Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 159 Battle of the Sanctuary

Chapter 159 Battle of the Sanctuary
The pinnacle of the sanctuary?Hearing the sneer of the man in black robe, Dico's expression became slightly strange.If according to the common understanding of the powerful people in Magnolia Continent, understanding a little bit of the mysterious laws is considered to have stepped into the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, then the mysterious laws that Diko understood is more than just a little bit!

You know, when he first came to this world and his consciousness regained some clarity, Diko saw the birth and experience of the four divine beasts in the dream world.
In the past few years, Dicko has experienced their understanding of the mysteries of the laws in the dream world more than once. In terms of understanding the mysteries of the laws, in addition to focusing on cultivating and comprehending the mysteries of the fire element law 'explosion', Dicko also has a deep understanding of the power of the laws of the earth. I also have a certain understanding of the mystery of wind space based on the law of wind element and the psychedelic mystery of fog based on the law of water element.

And this is the reason why Dicko can improve so quickly in realm.With the guidance of the four divine beasts on understanding the laws of the four elements, even the stupidest people can always understand some of the mysterious laws.What's more, Dico's understanding is not bad, and he also has the advantage of super elemental affinity.

Even Diko had some understanding of the innate magical powers of the four divine beasts.However, even if he has stimulated the potential of the White Tiger's bloodline as much as possible in the process of cultivating his physical body, if his soul power is not strong enough, it will be difficult for him to truly display the White Tiger's innate magical power.Even if it can be used reluctantly with the help of blood power, it is just like a tiger and cannot be compared to a dog, and its power is limited.

"Boy, go to hell! It's only your fault for your bad fate. You had the potential to become the top strongman on the Magnolia Continent, but who made you meet me!" The man in black robes who said coldly was the figure. It turned into a ghostly phantom and disappeared out of thin air, and then it was in front of Diko.

Boom... Amidst the explosion of air, the man in black robe did not even use his weapon, but just punched Di Ke. The fist flowing with black fighting spirit made the air vibrate, causing the heaven and earth to shake Di Ke. The space where Ke is located is sealed...
Amidst the deep and muffled sound, Dico's hairy tiger-claw-like fist collided fiercely with the black-robed man's fist wrapped in the dark fighting energy of the sanctuary. The tiger-clawed fist glowed with bloody energy and blood, The power that exploded was not inferior to the punch of the man in black robe.

The next moment, Diko, who was shaking slightly, took a few steps back and steadied his figure. The man in black robe was caught off guard, and flew away in a slight embarrassment. Then he stared at Diko in surprise. Said: "You didn't use Dou Qi, but is your power just physical power? How is that possible?"

If the weakest among the four ultimate warriors is probably the tiger-striped warrior.Tiger-striped warriors who are good at speed, even if they reach the peak level of the holy realm, they will not be that strong with physical strength alone.

"You are right. Your fate is not good. You met me, so you are dead today!" Diko grinned at the man in black robe.

"Looking for death!" Diko's words suddenly made the man in black robe look gloomy and ugly. He shouted lowly, and his figure disappeared and he killed Diko again.

But this time, before he even got close to Diko, the man in black robe was already divided into two figures, both holding a black dagger, turning into two arcs to kill from two directions. To Dicko
"Shadow Clone Technique?" Diko, who raised his eyebrows upon seeing this, couldn't help but sneered in his heart: "Trying this trick with me? You can only separate two bodies. I'm afraid his understanding of the Shadow Clone Technique is only I’m just getting started. However, this move is indeed a bit difficult, and it seems that I have to come up with some real means."

Diko, whose thoughts were spinning, looked very surprised on the surface, as if he had forgotten how to react for a moment, but the moment the two black shadows approached, suddenly the fire element energy in the surrounding heaven and earth gathered rapidly, turning into like a realm of flames
Buzz... The two figures of the black-robed man stagnated slightly, and then one of them disappeared.The expression of the man in black robe who was the only figure left changed, and then he stabbed Diko fiercely with his sword without hesitation.

Hmm... That sharp sword turned into a cold light and instantly sank into Diko's body, but not a drop of blood was spilled, and Diko's figure slowly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Dicko, who had also approached the man in black robe, punched the man in black robe with a punch that seemed to be burning with flames.

The violent power exploded instantly, exploding the clothes on the black-robed man's chest, leaving a burning fist mark on Dick's chest. That punch also made the black-robed man stare and fly away, and then With a frown on his face and a look of pain on his face, a mouthful of blood spurted out.
"You actually have the strength of the peak of the Holy Realm?" The man in black robe knocked down an ancient tree, fell to the ground in a panic and vomited blood again. He couldn't help but cover his chest and looked up in disbelief at the man floating in the air. The fallen Diko said: "It's not impossible..." "You are the first Saint Realm strongman I have fought against since I have made some achievements in cultivation. You are also the first Sanctuary Realm strongman I will kill. So you should feel honored," Diko said as he walked towards the man in black robe, blood rushing all over his body.

Feeling the hot and surging aura on Dico's body, the man in black robe reacted and quickly turned into a black phantom and tried to fly away.

"You still want to escape now, don't you think it's a little late?" Diko, who shook his head slightly and sneered, also chased after him in a flash.

Peng... In the blink of an eye, a muffled sound came from the mid-air, and was swept away with violent energy. While the branches and leaves of some ancient trees below were destroyed and exploded, the man in black robes vomited blood again from mid-air. It was thrown away and fell down.

When Diko dodged and landed again, he returned to his normal state. When he walked towards the man in black robe with his robe slightly damaged, the man in black robe lying on the ground like a dead dog had a sunken chest and blood was constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth. He wanted to get up, but soon he fell down weakly with his whole body trembling slightly, his eyes filled with unwillingness and he lost his breath.

"Peak of the Holy Realm, you can be considered to have the strength of the Peak of the Holy Realm. You must have been practicing for hundreds or thousands of years, right?" Diko walked to the body of the man in black robe and looked at his dead expression, shaking his head and saying , his eyes fell on a black ring on the finger of his left hand, and then he leaned over and took off the ring.

"Space ring? What a good thing! With all the wealth of a strong man at the top of the Saint Realm, he should have some good things, right?" Diko was playing with the black ring, thinking curiously in his heart, and was about to test it out with blood. At this time, he suddenly felt something and turned his head to look, only to see a giant monster that was 30 meters high flying over from mid-air.

Looking at the giant monster that looked like an enlarged giant lion with a pair of blood-red eyes like a wheel, Dico couldn't help but stared slightly in surprise, and then his eyes shone: "Sacred monster, blood-eyed mane" Hairy lion?"

"Boy, did you kill this hateful guy in black robe?" The blood-eyed maned lion also looked at Dico below, and glanced at the body of the man in black robe next to Dico and asked.

The blood-eyed maned lion's voice was loud, like thunder.It is conceivable that if it could become a god and take human form, it would definitely be a burly man.

"That's right! I killed him!" Dicko, who nodded and smiled, immediately added: "How about it, do you think I'm very powerful? You've never seen such a powerful human boy, have you? The blood-eyed maned lion is also very powerful. A powerful sacred monster, are you willing to follow me, a super talented young human being?"

(End of this chapter)

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