Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 142 The Golden Horned Beast

Chapter 142 The Golden Horned Beast
In the next year, although Dicko spent most of his time practicing in Kirishima, he would also spend a few days every month to spend time with his wife and children.

The year 2059 was the year when the number of planet-level warriors increased the most on Earth.In Kirishima, all parties have more or less obtained some wood sprout crystals.

Most of these wood bud crystals were used for some gods of war to break through, so that the number of strong councilors on the earth increased by twenty or thirty this year, and the number of all powerful councilors on the earth has exceeded a hundred. Bit.

Di Ke, Hong, Lei Shen, and some powerful veteran senators who also obtained the Muya Crystal were also practicing in low-key seclusion, so that the entire earth was calmer than ever before.

But in this calmness, Dicko was still a little stressed.On the entire earth, he was the only one who knew that the golden-horned behemoth would be born on earth.

That is the golden-horned giant beast with the pinnacle bloodline in the universe!Even if it is just a star-level golden-horned behemoth cub, it will be a powerful existence that is difficult to defeat for humans on earth and will bring about a terrible disaster.

Unconsciously, a year has passed. Under the invisible pressure, Diko, who has worked hard to cultivate, is constantly improving. The strength of the warrior has reached the fourth level of the star level, and the mental power is close to the third level of the star level.

With such strength, coupled with domain assistance, Dico was still very confident in dealing with a golden-horned giant beast that had just entered the stellar level.

The time passed by 2060, and it was almost before the Golden Horned Behemoth appeared. However, a month passed, and it was February of 2060, but the Golden Horned Behemoth did not appear. This made Dico feel a little confused, and even Be anxious.

"What's going on? Could that golden-horned giant beast be aware of my strength, so it's still hiding and practicing?" Unexpectedly, it was March 2060, and the earth was still peaceful, but Dico felt better in his heart. Feeling frightened and confused.

Dicko, who was somewhat unable to calm down and practice, finally couldn't sit still in April 2060. He couldn't help but start taking a fighter plane to search the sea, hoping to find the gold hidden in the earth that was slowly growing. Horned giant beast, lest it grow too powerful and difficult to deal with.

But what made Dico helpless was that this golden-horned giant beast seemed not to be on the earth at all. No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of it.Even when Diko used his mental power to communicate with some king-level monsters in the sea, he didn't get any news about the golden-horned monster.

Unexpectedly, in May of 2060, Dicko, who flew out of the fighter plane over Kirishima, could not help but frown and said helplessly: "Could it be that because of my appearance, the eggs of the golden-horned giant beast did not fall on this earth?" Up?"

"Normally not! If my guess is right, the appearance of the golden-horned giant beast on the earth should have been arranged by the mountain guest to train disciples of the earth's lineage. It is impossible not to train them just because of my existence. And even if it is I'm afraid the mountain rider won't be able to discover my specialness." Hanging over Kirishima, Dicko was filled with doubts: "Could it be that the mountain rider found out that I was stronger, so he deliberately influenced the golden-horned giant beast to continue to grow? Will you show up again stronger to put more pressure on the strong humans on earth?"

"Whether that's the case or not, I can no longer waste time looking for the golden-horned giant beast. It's more important to practice and improve my strength. Now that Thor has broken through to the star level, Brother Hong should be there soon. As long as we are strong enough, Naturally, I can face some troubles and dangers calmly," Dicko took a deep breath and flew into Kirishima below with a firm gaze, ready to continue practicing in seclusion.

And this time, nearly a month passed in the blink of an eye. After the warrior's strength reached the fifth level of the stellar level, and his mental power also broke through to the third level of the stellar level, Dike ended his retreat and returned to Hongning Base City. .

Diko, who had just returned to Hong Ning's base city, received a surprising news. After Thor's breakthrough, Hong finally entered the stellar level.Thor and Hong's successive breakthroughs also made Dico feel more at ease.Just a few days later, when he was about to return to Kirishima to practice, an unexpected urgent news summoned the top leaders of all forces and all the powerful members to the God of War Palace in the virtual space.

In the conference hall on the top floor of the Palace of the God of War, Diko came here and saw nearly a hundred strong members of parliament wearing golden robes, as well as many gods of war wearing white robes and some leaders of the five major powers who had been specially authorized to come this time. He couldn't help but frown.

When "President Di" saw Di Ke come in, the conference hall immediately started talking among themselves. Most of the powerful members of Parliament who didn't know what was going on seemed to have found a backbone, and they hurriedly greeted Di Ke respectfully and politely.

There were more and more people in the conference hall, and Dico, who had already made some guesses about what happened, had no intention of chatting politely with everyone.

Not long after, with the arrival of all the parliamentarians on the earth, the leaders of the five major powers, the Speaker of the HR Alliance, and the Speakers of the God of War Palace such as Hong, Lei Shen, Mo Henderson, East, and Atkin, the man and The dark-skinned president who came with Meredith Henderson finally stepped onto the podium with an ugly face and told everyone in a serious tone that the disaster and doomsday of the earth had come.

The high-level human beings and top powerhouses sitting below couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this. Soon after seeing the video played on the huge screen in front of the conference hall, Dico, who was sitting in the front row near the middle, He also frowned and his face became solemn.

In the video, on the river surface not far from the war base, a phantom broke out of the water at an extremely fast speed, and then turned into a monster with a body length of more than 300 meters, a body similar to a lion, and a body covered with a large number of black scales.

This mysterious monster, which has never appeared on earth, has a pair of wings that are three to four hundred meters wide and covered with black scales, as if made of steel.Every scale on its body has an edge that is as chilling as a blade.

Especially the two long horns, one big and one small, about to pierce the sky, black and entwined with golden streaks, and even more like sharp spears. Dike felt helpless and bitter in his heart: "Sure enough, they are golden horns. It’s a giant beast, and its second golden horn has grown very long, so its current strength must be at the fifth or sixth level of a star, right?”

Seeing the golden-horned giant beast, everyone who was whispering below felt an inexplicable sense of fear in their hearts. Even Hong and Lei Shen were no exception, but for them, the fear was much weaker.

Immediately afterwards, exclamations rang out, because in the video, the golden-horned beast faced the laser cannon attack from the battlefield base without any damage, which naturally shocked the powerful members of the House of Representatives.

The most powerful laser cannon on earth, even the two beast kings, as well as Hong and Lei Shen who have stepped into the stellar level, dare not say that they can resist without any damage.

And next, what shocked everyone was that the golden-horned giant beast opened its mouth, and the surrounding space was distorted. The huge war base actually levitated and headed towards the golden-horned giant beast's mouth. It flew over, even began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was finally swallowed by the golden-horned giant beast.

"All fifty thousand soldiers in the entire war base were eaten, and no one survived," the dark-skinned president's deep voice sounded: "However, this is just the beginning! Led by this terrifying mysterious monster, there are two beast kings and countless other sea monsters , following its orders, it has begun to attack the interior..."

The video showed countless scenes of water monsters advancing crazily along the river...Then the screen switched, showing the scene of the golden-horned giant beast devouring another war base. This also made Hong and Lei Shen unable to calm down. They sat down with solemn expressions. Straighten up...
(End of this chapter)

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