Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 143 How to deal with it?

Chapter 143 How to deal with it?

There was a lot of discussion in the conference hall, and the faces of the leaders and powerful parliamentarians from various countries could not hide their anxious looks.Facing this mysterious and terrifying monster that suddenly appeared, everyone was a little panicked.

"The two beast kings in the sea can serve as followers, and even the highest-frequency laser cannons can hardly damage their scales. The strength of this mysterious monster is at least the peak of the planetary level, and may even have reached the star level. Where did such a terrifying monster come from? Why have you never seen it before?" Hong and Lei Shen looked at each other with anxiety and worry in their eyes.

Hong and Lei Shen, who have already entered the stellar level, are not too afraid of monsters at the stellar level.But this golden-horned giant beast was too mysterious and powerful. It appeared so without any warning, which really made them feel a little uneasy.

And soon, an old bald white man in charge of ancient civilization relics in the HR Alliance recognized that the golden-horned behemoth was a devouring behemoth among the starry sky behemoths, and briefly gave some information about the starry sky behemoths. .

But even the immortal gods like the master of the Fallen Ink Star have limited information about the starry sky beasts. The information about the starry sky beasts obtained by the HR Alliance from the ruins of ancient civilizations is only superficial. Probably just to judge the strength of the golden-horned giant beast.

After learning that the mysterious monster was a starry sky beast, a group of the world's most elite people in the conference hall immediately began to discuss anxiously, discussing how to deal with this devouring giant beast.

At the same time, some people were keenly aware of the speed of the golden-horned beast. When they learned that its flight speed exceeded [-] meters per second, Hong and Lei Shen couldn't help but change their expressions.

With such a terrifying speed, even if they reach stellar level, they will still be inferior when they explode with all their strength.And in a sense, the speed also reveals the terrifying strength of the golden-horned behemoth from the side.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng also obtained more detailed information about the golden-horned beast from Babata, and judged that the approximate strength of the golden-horned beast was between the fifth and sixth levels of the star level.

"Star level? Or a starry sky beast of the fifth or sixth level of the star level?" After hearing Luo Feng's judgment on the strength of the golden-horned giant beast, everyone in the conference hall exclaimed in despair.After all, in their understanding, even Hong and Lei Shen are still only planet-level in strength. This gap is too big.

Hong and Lei Shen, whose expressions also changed slightly, looked at Diko subconsciously.Although they have already reached the stellar level, they are still not confident against the starry sky beasts that are several levels stronger than them.If you want to deal with this starry beast, only Dico has hope.

Seeing everyone's grief, anger and despair because of the strength of the golden-horned giant beast, Thor made eye contact with Hong, and even informed everyone that he and Hong had entered the stellar level.

After hearing the news, everyone was excited and surprised. Thinking of the strength of the golden-horned beast, they still felt that it was too risky for Hong and Lei Shen to fight with it.

Therefore, senior officials from various countries and some top nuclear bomb experts who came to participate in the meeting are also discussing using nuclear bombs to deal with the golden-horned beast first.Even if you can't kill it directly, you can injure the golden-horned giant beast, and you can still win the hope of killing it for humans on earth!

However, while the experts were discussing, the latest news came. When dealing with some military fighters preparing to evacuate, the Golden-Horned Behemoth actually used long-range attack methods. This undoubtedly made it difficult to use nuclear bombs against the Golden-Horned Behemoth. greatly increase.

In order to ensure the feasibility of the nuclear bomb plan, Hong even offered to give up his own prehistoric-level smart fighter, and let this fighter with the strongest defense obtained from the ruins of ancient civilizations carry a hydrogen bomb close to the golden-horned behemoth and then self-destruct.However, Luo Feng also said that it is not realistic for a prehistoric-level smart fighter to enter the mouth of the golden-horned behemoth and explode, because once the golden-horned behemoth swallows it, the surrounding space will be distorted and separated from the outside world, making it impossible to remotely control the space inside the fighter. The hydrogen bomb detonated.And within the scope of the devouring and distorted space, the metal of fighter planes and nuclear bombs will automatically begin to decompose...
Therefore, the best way is to let the prehistoric-class smart fighter get close to other parts of the golden-horned beast to detonate it. Although the lethality is not as good as a direct headshot, it at least has a better chance of successfully injuring it.

Luo Feng then asked Hong for information about all ancient civilization ruins on the earth, hoping to find weapons that could kill the golden-horned giant beast in those ruins.

After Luo Feng left, Hong Cai came to Diko and whispered: "How about it, if you take action, is there any hope of killing this devouring beast?"

"If you work hard, there should be some hope," Diko said in a deep voice, and Hong frowned and shook his head and said: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, you'd better not take action easily. If even you fail, then we There is even less hope of killing it.”

"Don't worry! I won't be reckless and impulsive. I haven't lived enough yet!" Diko turned to look at Hong: "Try using a nuclear bomb first! Even if you can't kill the Devouring Beast, you can still hurt it. Try it. It would also be good to reveal some of its hidden methods. If it doesn’t work, it’s not too late for us to take action.”

If the golden-horned behemoth was just entering the stellar level of strength like in the original work, Diko would naturally have the confidence to fight it, and even be sure to kill it.

But now this golden-horned giant beast has the strength of the fifth and sixth levels of the star level. It is not weaker than Diko at all, and may even be stronger.Based on the powerful bloodline of the golden-horned giant beast, even if Diko had the domain, he was not sure he could kill it!
The threats and troubles brought by the Golden Horned Behemoth are greater than expected. As a starry sky behemoth with the pinnacle bloodline in the universe, the Golden Horned Behemoth is still very intelligent even though it has only been born for more than a year.

The golden-horned behemoth that landed on the east coast of the United States, after destroying all war bases in North America, began to fly quickly to Europe, wreaking havoc on some important war bases in Europe.With its flight and destruction speed, I believe it will soon destroy war bases in Asia.

If there is no war base to stop the sea monsters, countless sea monsters will move inland along the rivers, and a large-scale war may soon break out with some base cities.

Obviously, the golden-horned behemoth wants to destroy all war bases as quickly as possible, use long-range attacks to destroy laser cannons, allow countless sea monsters to attack humans, and arrange for some sea king-level monsters to chase and kill the retreating people. Human army.

With the help of the power of sea monsters, we can eliminate the humans on the earth as soon as possible. Without any obstacles, the golden-horned monsters can naturally eat metal comfortably and evolve to grow.

But for humans on earth, this is an extremely terrible disaster.First of all, the human army will definitely suffer heavy casualties, and once the terrifying beast tide threatens each base city, more and more humans will die in such a life-and-death war.

Therefore, in order to deal with this crazy golden-horned behemoth, the top human beings also quickly decided to implement the nuclear bomb attack plan as quickly as possible, and could no longer let the golden-horned behemoth continue to destroy it so unscrupulously.

Faced with such a critical situation, many powerful council members are also prepared. Once some base cities are in danger, they will take action to deal with those threatening king-level monsters...
(End of this chapter)

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