Chapter 198 Kendler

Dico was also very surprised to learn that his daughter had such a good talent for magic.In the second year after he and Elena got married, Elena became pregnant, and gave birth to her daughter Linxi just on the Magnolia Festival at the end of the year.

Since Diko often practiced in seclusion and spent less time with his daughter, he felt a little indebted to both his daughter and Elena.Moreover, Elena has not been pregnant again since she gave birth to a daughter for him, so Diko naturally loves Linxi, his only daughter, even more.

As the only daughter of Diko and Elena, even if Linxi did not have any talent for cultivation, her highness, the princess of the Berlin Kingdom, was still in a respected position, and no one dared to mess with her.

But it would be better if her daughter could have magical talent and become a holy magician in the future, or even awaken her bloodline and become a tiger-striped warrior, with the strength to protect herself and even the hope of becoming a god.

After leaving the quarantine, Diko washed up, changed into fresh and clean clothes, and then hurriedly ran to see his baby girl.In a blink of an eye, the day of the Magnolia Festival arrived, and Dico's family of three, plus Elena's brother Allen, and Trin and Bolk's family, celebrated the festival together, and the whole family was very lively.

And now that eight years have passed, the Kingdom of Berlin has slowly recovered from the disaster of the beast tide on the Day of Destruction, and its population has increased a lot.Due to Elena's tax reduction and exemption policy, the lives of the common people in the kingdom were better, and they respected her more and more as the Queen and the Saint of Light.

Civilians are very simple, and they will naturally feel whoever is really nice to them.Therefore, the Berlin Kingdom, which was founded only eight years ago, is very popular among the people.The lives of many civilians in the Kingdom of Berlin are even enviable by the civilians of other neighboring kingdoms and principalities that belong to the Holy Alliance.

Fenlai City has gradually returned to its former prosperity.Coupled with the series of policies promulgated by the Kingdom of Berlin to promote and encourage commercial development under Dicko's advice, Finlay City's commercial development has accelerated, and it has become the commercial center of the entire Holy Alliance. Every year, the commercial volume alone The tax revenue is enough to make the Holy See of Light covetous.

Moreover, Elena also cooperated with the Holy See of Light to organize the rescue of some old, weak, sick and disabled people throughout the Holy Alliance, and settled some poor beggars who had no food and clothing, so that many cities in the Holy Alliance gradually became less beggars. These measures , which also allowed Elena to gain greater popularity among the civilians of the Holy Alliance, making her identity as the Saint of Light more and more popular among the Holy Alliance.

At the same time, Elena, who did these things as the Saint of Light, also made the people of the Holy Alliance have a lot more faith in the Lord of Light. This was a surprise to the top leaders of the Holy See of Light. Very happy.

Since the destruction of the Dark Holy See and the territory and population of the Dark Holy See, the continuous increase in the power of faith has also made the Lord of Light more and more satisfied, and even sent some rewards to the Light Holy See.

The top leaders of the Holy See of Light have also seen it for all to see, and they know that all this has something to do with Dico and Elena.Their contribution to the Holy See has also been recognized by more senior leaders and powerful people in the Holy See, making their status in the Holy See and the Holy Alliance more stable.

A few days after the Magnolia Festival, Diko, who was relaxing with Elena and her daughter, was not in a hurry to continue practicing in seclusion. However, the Holy See of Light suddenly sent a strong man from the Sanctuary to Fenlai City to meet Diko.

In the back garden of the kingdom, Diko was walking with his hands behind his hands. Every step he took seemed to be in line with the pulse of the earth, as if his footsteps and the ground were integrated.

Behind him was a somewhat honest-looking middle-aged man in black robe.His name is Kendler, and he is one of the only four Saint Realm powerhouses among the Special Deacons of the Holy See of Light. He is also the strongest among them. Now he has the strength of the Holy Realm peak, even more powerful than the previous Special Deacons. Chief Stetler is no less impressive.

But even so, in front of Dico, the nominal leader of the special deacons who rarely does anything, Kendler, who has begun to manage the special deacons on Dico's behalf, is still very respectful.It is worth mentioning that this Kendler was the powerful man from the Holy Realm behind the grandfather and grandson who coveted the Principality of Berlin when they were in Berlin County and wanted to marry Elena.

Later, with the rapid rise of Dicko, he showed his great strength, especially after replacing Stadler as the leader of the special deacons of the Holy See of Light, Kendler was the first to come to the door to bow his head and apologize to express his loyalty.

At that time, Dicko, who wanted to shock and teach him a lesson to establish his power, even sparred with him. Unexpectedly, Kendler gained some insights into the laws of the earth, and his strength was able to break through and reach the peak level of the holy realm.

Later, after the Holy See of Light discovered the five Buck brothers with eighth-level bodies in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory, Kendler, who was ordered to bring them back, encountered Lin Lei and robbed people, and learned the pulse that Lin Lei had just realized at that time. The attack was also touched.

I have to say that this Kendler seemed very inconspicuous in the Church of Light before, but he actually had some understanding.He is worthy of being the youngest among the only four special deacons of the Holy See of Light. He is savvy and discerning, and he is even more willing to put down his stature to ask Dico for advice.

Therefore, in just a few years, with Dicko's occasional guidance and guidance, Kendler's understanding of the laws of the earth slowly improved. Although there was still a gap between him and the rock swordsman Hedson, who was known as the most powerful person in the sanctuary, But it is not impossible for him to practice hard for several hundred more years, and his strength can match or even exceed that of Hedson.

Because of this, Kendler's respect for Dicko now is not only because of Dicko's strong strength, but also because he vaguely regards Dicko as a teacher.Basically, he would report anything important to Diko every time he came to the Holy See or the Magnolia Continent.

"You're saying that His Majesty the Pope sent six ninth-level angels headed by Lan Dan to deal with Lin Lei, but they were killed by Lin Lei. So, Lin Lei has entered the holy realm?" Listening to Kendler's words from Dico couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at the news about Linley coming from the O'Brien Empire.

Kendler nodded and continued: "Although Lan Dan and the others are ninth-level angels, they can possess the strength of the Holy Realm in a short period of time when they explode with all their strength. Once the angel battle formation is used, some weaker Sanctuary strongmen will be killed. It is not impossible. Lin Lei can kill them, it is obvious that he has entered the holy realm. Moreover, based on Lin Lei's understanding of the law, he probably has the peak strength of the holy realm now. "

"Linley is growing very fast. With his understanding of the law and being a dragon-blooded warrior, he will be a big threat to the Holy See in the future. Therefore, His Majesty the Pope asked me to come over and ask Lord Dico if you have time to go there. O'Brien Empire, kill Linley and solve this problem for the Holy See?" Kendler then said tentatively.

When Diko heard this, he immediately became angry: "Is this what Haitings told you? Do you want me to solve the trouble he caused? Go to the O'Brien Empire to kill Linley. That is the territory of the God of War. How can he?" Don’t you go by yourself?”

"This" Kendler was a little embarrassed and speechless. When he saw Dicko calling Haitings by his first name, he knew that Dicko was indeed a little angry.Regarding this matter, Heitings is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Kill Lin Lei? In fact, he should not provoke Lin Lei from the beginning," Di Ke shook his head and continued: "Lin Lei's magic talent is very high, and his elemental affinity is super. It is easier to understand the mysterious laws, and it is naturally easy to improve his realm. Fast, and he’s also a dragon-blood warrior, so his potential shouldn’t be underestimated!”

(End of this chapter)

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