Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 193 Dico’s Wedding

Chapter 193 Dico’s Wedding
The Dark Holy See has been destroyed. Using the methods of the Light Holy See, it did not even send out troops. It only allowed the elite troops and masters of the Holy See to launch a crazy siege and massacre against some fanatical believers of the Dark Holy See. After that, the kingdoms and principalities of the Dark Alliance The kings and princes were very wise and sent people to contact the Holy See of Light.

For them, as long as they can retain their current status and power, change their beliefs and change from followers of the Dark Holy See to believers of the Light Holy See, it is just a simple matter.

As time goes by, under the rule of the Holy See of Light, who will remember the Holy See of Darkness?The civilians of the Dark Alliance and a large number of believers of the Dark Holy See will slowly adapt to changing their beliefs.

After all, the Dark Holy See no longer exists, so what’s the point of believing in darkness?People are actually very realistic.Faith is not something that is unbreakable.

The Holy See of Light obtained most of the territory of the Dark Alliance so easily, which made Dico secretly sigh that the power of religion is really powerful!Therefore, he also became more determined to control this power in his own hands.

As for destroying the Holy See of Light, maybe Linley would think so, but Diko and the Holy See of Light had no grudge.For him, the Holy See of Light will be a sharp sword in his hand and an important help in the future. Who would be willing to destroy his own arm and weaken his own strength?
The main force of the Principality of Berlin began to withdraw. Dicko and Elena also returned to Finlay City and sent people to Berlin County to inform the senior officials of the Principality of Berlin to come to Finlay City.

Obviously, Dico and Elena are planning to establish a country with Finlay City as their capital.When all the people from the Principality of Berlin gathered in Finlay City and began to work together to integrate the territory they had acquired, the marriage of Dico and Elena was gradually put on the agenda.

In the end, Dico, Elena, Doug, and Aaront discussed and decided that just two months later, on June 13th, when the Berlin Kingdom was officially established, it would be the time when Dico and Elena got married.

Although the territory occupied by the Principality of Berlin is now so vast, it is barely enough to establish an empire.But on the one hand, almost all of these territories were invaded by the beast tide, causing serious damage and losing a lot of population. On the other hand, in order to avoid irritating the Holy See of Light, they decided to temporarily establish a kingdom.

Anyway, whether it is a kingdom or an empire, the soon-to-be-established Berlin Kingdom is within the control of Dico and Elena.Even with the title of empire, it cannot make this country's strength immediately stronger.

In the future, when Diko and Elena can truly control the Holy See of Light, the Kingdom of Berlin will continue to expand and completely dominate the territories of the two major alliances west of the Warcraft Mountains, and it will not be too late to establish a powerful empire.

In the blink of an eye, it is already June [-]th in the Yulan Calendar, and the Magnolia Continent in early summer is already feeling a bit hot.Finlay City, which just suffered the disaster of the Day of Destruction half a year ago, has gradually regained some popularity with the arrival of the troops from the Principality of Berlin and the return of some nobles. I believe that it is only a matter of time before the prosperity of Finlay City is restored. It's just a matter of time.

The original palace of the Kingdom of Finlay has now been slightly restored and transformed into the palace of the soon-to-be-established Kingdom of Berlin. In the luxurious and spacious hall supported by golden columns like an indoor square, many guests gathered. It seemed very lively and festive.

Even the four major empires east of the Warcraft Mountains sent envoys to congratulate Dico and Elena on their wedding. On the one hand, they wanted to see the face of Dico, the newly rising genius of the Sanctuary. On the other hand, Naturally, it is also because of the Holy See of Light.

After destroying the Dark Holy See, the dominant Light Holy See west of the Warcraft Mountains has reached its peak in power on the Magnolia Continent, almost rivaling the O'Brien Empire and the Magnolia Empire.Naturally, almost all the high-level officials of the Holy See came to the wedding of the Saint of Light, and all parties would give enough respect.

But there were so many people here, it was a bit hard for Dico. He was not very good at dealing with such a scene.Fortunately, there were two cardinal archbishops, Gilmer and Lampson, sent by the Holy See of Light to help greet the guests, which saved Dicko and Elena from having to spend all their time with Smiley.In addition, Lord Luo Ye, Lei Ming and other powerful men from the Holy Realm of the Holy See of Light also came to congratulate Diko and Elena and help greet some guests with higher status.

The Light Holy See's ability to destroy the Dark Holy See in one fell swoop really surprised all parties.Naturally, Dicko, who led the rise of the Principality of Berlin, fought against the army of Warcraft, fought against the Holy Warcraft, killed the Dark Church's ruling elder O'Casey, and also played a powerful role in the battle between the Light Church and the Dark Church, naturally caused a stir. attracted the attention of all parties.

A Saint Realm expert who has reached the pinnacle level of the Sanctuary Realm at such a young age has unlimited potential, which naturally arouses the curiosity of many Sanctuary Realm experts.

In the past two months, there have been several powerful men from the Sanctuary who came to Diko to discuss and exchange ideas.Therefore, this time Diko got married, and there were many powerful men from the Sanctuary who wanted to make friends with Diko.

"The Saint of the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple has arrived..." Diko didn't pay much attention to the arrival of some powerful men from the Holy Domain, but the sudden sound coming from outside the hall made him a little surprised.

Rosalie, the Saint of the Ice Goddess Temple, is the strongest person in the Ice Goddess Temple believed in by the Eighteen Principalities in the Northern Territory in the northern part of the Dark Forest. She has the ultimate strength in the Holy Domain, but Dico has nothing to do with her!And as Rosalie, there is no need to give any face to the Holy See of Light.

"Is it because of Xisei? This Rosalie seems to be Xisei's old lover. Could it be that because it was inconvenient for Xisei to come to congratulate me, he asked Rosalie to come here on his behalf? But for this matter , it seems there is no need to be so eye-catching, right?" Diko, who was confused and curious in his heart, saw that Lu Ye and Lei Ming, who were also a little surprised, had already gone to greet them, and he quickly led Elena to greet them.

As expected, Rosalie really didn't care much about Luo Ye and Lei Ming. Compared to Luo Ye and Lei Ming, who felt very proud and enthusiastic because of her arrival, Rosalie, who had a cold look on her face, looked at Dico after seeing her. , her beautiful eyes brightened, she left the two of them and stepped forward with a smile: "Dico, is this your wife Elena? She is indeed a beauty! If she hadn't been the Saint of Light of the Holy See, I would have thought Let her inherit my status as a saint in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple."

Uh... Seeing how familiar Rosalie looked, Dico was slightly stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but subconsciously glance at Elena who was also slightly stunned.

"What does this Rosalie mean? Is she here for Elena?" Luo Ye and Lei Ming, who looked at each other from behind, couldn't help but frown and mutter.

Although he had some doubts in his heart, people came all the way to congratulate him on his wedding, and they were so enthusiastic, so Diko naturally greeted him politely.

Time passed quietly, and there were more and more guests in the hall. Even Monroe, the president of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, came with his son Yale... The wedding finally began, but the person who presided over the wedding was not the one who had promised to personally marry Di. Heitings, who presided over the marriage of Co and Elena, instead became Elena's teacher, Lord Luo Ye.

On the surface, Heitings handed over the marriage to Luo Ye on the grounds that the use of the Great Prophecy when dealing with the Dark Pope cost too much and he needed to recuperate. But could it be because after the Dark Holy See was destroyed, he became a little wary of Dico? He didn't want to improve Dicko's status and influence within the Holy See. Only Heitings knew it best.

(End of this chapter)

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