training camp in Hongning Base City to accompany Jiang Fang and his son.

This way of cultivation also requires relaxation.Although Diko enjoys the feeling of improving his strength, his current training method is also quite tiring and unbearable.Occasionally, I can relax and spend more time with my wife and children. I can also give Jiang Fang, my son, and some extreme training camp geniuses that I like, some guidance on their cultivation.

But what Di Ke didn't expect was that Luo Feng would suddenly come looking for him a few days after he returned.This time, Luo Feng, in addition to thanking Diko for having someone send him twenty fire source crystals to assist in his cultivation, he also brought some unexpected news to Diko.

"You said that you previously discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization deep under Kirishima, and also received the inheritance of the mysterious and powerful Meteor Star lineage in the universe?" In the extreme training camp, in the living room of Dico's villa, After listening to Luo Feng's story, Diko couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Luo Feng also nodded sternly and said: "That's right! Chairman Di, the core inheritance of this lineage I have received is the inheritance of spiritual telepathy master training. Chairman Di, you are also a spiritual telepathic, so you should be the strongest in our lineage on earth. A great spiritual master, so I think you should also be suitable for practicing the secret techniques inherited by some spiritual masters from the Yuanmo Star lineage."

"Oh? Are you going to pass on the inheritance you got to me?" Diko raised his eyebrows in surprise, and couldn't help but secretly said: "Is this what Babata meant? He is too persistent. You want me to become a descendant of the Yuanmoxing lineage, right?"

"President Di, the Fallen Ink Star lineage prohibits the transmission of secret techniques, and I cannot disobey it. Therefore, I would like to ask, are you willing to join the Fallen Ink Star lineage?" Luo Feng continued directly.

When Diko heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "Haha, of course! Although I have inherited some ancient civilization relics, it is mainly the inheritance of warriors. Since there is the inheritance of powerful spiritual masters, I naturally have no reason to refuse. Isn't it just to join the meteorite? As for the Black Star lineage, there is no problem! We are all natives of the earth. If we can join some powerful forces in the universe, we will have a backer, and it will be much easier to travel in the universe in the future." "This Chairman Di, Now I am the only one in the entire Yuan Mo Star lineage," Luo Feng blinked when he heard this and said a little embarrassed.

"You're the only one?" Diko stared in surprise, then raised his eyebrows and said guessingly: "It seems that the lineage of Yuanmoxing encountered a disaster, and some descendants fled to the earth, leaving behind the inheritance. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us, the earth's native strong men, to easily obtain the powerful inheritance in the universe? Although practicing this inheritance may face some troubles and dangers in the future, the improvement of strength is the most important thing now. Otherwise, without strong enough strength, It will be difficult for us to survive in the universe in the future, not to mention the trouble we will have to deal with once the earth is discovered by civilizations and powerful people in the universe."

In the intelligent space on Luo Feng's body, Babata was listening to the conversation between Luo Feng and Diko. Hearing what Diko said, he couldn't help but mentally communicate with Luo Feng: "This Diko is indeed the most powerful spiritual master on the earth. , He is indeed very smart. Only a sober and decisive person like him can better survive in the universe. Luo Feng, the mental power of this Dike minor has reached the stellar level, and his strength has already surpassed that of Hong and Lei Shen. You also want to You have to work hard. Otherwise, I’m afraid even Hong and Lei Shen won’t be able to catch up.”

"Got it!" Luo Feng responded helplessly. In fact, after learning about Diko's strength from Babata's mouth at the beginning, he was really surprised. At the star level, Diko turned out to be a star level powerhouse. ?Luo Feng felt that he was a monster. He had become a planet-level spiritual master at a young age, but in front of Diko, he was so shocked!

At the same time, Luo Feng also understood why Babata was obsessed with letting Diko accept the inheritance of the Fallen Ink Star lineage and join the Fallen Ink Star lineage.Indeed, in comparison, Diko is indeed more suitable to become a descendant of the Fallen Ink Star lineage.If Babata hadn't been able to attract Dicko, such a good thing wouldn't have happened to him!
Luo Feng, who felt a little shocked by this, did not feel jealous at all.After all, Diko was kind to him and helped him many times. Now that he had the opportunity to help Diko, he was very happy.And as the strongest human being on earth, the stronger Dicko is, the better!

Now Luo Feng can be regarded as a strong man standing at the pinnacle level of Earth's warriors. He has also had some exchanges with Hong. He understands that the people on earth may face threats from cosmic civilizations and strong men in the future, and there is also some pressure. Naturally, he also hopes There are more strong men like Hong, Thor and Diko to support the people on earth.

Therefore, after Diko agreed to join the Fallen Ink Star lineage, Luo Feng directly sent a large amount of information to Diko's auxiliary optical brain through the auxiliary optical brain, even including Babata's subsidiary intelligence, to guide Diko Practicing the secret method of the Yuanmo Star spiritual master lineage.

Even, in addition to the inheritance of the spiritual master lineage, there are also some martial arts inheritance of the Yuanmoxing lineage, which are also the inheritance of the immortal gods, with systematic guidance for cultivating to the level of the immortal gods.After all, Diko was trained as a warrior and a spiritual master.

After some exchanges, Luo Feng also expressed his desire to teach Hong He the inheritance of warriors from the Thundergod Yunmoxing lineage.Dico naturally had no objection to this.In fact, after receiving the inheritance from the Fire God lineage, he had already passed on some warrior inheritance suitable for Hong and Lei Shen's training.

Otherwise, even if Hong and Lei Shen use the guidance technique created by Dicko, their strength will not increase so quickly.The key is that this inheritance broadens their horizons, increases their foundation, and helps improve their overall strength and future growth.

"Now, I have obtained the inheritance of the Fire God lineage and the Fallen Ink Star lineage. The strength of Hong and Lei Shen have also improved rapidly, and they are expected to break through and enter the star level. When the time comes, we will work together to deal with a golden man who has just entered the star level. It should be easier for the giant horned beast, right?" Dico thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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