Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 155: A few years later, level 9?

Chapter 155 A few years later, level nine?

A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Dicko, who had been at Ernst College for six years, had grown into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

On the surface, Dicko is a fifth-level magician like Linley and Dixie, and is recognized by everyone in the academy as one of the three greatest geniuses.But even Elena, who also hid her strength and only showed her strength as a fourth-level magician, was not very clear about her true strength.

In June of the year 9997 of the Magnolia Calendar, late at night in early summer, deep in the Champs Elysees Avenue in the east city of Finlay City, a room window on the second floor of Bishui Paradise, the most famous entertainment venue in Finlay City, flexibly showed a slender black figure. Look carefully. After looking around, the figure disappeared into the alley beside it.In the cool night breeze, the flying strand of silver hair was very conspicuous.

"Huh?" After entering the alley, the girl with silver hair and black clothes was about to leave quickly. When she noticed a blurry figure standing at the end of the alley, her face suddenly changed slightly and her whole body tensed up. There was a dark silver handle in her hand. dagger.

"Don't be nervous! It's me!" The blurry figure walked out from the end of the alley. He was about 1.7 meters and a half tall, a head taller than the tall silver-haired girl in black. He looks very tall and strong, but his face has a childish look, and he is obviously still a teenager.

"Dico?" The silver-haired girl relaxed slightly when she saw the inconspicuous boy in the dark red warrior uniform in the dark alley, but then frowned and said: "Tonight in the Blue Water Paradise Did you kill that bastard?"

"Yes! I was playing with Yale and Reno in the Blue Water Paradise tonight. I accidentally saw that bastard. I thought it was a good opportunity, so I helped you kill him." Dico shrugged and smiled noncommittally: "Don't thank me, I'm just I just don’t want your hands to be stained with that bastard’s blood. I know you want to kill him, but Elena, that bastard is not worth the risk of doing it yourself.”

"Even if you don't take action, I can still kill him," the silver-haired girl Elena gritted her teeth slightly and said, "If he dares to hurt my brother, I will make him pay the price."

Diko shook his head and said: "After all, he is a seventh-level warrior and a retired officer. He has fought on the battlefield and is not easy to deal with. Even if you can kill him by surprise, if something happens, even if you It’s possible to escape, but it’s very likely that your identity will be exposed.”

Elena became slightly silent after hearing this. In fact, Elena, who had found the bastard dead in the room on the sixth floor of Bishui Paradise, was actually a little surprised.

Because she found that the guy lying on the bed with a dead look in his eyes didn't have any injuries on his body, but two ribs on his chest seemed to be broken.Moreover, there were no traces of a fight in the entire room. The bastard still had a look of shock and disbelief on his face, as if he had encountered something incredible and didn't believe that someone could kill him so easily.

"What level of warrior strength does this guy have? Is he already an eighth-level warrior? But even an eighth-level warrior can't kill a long-lasting seventh-level warrior with one move, right?" Elena Her heart was filled with surprise and doubt. Although she had known Dico for several years, she increasingly felt that Dico was a little mysterious.

"This guy is hiding too deep. I'm afraid even Grandpa Doug doesn't know his strength too well," Elena thought secretly. Thinking of Dick killing that bastard for herself, her heart still felt warm. of.She and Dicko had the same problem. They grew up together and were childhood sweethearts. Dicko had always taken good care of her and the Allen siblings.

In fact, Dicko, who has an adult mentality, just takes care of them as children.After all, I don’t have many relatives or friends in this world. Siblings Elena, Allen, and Grandpa Doug are the people closest to me.

But for Elena, who had become a slave with her younger brother since she was a child, and was later trained as a killer by the Saber organization. For Elena, who was helpless and helpless, Dicko's concern was what she felt after she suffered a huge change at a young age. The only warmth I received.

Although Grandpa Doug has been very kind to her in the past few years, Elena always remembers that he is a member of the killer organization, and she is still somewhat alienated from him.Especially as she grows older, Elena, who is now as pregnant as a young girl, also has a special feeling for Dicko, a feeling of peace of mind that she can rely on like a family member.

But thinking that Dicko was fooling around with Yale, Renault and the others in the clear water paradise tonight, Elena couldn't help but snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave.
"Although what happened before, that bastard was the main accomplice, and he was also the one who suggested and had people take action to kill Allen...but to put it bluntly, he is just a dog, and his master is the culprit," Dicko saw Xiang couldn't help frowning and said: "But, that Kalei is the eldest prince of the Kingdom of Finlay after all. Although he may not be able to inherit the throne and become the future king of the Kingdom of Finlay, he dares to provoke anyone in the Kingdom of Finlay and even the entire Holy Alliance. He really doesn’t have many people.”

"So, if you want to ask Carle to avenge Allen, I advise you to think carefully and never be impulsive. Even if you don't think about yourself, you must also consider Allen's safety. Although he is seriously injured, As long as we can ask a ninth-level great magician of the light department to cast the ninth-level healing magic 'Song of Life', we can still recover completely," Diko said hurriedly.

Elena, who paused slightly, listened to Dico's words that were obviously worried and concerned, and couldn't help turning her head to look at him with a slow expression: "I know! Don't worry, I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can Easily assassinated a prince in Finlay City."

"As long as you understand! It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. In the future, when he is strong enough, he will always have the opportunity to avenge Allen." Diko felt a little more relaxed after hearing this, and then continued: "By the way, I'm ready Go to the Warcraft Mountains to practice for a while. During this period, take care of yourself, and if anything happens, wait until I come back!"

"Going on an adventure in the Warcraft Mountains?" After hearing this, Elena's pretty face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but hurriedly walked back and said, "I'll go with you!"

Diko frowned slightly: "This time I plan to go to the Warcraft Mountains to find some powerful Warcraft to practice with next time! I will take you with me next time!"

"You want to venture deep into the Warcraft Mountains?" Elena's expression suddenly changed after hearing this: "Although you have sneaked to the Warcraft Mountains more than once for adventure in the past few years, there are many high-level Warcraft occupying the inner areas of the Warcraft Mountains. In this place, you may encounter level [-] monsters and even holy monsters. Are you willing to die?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not approach the places where some sacred monsters are entrenched," Diko said with a calm smile.

"What about the powerful monsters at level [-] and [-]? Are you sure you can deal with them?" Elena couldn't help but ask.

Dico smiled noncommittally, which also made Elena, who suddenly realized something, take a breath with her beautiful eyes widened, and looked at Dico for a while, not knowing what to say: "You"

"You can guess my strength, but don't tell me. Don't forget that you can become a sixth-level magician so quickly and develop to the strength of a seventh-level warrior, thanks to me," Diko laughed. Liandao.

Elena took a deep breath, suppressed the shocking emotions in her heart, and couldn't help but said excitedly: "Dico, you... do you really have the strength to compete with the eighth-level and ninth-level monsters? Is it possible? Are you a ninth-level warrior? How is this possible? You are not even 20 years old yet, a ninth-level warrior? This..."

(End of this chapter)

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