Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 197 The Limit of the Sanctuary

Chapter 197 The Limit of the Sanctuary
Dico, who shrugged slightly in response to Olivia's question, smiled shamelessly and said, "What a monster! He's just a little more understanding than a genius sword master like you."

Better understanding?Olivia felt bitter and speechless when she heard this. Do you call this better understanding?Don't be so offensive!
"You don't have to feel hurt. After all, compared with you, a genius swordsman, too many people on the Magnolia Continent can only be regarded as waste. Is it true that you are only allowed to be more talented and savvy than others, but I am not allowed to compete with you?" Do you still want a genius monster?" Dico continued.

Olivia was suffocated when she heard this, but she quickly took a deep breath and cheered up: "Dico, you are indeed very powerful. But I will not admit defeat until I feel that I can fight you. , I will definitely challenge you again.”

"Then you have to hurry up. If you are slow, I will suddenly break through and become a god. Then you can only continue to practice hard and become a god soon so you can catch up with me," Diko said. , which suddenly made Olivia feel depressed again.

Seeing Olivia's depressed and speechless look, Dico laughed loudly: "Haha...just a joke! How can it be so easy to reach the god level? Moreover, I practice the law of fire element It's easier to get started, but it's more difficult to master the mystery of 'explosion'."

"The mystery of explosion?" Olivia frowned when she heard it. He actually didn't know much about the mystery of the light element law. He also had a vague understanding of the mystery of light speed. He had no experience in practicing fire. The elemental laws are even more confusing.

What he didn't know was that Dico's sword just used the explosive mystery of the law of fire element. If he used a unique move that combined the power of the law of the earth and the way of destruction, even Fa En, Tu Li Lei and others would be able to use it. An extremely strong man in the Holy Realm who was famous for his attacks would not be his enemy with a single blow.

Therefore, defeating Olivia, the genius swordsman, with one move was nothing to be proud of for Dicko.In fact, if it wasn't Olivia who challenged him this time, he might not even be interested in taking action.

After this battle, Diko returned to Fenlai City and was once again immersed in the fun of penance and understanding the mysterious laws.After becoming a holy magician, he took another golden soul bead. Now his soul is much stronger than even the most powerful ones in the holy realm. Dicko can naturally sense the mysteries of the law more clearly while using the soul-burning secret method. The speed of perception is also doubled.

Dico, who had the deepest understanding of the Mystery of Explosion, the Law of Fire Element, slowly began to improve his understanding of the Mystery of Explosion. He began to occasionally distract himself from understanding other laws, and tried to understand the most basic mystery of the Fire Element Law, the Mystery of Fire Element.

With Diko's understanding and super affinity for the fire element, he has naturally made rapid progress in understanding the mysteries of the fire element. In just a few years, he has understood most of the mysteries of the fire element, and has even almost reached a bottleneck.

This is because it took more time for Diko to try to merge the mystery of the fire element and the mystery of explosion while he was comprehending.At the same time, the fusion of the two mystical perceptions also allowed Diko to be touched by the mysteries of explosion, and he reached the final bottleneck unknowingly.The fire element mystery and the explosion mystery have been more than half integrated.

It sounds like the speed of improvement is too fast, which is a bit incredible.But you must know that Dicko's soul is much stronger now, and the efficiency of cultivation and enlightenment in a few years is enough to compare with the previous decades.

And in the year 10008 of the Magnolia Calendar when Dico had reached the final bottleneck in practicing the Explosive Mysteries of the Fire Elemental Law, Elena, who had rapidly improved her spiritual power with the help of soul gold particles, finally broke through from the ninth level to the realm of Holy Magic. .

At the end of this year, with the Magnolia Festival just a few days away, Diko finally walked out of the quiet room in the palace.A gust of cold wind blew, looking at the white snow on the ground, feeling the cold feeling brought by the snowflakes falling on his face, Di Ke couldn't help but looked up at the dim sky for a moment: "Is it snowing? In retreat? It was still hot at that time, but it was winter all of a sudden. I really don’t know how long I have to practice!”

"Dico..." A cold, melodious and surprising shout came suddenly, and Elena, dressed in a white fur robe, flew over, like a holy angel or fairy in the snowflakes flying all over the sky.After becoming a Holy Magician, she, the Queen of the Kingdom of Berlin who has been in a high position for a long time, and the Saint of Light of the Holy See of Light, has not only had a great change in her temperament, but her influence in the Holy See of Light and even the entire Holy Alliance has also increased day by day. .

However, the 30-year-old Holy Wizard can no longer be called a genius. He is simply as evil as Dico.Even the legendary Pope Ernst of the Holy See of Light cannot compare with this kind of talent!It can be said that the talent shown by Elena has already made her status in the Holy See of Light equal to that of the Holy See of Light, Hettings.

Some senior leaders of the Holy See and powerful men in the Holy Realm have vaguely regarded Elena as the best candidate for the future leadership of the Holy See, who is expected to lead the Holy See to new glory and heights.Her identity as the Holy Lady of Light is fully deserved.

"It's been a few months in seclusion. It's been almost half a year. Do you still know how to get out of seclusion? Have you forgotten about me and my daughter during your cultivation?" Elena, who was originally a little surprised and excited, saw the untidy and untidy Di. Ke, I couldn't help but feel bad.

Di Ke, who knew he was in the wrong, couldn't help laughing when he heard this and said, "How could it be? Of course you and your daughter are more important! By the way, how is Linxi? Have you been good lately?"

"I'm good, but I can't help but talk about a certain irresponsible father." Elena's words immediately made Dico even more embarrassed.

Seeing his awkward and forced smile, Elena felt soft in her heart, and then asked: "How is your practice? Have you made a breakthrough?"

"After practicing for several months, I will naturally gain something. Your husband and I are a genius. If I practice for several months without gaining anything, wouldn't I be a fool?" Diko said with a smile, and then sighed helplessly: " However, I still can’t understand the mystery of the explosion. It’s supposed to be almost time to break through, but I always feel that I’m just a little short of it. The feeling of only missing a layer of window paper but being unable to break through it is really torturous.”

Seeing Diko's troubled look, Elena couldn't help but said hurriedly: "Okay, now that you are out of seclusion, don't think about these things. Have a good rest and relax. Didn't you say that you should practice step by step and not be too tense? ?”

"By the way, I have something happy to tell you." As soon as Elena started speaking, Dicko subconsciously looked at her belly: "You have it again? It doesn't look like it! The belly isn't even bulging."

When Elena heard this, she blushed and glared at him angrily: "It's not the child's business! Hey, actually it's also the child's business."

"Huh? Did it happen and then disappear?" Diko frowned slightly when he heard this, while Elena rolled her eyes speechlessly: "I'm really going to be pissed off by you! I mean Linxi, she She is almost six years old this year, so I specially tested her magic talent a few days ago."

"Magic talent? How about it? You're talking about a happy event. Could it be that Linxi's magic talent is very good?" Diko's eyes lit up when he heard this, and Elena nodded slightly: "It's very good! The affinity of fire and light elements Super, her mental power is also considered super. It seems that she really inherited the evil talent of your father. Moreover, she is only six years old, and her mental power has reached super level. This talent is even better than mine! I can even compare with you!”

(End of this chapter)

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