Chapter 194 Special Gift
After the wedding, the guests left one after another. After nightfall, the palace finally became quiet. Dico and Elena were not in a hurry to rest. Instead, they walked hand in hand in the palace garden and enjoyed the moment. The tranquility that belongs to the two of them alone.

"Huh?" Dico, who suddenly felt something, turned around and saw Rosalie, the Saint of the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, who had already left, flying over in the night.

Dico, who was already a little surprised and curious about Rosalie's sudden arrival today, saw her come back so mysteriously, and suddenly felt more and more that Rosalie's visit was not just to congratulate him and Elena. Just getting married.

Rosalie, who fell from the night sky in front of Dico and Elena, also smiled directly and said: "Dico, you must not have expected that I would come today, right? In fact, I came here for someone today. of."

"Oh? Is it Mr. Xisai?" Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked. Rosalie was slightly stunned, then frowned and looked at Diko and said, "How do you know that Xisai and I know each other?"

"Well, I also heard Mr. Xisai mention you accidentally," Diko knew he had made a mistake, but he didn't draft the lie at all.

Rosalie's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard this, but then she couldn't help but said a little doubtfully: "You said Xisai mentioned me to you? Did he really mention me?"

"Of course! Otherwise, how would I know about your relationship with Master Xisai, and how would I have thought that Master Xisai asked you to come here?" Diko said quickly with an affirmative smile.

Rosalie, who was doubtful, did not dwell too much on this issue, but instead took out a silver-white ring and handed it to Diko and said: "This is the person who asked me to congratulate you on your wedding. I sent it here specially." Yes, it’s a gift for your wedding.”

"Okay, the gift has been delivered, I'm leaving first," Rosalie said with a smile after Dico took the ring with some curiosity.

After watching Rosalie drift away, Dico played with the ring that felt warm in his hand and he didn't know what kind of material it was. He couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Space ring?"

However, after confessing the owner with blood, Diko's mental power invaded the ring and inspected it. He instantly showed a look of surprise and surprise, and then took out the contents with a sudden thought, only to see a few golden ping-pong ball-sized pieces. Beads and some golden particles the size of peas were suspended on the side.

"What is this? Is this what Sir Xisai asked Rosalie to send?" Elena on the side also asked with some surprise and curiosity.

Dicko, who frowned at the few golden beads and almost a handful of golden particles, did not answer Elena directly, but picked up a golden particle and swallowed it, closed his eyes and sensed it carefully...
In just a moment, Dicko felt that the special energy emanating from the golden particles he had taken directly entered his mind, nourishing his mental power and making his mental power slowly become stronger at a perceptible speed. He suddenly opened his eyes and thought to himself: "It is indeed soul gold particles. Then these golden beads with the same breath should be soul gold beads condensed with soul essence energy."

"Diko, the smell of this bead is so special. After smelling it, it actually made me feel refreshed, as if my mental power had become faintly stronger," Elena approached and curiously smelled the breath of the golden soul bead. , couldn’t help but said with beautiful eyes shining.

Diko also nodded slightly and said: "This thing can indeed nourish a strong soul. Elena, in the future, if you take some soul gold grains to assist in your practice, your mental power should improve very quickly."

"Assistant in training, a treasure with a powerful soul? Master Xisai actually has such a good thing? And he is willing to give it to us?" Elena asked in surprise. "No, I made a mistake before. These things should not be given by Master Xisai," Diko shook his head.

"If it's not Mr. Xisai, who is that?" Elena became more and more confused after hearing this, while Diko said meaningfully: "How can someone with such a generous hand be an ordinary person? If I guessed correctly If so, this should be the work of the one from the Dark Forest. Rosalie is an extremely strong person in the Holy Realm who can rival Lord Xisai. The only one who can assign her to move her is the one from the Dark Forest."

"The King of the Dark Forest? The most mysterious and unfathomable god-level powerhouse on the Magnolia Continent?" Elena's beautiful eyes widened in surprise as she asked, "How could he have someone come to congratulate us on our marriage? Asking Rosalie to send a congratulatory gift? This"

Not only Elena was surprised and unbelievable, but even Dico was full of doubts. He had no interaction with Beirut, and unlike Lin Lei who had concluded a soul contract with Beibei, even if Beirut noticed him, the majestic god would not Don’t care too much about a strong man from the holy realm!

"Is it because my talent and understanding are so good? But Beirut has seen so many geniuses and strong men, so why should I be able to catch his eye?" Diko muttered in his heart: "Send me the soul gold nugget. And the golden soul beads, do you want me to become a holy magician as soon as possible? Do you want to help me, so that I can understand the mysterious laws faster and become a god as soon as possible?"

"Why are you helping me? Could it be that you just did it on a whim?" Diko, who was confused in his heart, put away the few soul gold beads and a handful of soul gold grains, then looked at the ring in his hand, and couldn't help but frown. Yi Ning: "This ring doesn't seem to be an ordinary space ring!"

After confessing his master with blood, Diko's mental power invaded the ring. Not only did he discover the soul gold beads and soul gold particles, but he also vaguely sensed a mysterious and strange power.

"What exactly is it?" Diko was secretly confused and curious. With a thought, the mental power in his mind boiled and burned. He used the soul-burning secret method, which caused the burning mental power to invade into the ring, and he suddenly felt clearer. There was a surging aura that was so powerful that it made his heart tremble.

"Is this possible?" Diko, who became more and more suspicious in his heart, subconsciously tried to guide it out. The burning mental power seemed to be a bit difficult, but he finally managed to lead it out of the ring, and then the surging special power entered directly. Inside Dicko, it poured straight into his mind.

Diko, whose consciousness was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly saw the transparent light mask with a cyan halo that shrouded the sea of ​​souls.On the light mask, there are still vague tiger stripes.

"Soul defense artifact? Is it really a soul defense artifact? Is the tiger stripe the main soul defense artifact of the white tiger among the four divine beasts?" Diko was surprised, and at the same time a little unbelievable: "Beirut got the bodies of the four divine beasts, the main godhead , it doesn’t seem strange to have to use their main artifact. But why give me such a precious main artifact? Even if he is the main god and doesn’t care about the main artifact, there is no reason to give me a soul defense main artifact! Wedding gift? Are you kidding me? This is an intact main soul defense artifact!"

"Dico...Dico, what's wrong with you?" Just when Dico was stunned and stunned, Elena on the side couldn't help but worried and even stretched out her hand to wave in front of his eyes.

When Diko came back to his senses, he suppressed the shock and confusion in his heart, shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay! It's just that this ring is special, which surprised me a little."

"Isn't it just a space ring? What's so special about it?" Elena frowned and asked in confusion. Diko shook his head and said, "I can't explain this right now. I'll tell you later."

(End of this chapter)

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