Chapter 196 Olivia
Suddenly there were two more relatives with the same blood. Diko was still in a good mood, and Elena was even more surprised by Diko.

After learning that Dico's uncle Trin and cousin Bolk had served as middle and lower-level cavalry officers in the Far Eastern Prairie, Elena directly arranged for them to join the cavalry division of the Kingdom of Berlin.

Understanding that Elena's move was intended to let Trilin and Bolk and his son take over part of the kingdom's military power in order to balance the power within the Berlin Kingdom, Dico was noncommittal and didn't care.

Now that Elena has been made the queen of the Berlin Kingdom, Dicko believes that she has the ability to manage this rapidly growing kingdom.

As the strongest man in the Berlin Kingdom and the invisible person in charge behind the scenes, Dicko's strength is the kingdom's greatest reliance and foundation.As long as he is around, there will be no chaos in the Berlin Kingdom.However, the balance of power within the kingdom is indeed conducive to the healthier and better development of the kingdom.

Next, the entire Magnolia Continent was peaceful.Due to the destruction of the Dark Holy See, the Light Holy See is also a dominant force in the Territory of Chaos, which has resulted in less fighting in this chaotic land with many principalities.

Neither the O'Brien Empire nor the Magnolia Empire reacted to the fact that the Holy See of Light had annexed the territory of the Dark Holy See, its sphere of influence had skyrocketed, and its influence on the Magnolia Continent had become even greater.

The Magnolia Empire has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, but it is already somewhat decayed, and it no longer has much vigor and enterprising spirit.And the high priest seemed to have a good temper and didn't like fighting.

As for the Martial Gods of the O'Brien Empire, they would not take action easily out of fear of the high priest.What's more, compared to expanding his territory, what the God of War O'Brien cares more about is actually getting the fire element's mid-level god in the cemetery of the gods, so that he can refine it to the mid-level god's realm, and his true strength surpasses his old rival, the high priest.At that time, it would be simple and easy to dominate the Magnolia Continent with absolute strength.

In the low-key and peaceful practice, three years passed quickly. With the help of soul gold particles, Diko's mental power improved quickly. After easily becoming a ninth-level magician, it took less than three years for his soul to transform. Became a holy magician.

In the year when Dico broke through and became a Holy Magician, in the wilderness just ten miles away from Finlay City, in the snowy sky, Dico was facing a handsome young man in white robes with a sharp breath. And stand.

"Olivia, I didn't expect that you would come to challenge me." Looking at the dazzling young man across from him like an unsheathed sword, Diko shook his head and smiled and said very casually: "However, since you came here specially to run, Once, then I will give you a chance. Use all your strength and come up with your real trick! You only have one chance to make a move!"

"Arrogant!" The white-robed young man Olivia's face suddenly darkened when he heard this. He is known as the 'genius sword master'. He became a ninth-level warrior at the age of 30. He entered the holy realm before he was 50 years old. After defeating him, he entered the holy realm. After passing through the Starry Sky Sword Master Tiron for a hundred years, he traveled around the world and met more than ten powerful men in the holy realm. Unfortunately, none of them could match his speed. Naturally, he was as fast as an aurora phantom. The light and shadow sword is easily defeated.

Although Diko became famous earlier than him, and was younger and more evil than him, he was still at the peak of the Saint Realm. He did not believe that he could only make one move in Diko's hands.

"Let's take action!" Diko shook his head lightly and didn't want to say anything more. He knew that geniuses are proud and confident.However, after truly seeing his strength, I hope that Olivia, a genius swordsman, will not be stimulated to the point of autistic.

Dico's indifferent attitude undoubtedly angered Olivia a little. With his sharp eyes, the Ice Dream Sword in his hand lit up with white light, and his whole person seemed to be bathed in white holy light. It was so It was dazzling, and the aura became more and more fierce.

However, seeing this scene, Dico couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.Such flashy tricks are actually a sign that Olivia cannot perfectly control her own power. Even if she has stepped into the threshold of comprehending the law and is already considered a peak Saint Realm expert, she is still just entering the Saint Realm Peak Peak for the first time. If you encounter a slightly stronger Saint Realm peak expert, you probably won't be a match.As for the so-called strong men who became famous in the Holy Realm when he traveled around the country and fought against them, they probably only entered the Holy Realm in the past few hundred years. Their names are famous, but most of them are only as strong as Tyrone and McKenzie. It's just a level. Among the dozen or so strong men in the Saint Realm, there are only a few who have truly understood the law and have reached the threshold of the Holy Realm's pinnacle.

Olivia was shrouded in white light, and as white rays of light lit up around her, figures soon appeared in the air. Like a clone technique, dozens more Olivia appeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is this guy here to fight and spar with me, or is he here to perform for me?" Seeing Olivia displaying her skills like this, Dico became increasingly speechless.

Immediately afterwards, after dozens of people surrounded Diko, a dazzling white light came to Diko instantly like a laser, and then a long sword like a transparent ice cube wrapped in the dazzling white light pierced Diko directly. head.

Quick, Olivia understood the swordsmanship of the law of light elements too quickly, because he understood the mystery of the speed of light.The speed is fast enough, the natural movement is very scary, and the effect of light and shadow phantom will appear, and the terrifying speed will also bring amazing attack power.

Boom... But just when Olivia's sword was about to hit Dico, Dico, who suddenly retreated, took action in an instant and saw the flaming sword slash out, accompanied by a terrifying sound of air explosions. Olivia was immediately thrown away in the dazzling white light.
Poof... Olivia fell to the ground in embarrassment, with a mouthful of blood spurting out. The Ice Dream Sword in her hand flew out, and the tiger's mouth was shattered. She felt that her internal organs were shattered and burned by the explosive hot power. General.

"You" Olivia, who couldn't get up from the ground for a while, looked at Dicko, who was only knocked back a short distance in mid-air and then stopped and put away the knife, and couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable: "How is that possible? Have you become a god?"

"Become a god? Haha, if I become a god, do I still need to take action against you? The realm of gods alone makes it impossible for you to resist," he flew close to Dico who landed and looked at the seriously injured Olivia, shaking his head slightly. .

"So, you are still in the realm of the Holy Realm? But you are also in the peak realm of the Holy Realm, why are you so strong?" Olivia asked.

"Someone seems to have said this, if the mystery of a complete law is a hundred drops of water, and if you understand one drop, you will be at the pinnacle of the holy realm. Only if you understand ten drops can you become a god. Then you say that someone who understands eight or nine drops will beat someone who understands one drop. , will it be difficult?" Dico asked.

Olivia's expression moved slightly after hearing this. After a simple treatment, she recovered from her injuries. She reluctantly stood up. She still looked at Diko in disbelief and said, "You are saying that your understanding of the law of fire element is close to the holy realm." It’s the limit, isn’t it far from becoming a god?”

"Almost! It's not that easy to fully understand the mystery of a law. Therefore, it is still somewhat difficult to become a god," Diko said noncommittally.

"But you haven't been practicing for a long time. You should have only been in the Holy Realm for a few years. You haven't even grown into the ultimate warrior at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. How can you have such a deep understanding of the law?" Olivia was full of doubts. .

(End of this chapter)

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