Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 156: Soul Burning Method

Chapter 156: Soul Burning Method
We set out early in the morning, wearing black trousers and a black sleeveless vest, carrying Dicko, who was also wrapped in a sturdy black leather bag. The journey was smooth, and after the sun rose, we arrived at the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains.

Looking at the endless giant mountains that could be seen miles apart in front of him, even though he had been to the Warcraft Mountains more than once, Dico still felt a sense of shock.The Warcraft Mountain Range is tens of thousands of miles long and divides the Magnolia Continent into two. It is the longest and largest mountain range in the entire Magnolia Continent.

Diko, who quickened his pace towards the Warcraft Mountains, couldn't help but shake his head and laugh secretly when he thought of Elena's shocked and surprised expression after guessing her own strength last night.

Although warrior training is much easier than magic training, it is still unrealistic to become a ninth-level warrior before the age of 20.

Even ninth-level warriors in their 20s are rare in the history of Yulan Continent.Generally speaking, someone who can cultivate to the level of a ninth-level warrior at the age of 40 or [-] is considered a genius.

And Dike, who has been practicing hard for several years, has indeed improved his physical fitness to the level of a ninth-level warrior by relying on the gene source energy cultivation method.In other words, with physical strength alone, Dicko is enough to rival a ninth-level warrior.

If this were told, no one would believe that one could become a ninth-level warrior just by practicing physical training.You must know that according to common sense, no matter how hard ordinary people exercise, they can only become a sixth-level warrior at most.Only those with extraordinary talents or the bloodline of ultimate warriors can break through the limits and possess a body as powerful as a seventh- or even eighth-level warrior.

Diko was able to upgrade his physical body to the level of a ninth-level warrior in just a few years. In addition to the Gene Source Energy Cultivation Method, which is a special method for cultivating the physical body, it was also because of his ultimate warrior bloodline.

And through the past few years of pondering, Diko has also successfully inspired the ultimate warrior bloodline in his body, which can trigger the power of the bloodline to transform. Naturally, he can roughly guess what kind of bloodline he has.However, even if the bloodline is stimulated, without the corresponding Dou Qi secret code training, Diko still cannot cultivate Dou Qi.

But Diko is still very satisfied. At least after the transformation, both his strength and speed have been greatly improved. And just like Warcraft can fly naturally after stepping into the holy realm, Diko can also fly like the strong men in the holy realm. of.

In the process of thinking about how to stimulate his own bloodline, Dicko also slowly figured out how to inspire the ultimate warrior's bloodline.Referring to the body amplitude secret method "Fire Body Technique" of the Vulcan lineage, the method created by Dicko to stimulate Qi and blood and stimulate the awakening of the body's blood vessels is not only for the ultimate warrior bloodline, but also for some other mythical beast bloodlines, or powerful and special ones. All bloodlines are universal.

The method of stimulating the bloodline, combined with the body refining method that Dicko gradually perfected based on the gene source energy cultivation method, can completely tap the potential of the bloodline to the greatest extent.

In addition to his breakthroughs and gains in warrior training, Dicko has also become an eighth-level magician in magic.Although he is one level weaker than a warrior, an eighth-level magician under the age of 20 is incredible. There is probably no such evil genius in the history of Magnolia Continent.

The reason why Diko was able to become an eighth-level magician in just a few years was naturally not just because of his strong mental power when he started practicing.

After all, even though Dico's mental strength was far superior to that of his peers when he first started practicing magic, after becoming a fifth-level magician in just a few months, this innate potential was exhausted.

You must know that whether it is warrior training or magic training, each level will take longer to improve.

Ordinarily, no matter how good Dicko's magic talent is and his super elemental affinity, it is more realistic to reach the sixth level magician from the fifth level magician in one or two years, but if he wants to break through and step into the seventh level magician realm, there is no way. Several years of hard training are nothing but a dream.The training from a seventh-level magician to an eighth-level magician often takes ten or eight years, no matter how fast some genius evil magicians improve.

After all, even Lin Lei, who possesses the aura of the protagonist, took more than three years to go from the mid- to late-seventh level of magic cultivation to the eighth level.But even those magic geniuses in history whose magic talents could compare with Lin Lei's were probably not as lucky as Lin Lei.

The reason why Diko was able to improve so quickly was not only because he used the training methods of spiritual masters to temper his mental power, but also mainly because he was touched by his experience of burning souls and fighting against the golden-horned giant beast. He developed a method of training and improving mental strength, called 'Burning Soul'.

The so-called burning soul is to put the mental power in a state that seems to be burning.Of course, it is not a real burning soul, but can be regarded as a weakened version of the burning soul.

This soul-burning state uses mental power as the raw material for burning. While consuming mental power, it is also refined and purified.After the mental power is restored, the refining is consumed again using the soul-burning method. Repeatedly, the mental power will naturally become more refined and stronger during the refining and recovery.

Compared to the most common meditation method used by magicians, or the method used by Lin Lei to harmonize the soul and nature in the process of carving stone sculptures to assist in improving mental strength, Dicko's soul-burning method, which sounds simple and crude, is naturally more effective. .

However, Diko's soul-burning method was created based on his own soul characteristics and is not perfect enough. Currently, he can only ponder and practice it by himself.Even if Diko wanted to teach it to other magicians, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to understand it.

After all, those magicians have never experienced this state of burning souls, and they don't know the speed required to practice the soul-burning method. If you try it rashly and fail, you may make your own mental power confused, and you will go crazy!

Therefore, even when Diko gave Elena some guidance on how to practice her spiritual power, he only taught her some of the tricks that spiritual masters use to refine their spiritual power.Although it is not as effective as the Soul Burning Secret Technique, it is still more effective than Lin Lei's method of carving stone sculptures to assist in the cultivation of spiritual power.

Moreover, while thinking about trying to practice the soul-burning method, Dico also discovered that this soul-burning method can not only be used to cultivate mental power, but also that people's consciousness will be very ethereal and sensitive in the soul-burning state.

Just like stimulating the soul's potential and perception, it can make it easier for Diko to achieve a natural fit between the soul and the heaven and earth, and to understand the elemental mysteries contained in the heaven and earth. It is an excellent assistant for the improvement of the realm and the cultivation of the elemental mysteries. Effect.

This discovery also made Dicko more and more aware of how amazing the soul-burning method he had accidentally created in a flash of inspiration was. It was simply a method that defied the heavens.

If the method of stimulating the bloodline is a method of exploring the potential of the physical body, then the method of burning the soul is a method of exploring the potential of the soul!Even in the world that swallows the stars, no one has heard of such a heaven-defying method that can improve people's understanding and allow practitioners to understand the mystery of the law more clearly!

It was precisely by relying on the soul-burning method that Dicko became an eighth-level magician in just a few years.Moreover, as the spiritual power becomes stronger, the effect of practicing the soul-burning method becomes more and more obvious, and the threshold of the ninth-level magician is not far away.

In fact, the improvement of mental power is secondary. With the super elemental affinity and the assistance of the soul-burning method, Dicko's improvement in realm is huge!
(End of this chapter)

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