Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 154 Learning and Growing

Chapter 154 Learning and Growing

Dico's mind was spinning, and then he pretended to be uncomfortable and fell to the ground as if he couldn't bear it.And when he walked out of the magic circle pretending to be weak, he saw the bald old man staring at him like a ghost, his voice trembling: "The mental power is 98 times that of people of the same age..."

"98 times? It seems that Dixie, the first genius of Ernst College, has 68 times the mental strength of his peers. Am I even more powerful than him?" Diko was also stunned after hearing this: "This is not me. The limit! Is it because I am a star-level spiritual master in the Devouring Starry Sky World, so even though I haven’t started practicing magic yet, my mental power is already comparable to some fifth- and sixth-level magicians?”

As the bald old man's slightly trembling voice sounded, the whole hall was boiling for a moment. Even Elena looked at Dico with her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.This guy is actually more evil than her?

In terms of magic talent, Elena is not inferior to Lin Lei at all.Although Linley has super affinity with dual elements, Elena's mental power is also super.Her elemental affinity and spiritual power are both super, and Elena's magic talent is even better than Linley's.

Dicko also has super elemental affinities and super super mental power, not to mention his magical talent and potential.He and Elena were naturally invited by Ernst College, and both chose to study there.

Although Dicko and Elena have passed the magic test and have been admitted to Ernst College, the start of Ernst College will be in February of the following year, and there are still a few months to go!

In the Viscount's Mansion, after learning the results of the magic test, Mr. Bayonet couldn't help but look at Dico and Elena with a smile: "Okay, okay! The elemental affinity is super, and the mental power is also super, especially Dico, whose mental power is It’s 98 times that of people of the same age, which is simply unbelievable! It seems that I underestimated you two little guys before!"

"Starting from tomorrow, you can learn some basic magic knowledge from me! Although my level of magic is average, it is enough to teach you two how to get started," Mr. Bayonet continued with a smile.

Learning the basics of magic?When Diko heard this, he couldn't help looking at Mr. Bayonet with a little surprise. He was a killer and was actually a magician?A dual practitioner of magic and martial arts?

"Yes, Grandpa Doug!" But on the surface, Dico and Elena still responded respectfully.However, every time Mr. Bayonet's name was called, Dico couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart, why did he call him such a name?This name was probably not given by my biological father.

And then, when he formally learned magic from Mr. Bayonet, Dicko discovered that the head of the Saber organization in Finlay City as Viscount Doug was not only a magician, but also a magician. A dual magician.Coincidentally, he is a fire and light magician.

Therefore, although Dicko did not know what level of magician Mr. Bayonet was, his magic foundation was still very solid, and he was able to teach Dicko and Elena basic magic knowledge and introductory magic training with ease.

In addition to learning magic, Mr. Bayonet also found time to teach Dicko and Elena how to read and write, and learned various knowledge such as history and art. According to him, a true noble must have profound knowledge. This is the foundation of a noble. and literacy.

For those who didn’t know, I thought he really wanted to cultivate nobles!But after getting to know him a little bit more, Dicko secretly guessed that Mr. Bayonet was a mature man. He had lived a long time and stayed in Fenlai City to take care of himself. He only used to read and study when he had nothing to do. Come to kill time.

Over time, Mr. Bayonet, who was a killer, really slowly developed some aristocratic bearing and qualities in Fenlai City.

At the same time, in addition to learning magic and knowledge, Mr. Bayonet also specially arranged for people to guide Dicko and Elena in warrior training, training their reactions, flexibility, etc.

Therefore, Dico and Elena's life in the Viscount Mansion was very fulfilling, and they were even exhausted physically and mentally by the full schedule of various studies and exercises every day.However, Dico seemed to enjoy it. Whether it was learning magic, learning various knowledge or training warriors, he was very serious and learned quickly.His intelligence and understanding far beyond ordinary people also gave Mr. Bayonet a surprise as if he had truly found a treasure.

Di Ke knows very well that his current strength is still very weak, and he must at least have the strength of the Holy Domain to truly gain a foothold in the Magnolia Continent.Therefore, the most important thing for him at the moment is to improve his strength as quickly as possible.

What Diko didn't expect was that Elena, a weak and weak girl, could persevere in the face of such intense training and training arranged by Mr. Bayonet.Hidden beneath her fragile appearance is a strong heart.

"What can make a little girl so strong? Could it be that at such a young age, she can understand the importance of strength like me? Or is it because of her brother?" To Elena, Dico was He became more and more curious.

But Elena's younger brother Allen, that little guy seems much lazier.Although he had to conduct warrior training with Dico and Elena every day, and could even listen to Mr. Bayonet's lectures on various knowledge with them, he could not endure hardship and had little patience or interest in learning.

Fortunately, Mr. Bayonet didn't care much about him. He made no demands on him and completely ignored him. It was equivalent to raising a little guy in his viscount's house who had no sense of existence and was just a freeloader.

However, Allen is still very satisfied with his current life and doesn't care at all that the young master is not a young master and a servant is not a servant.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye. On the surface, Dicko showed his strength as a second-level magician, which surprised Mr. Bayonet. In fact, he quietly became a fifth-level magician.As for him who has been practicing the Gene Source Energy Cultivation Method for several months, although he still can't cultivate fighting spirit, his physical fitness is comparable to that of a fifth- and sixth-level warrior.

Elena has also become a first-level magician from a rookie magic apprentice. She has started practicing fighting spirit, and her physical fitness has almost reached the threshold of a first-level warrior.If Elena's ability to become a first-level magician was due to talent, then becoming a first-level warrior in just a few months was really due to her hard work.

Finally, winter turned to spring and the weather got warmer. After several months of hard study and practice, Dicko and Elena finally entered Ernst College as they wished and began their magic training life in the college.

There is actually nothing much to say about the life of studying and cultivating in the academy, and it is relatively simple and boring.After all, Dicko has an adult mentality, and he can't get along with a group of classmates who look like half-grown children.Therefore, he, this evil genius who had a great reputation as soon as he entered Ernst Academy, usually did not only study and practice, but also was regarded as quite unruly and unsociable in the eyes of his classmates and some senior seniors.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the dormitory where Dicko lived was dormitory 1986, which was right next to dormitory 1987 where Lin Lei and his four brothers lived.Since they live close to each other, the four people in Di Ke's dormitory are naturally familiar with Lin Lei and others and have a pretty good relationship with them.

In particular, Dico is gifted in both fire and thunder magic. The eldest son of Linley and his dormitory, Yale, is a thunder magician. The fourth son, Reno, is a fire magician. They are both first-year students. Dico, Yale and Reno naturally became classmates. , the relationship becomes closer.

Whether it is Yale, who comes from the Chamber of Commerce, or Renault, who comes from a big family, they both have cheerful personalities and prefer to make friends.As for Dicko, a genius who was as famous as Dixie in Ernst College, and who lived close by and was familiar with him, they were naturally happy to make friends.

Especially as they get older, after reaching the age of ten, Dicko and the precocious Yale have more in common, and the relationship becomes even better.
(End of this chapter)

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