Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 160 Blood-Eyed Mane Lion

Chapter 160 Blood-Eyed Mane Lion
Hearing Diko's joking words, the blood-eyed maned lion did not get angry. Instead, he was silent for a moment before he spoke in a low voice: "Hmph, if you want to be my master, you must be able to defeat me." Strength is what matters.”

"Defeat you? Do you mean that as long as I can defeat you, you will accept me as your master and be my monster?" Diko's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

The blood-eyed maned lion was slightly unhappy and said: "Do you think you can defeat me if you can kill this hateful guy in black robe? My blood-eyed maned lion clan is also considered the top among the holy monsters. Existence, that guy in black robe has fought with me many times and wants to subdue me, but he just relies on his weird movement skills, and his attacks are far inferior to mine. He also wants me to admit his master and dream. ?”

"It turns out that this guy came to the Warcraft Mountains to conquer the blood-eyed maned lion! Perhaps, he also knew that it was difficult to conquer the blood-eyed maned lion, so he just used the hands of this blood-eyed maned lion to sharpen himself. Right?" Diko glanced at the body of the man in black robe on the ground and thought to himself, then looked at the blood-eyed maned lion with a smile and said: "Whether you can beat him or not, you won't know until you beat him!"

With that said, Diko directly transformed into a tiger-striped warrior, and once again transformed into a human form like a white tiger. His figure floated into the air, attracting the energy of the wind element between heaven and earth to converge.At this moment, he seemed to have become the darling of the wind element.

"Haha...refreshing! I like the most powerful and cheerful human beings," the blood-eyed maned lion laughed and said curiously: "I have also heard about the four ultimate warriors. These are the tiger-striped warriors. Transform? It seems like you have the blood of tiger monsters! Could it be that the so-called four ultimate warriors are actually the blood of our monsters?"

When Diko heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What is the bloodline of Warcraft? The four ultimate warriors, but the bloodline of divine beasts, do you have any common sense?"

"Bloodline of divine beasts?" The blood-eyed maned lion was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then couldn't help but said: "But don't the divine beasts still belong to our magical beasts?"

After saying that, Dicko choked when he heard the words, and seemed to be choked by it for a moment and was speechless. The blood-eyed maned lion grinned and said: "Haha... don't care about the blood of Warcraft or the blood of mythical beasts." . Boy, let me first see how powerful the four ultimate warriors are! I heard that the four ultimate warriors were very powerful when they grew to the peak of the holy realm, but it seems like you have just stepped into the holy realm after transforming. Being able to kill that guy in black robe seems to have some foundation."

"I have long wanted to see the power of the sacred monsters," Diko looked at the blood-eyed maned lion with burning eyes and laughed. He once fought against a sacred beast, a blood-eyed maned lion, and Dico was really not afraid of it.

Huh.. Diko, who took the initiative to attack, disappeared and turned into an afterimage to kill the blood-eyed maned lion. The speed was so fast that it was not inferior to some of the top saints in the holy realm.

After all, the white tiger is a divine beast of the wind element, and Diko also has some understanding of the mysteries of the wind space based on the law of wind elements. Coupled with his powerful body, his speed is naturally not slow.

Roar... Facing Diko, who was coming towards him as fast as the wind, the blood-eyed maned lion also roared and came forward with waving claws.
Peng...Dike's punch that exploded with all his strength, containing the mystery of the 'explosion' of the law of fire element, collided hard with the sharp claws of the blood-eyed maned lion. In the instant of the low energy explosion, his whole body was shaken. The blood-eyed maned lion's hair trembled violently, its huge body staggered back, its right front leg trembling, and then it stared at Dico in surprise, obviously not expecting the explosive power of Dico's punch to be so terrifying.

Diko, who was also shaking slightly and then retreated, looked at the blood-eyed maned lion with a grin and said: "How is it? The power of my punch is pretty good, isn't it?"

"That's right! How dare you confront me head-on? You are indeed much better than that guy in black robes." The blood-eyed maned lion looked at Dico and nodded lightly. He also became slightly more serious and did not dare to underestimate Dico anymore. This human is young.Immediately afterwards, the blood-eyed maned lion turned into a phantom and rushed towards Dicko. When Dicko subconsciously punched him and was about to attack, it tilted its head to avoid Dicko's punch. , allowing Dico's fist to fall on its neck, and then slide away from its shoulders. At the same time, the body suddenly rushed forward and hit Dico's body. It instantly transformed and knocked Dico away.

"Such strength!" Dicko, who felt a tight pain in his chest, couldn't help but rub his chest and was secretly shocked. The blood-eyed maned lion really did not grow so big in vain, and his physical strength was probably beyond the limit. The impact force of one million kilograms is almost comparable to the power of a planet-level powerhouse.

If Dicko hadn't devoted himself to physical training in the past few years and his physical fitness was good enough, if someone else had been hit by the blood-eyed maned lion, even a holy warrior would have vomited blood and been injured.

"Huh? It's okay? You didn't even vomit blood? The ultimate warrior's defense is so strong?" The blood-eyed maned lion couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that Dicko was just rubbing his chest and didn't seem to be injured.

You must know that the attack method of the Holy World of Warcraft usually relies on its strong body and strength. The blood-eyed maned lion's attack of hitting people with its body is its special skill. Even other Holy World of Warcraft that do not have the upper hand are attacked by it like this. A collision will be very embarrassing, and even directly reveal flaws.

But Dicko, a human, activated his bloodline power after transforming into a tiger-striped warrior. His body's strength and power were actually comparable to those of the sacred monsters. This was definitely something the blood-eyed maned lion never expected.

"You bumped into me. Next, it's my turn to attack," Dicko, who grinned at the blood-eyed maned lion, had already exploded with a surge of power, instantly turning into an afterimage and killing the blood-eyed maned lion. In front of the furry lion.

The blood-eyed maned lion subconsciously grabbed Dico with its claws, but missed it as Dico's speed surged again.At the same time, Dicko punched the blood-eyed mane lion on the chin, causing him to tilt his head and body, letting out a low roar of pain and anger.

Before the blood-eyed maned lion could react, Dicko had already reached its side and punched it hard in the abdomen, causing the blood-eyed maned lion to sway...
Roar... The blood-eyed maned lion steadied his figure and roared angrily. Just when he was about to turn around and attack Diko, he didn't expect that Dicko's movement and speed were too fast. He was as slippery as a loach and easily avoided the blood-eyed mane. The maned lion's attack was to hit it with a punch, as if it were a punching bag.

Relying on the advantage of speed, Diko led the blood-eyed maned lion by its nose, causing it to spin in circles in mid-air. Facing the blood-eyed maned lion that was slowly roaring like crazy and angry, Dicko suddenly He jumped up and landed on its back, grabbed the mane around its neck with one hand, and beat the bloody-eyed maned lion on the head with the other hand, just like Wu Song beating a tiger...
Roar... roar... roar again and again, shaking his body and shaking his head in an attempt to shake Dico away. As if he was about to be knocked unconscious by Diko, he soon let out a cry of grief and anger. Roaring: "Stop...stop! I give up! Stop fighting! Isn't it okay for me to recognize you as my master?"

Peng... punched the blood-eyed maned lion's head again, hitting the corner of the blood-eyed maned lion's head as it turned, almost turning it into a one-eyed dragon. Dicko couldn't help but grinned and said: "Haha ..I’m sorry, it just happened!”

(End of this chapter)

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