Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 201 Dicko and Linley

Chapter 201 Dicko and Linley

Heilu on the side looked at Beibei subconsciously after hearing this, as if asking Beibei and his master if they knew this person?

"Why did you sneak in and suddenly attack my boss?" Beibei stared at Diko with her dark eyes.

"Of course I'm giving you a surprise! As for attacking Lin Lei, I just want to test his current strength," Di Ke said with a smile.

Beibei snorted and said: "Hmph! Don't think I don't know. Now you are a strong man in the Holy Realm of the Holy See of Light. Before, the Holy See of Light sent people to kill me and the boss!"

"The Holy See of Light? Don't confuse me with them. I have always opposed their pursuit of Lin Lei," Dike shook his head slightly and said, "Moreover, Heitings can let those angels take action against Lin Lei, but he still can't instigate them. Me. Besides, we are both descendants of the four ultimate warrior families. Lin Lei and I are old friends, aren’t we?"

"But you have been working hard for the Holy See of Light, and my boss has a deep hatred for the Holy See of Light. Who knows what you are thinking now?" Beibei said.

Diko was a little helpless after hearing this, and the news of the fight between him and Lin Lei had already alerted other people in the Earl's Mansion. Soon Wharton and the five Buck brothers arrived in the courtyard of Lin Lei's residence.

"Who are you?" Among Wharton and the others, a skinny old man looked at Dico cautiously and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Are you the ninth-level undead archmage Sessler? I've heard of you for a long time," Diko looked at him with a smile and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Dico!"

"Dico?" Upon hearing Dicko's name, not only did Sessler's expression change, but Wharton and the others also stared over in surprise.

"Dico from the Holy See of Light? What did you do to my elder brother?" Wharton was a little anxious and was about to run towards Linley, but Beibei stepped forward and stopped him and said: "Don't worry, the boss is fine! It's just that After sparring with him, I guess he has gained some insights and is practicing now, so don’t disturb him.”

Sessler, who also looked at Dico cautiously, couldn't help but said: "Mr. Dico, are you going to kill Mr. Lin Lei here?"

"Assassin? Sessler, if I had any ill intentions towards you, I wouldn't have specifically ordered Kendler to show mercy to you a few years ago," Dico shook his head and smiled.

"Kendler?" The eldest of the five Buck brothers frowned when he heard this, while Gates, the fifth brother on the side, curled his lips and said: "It was Lord Xisei who rescued us back then. That Kendler didn't You want to let us go. Dick, right? I heard that you are a descendant of the tiger-striped warrior family? Unexpectedly, the majestic tiger-striped warrior would actually choose to be a lackey for the Holy See of Light."

"Gates!" When Buck heard this, he immediately looked at Gates and shouted. It was definitely not a wise move to anger Dicko now.

Dicko, who also frowned slightly and glanced at Gates, just shook his head slightly and did not explain anything more. He was not going to compete with a houseboy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.Even though Gates is the smartest among the five brothers, members of the Immortal Warrior family are still inevitably thick-headed and stubborn.

Even if Linley's face was not concerned, Diko would not care about the descendants of Xisai's life and death brother Amanda because of Xisai's.

Sessler, with twinkling eyes, recalled that Kendler only wanted to capture them alive when he attacked them, and had no intention of directly killing them. He couldn't help but said: "Well, since Mr. Dico knows Mr. Linley, after all, The visitor is a guest, so we shouldn’t neglect him. I think it’s better not to disturb Mr. Lin Lei’s practice. Mr. Diko, let’s go to the front hall to drink tea!” “That’s fine! Although I have something to see Lin Lei this time. Let’s talk, but since he has gained some insights and practiced, let’s wait until he finishes practicing!” Dico shrugged noncommittally and walked out with Sesler and the others.

In this way, several hours later, it was getting late, and Lin Lei, who had finished his practice, hurriedly came to the living room of the Earl's Mansion, and with some surprise, he handed over his hands to Diko who was bored and drinking tea in the living room: "Dico , thank you for the advice!”

"Thank you for the advice? Aren't you afraid that I'm here to kill you? You actually started practicing in front of me," Diko asked with a joking smile.

"If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have saved me in Hesicheng." Lin Lei shook his head and smiled: "Besides, this is Scarlet Flame City, the capital of the O'Brien Empire. Do you dare to kill people here? "

"You kid!" When Diko heard this, he immediately pointed at Lin Lei and started laughing and scolding: "We haven't seen you for a few years. Not only is your strength different from what it used to be, but your mouth has also become more powerful!"

Lin Lei, who smiled awkwardly, then turned around and said: "Dico, I remember that you seem to be practicing the law of fire element, right? I didn't expect that your understanding of the law of wind element has also reached such a level. In our previous fights, it made me I have found the direction for the cultivation behind the secret of speed."

"I also watched the 'Rhythm of the Wind' you performed in the fighting arena. I was touched and pondered for a few days. Only then did I reach this level of understanding of the mysterious speed of the wind element law. Speaking of which, it was you who made me understand. The mysterious direction of speed training," Di Ke said calmly and casually, but Lin Lei was stunned and speechless.

Lin Lei, who stared at Diko slightly, remained silent for a while before he couldn't help but said: "The fighting field? Were you also in the fighting field that day? It's only been ten days. You see, I have only realized ten days when I used 'Rhythm of the Wind'." God, your understanding of the secret of speed surpasses mine? This"

Lin Lei really didn't know what to say, and he finally realized the gap between his genius and the real monster.

"Haha.. In fact, I have also accumulated some insights into the law of wind element. It's just that in terms of the mystery of speed, I haven't had a clearer understanding before. It was you who touched me," Di Ke said with a smile: " Lin Lei, don’t belittle yourself! You are also very good! You have reached the peak level of the Holy Realm before the age of 30, and you have also become a ninth-level great mage in magic, which is already very powerful.”

"I'm still far behind you! You reached the peak of the Holy Realm a few years ago, and I'm afraid your strength back then was even stronger than mine now," Lin Lei shook his head and then frowned. Lian asked: "But what I don't understand is why you chose to join the Holy See of Light? Is it because of Elena?"

"There are reasons for this. After all, you also know that Elena is the Saint of Light," Diko said noncommittally with a slight shrug.

"But, Diko, after you have been in the Holy See of Light for all these years, you should also understand that the Holy See of Light is not very bright, right? In this case, why do you still have to sacrifice your life for them?" Lin Lei asked in confusion.

"Light? How can there be absolute light and darkness in this world?" Diko shook his head slightly and said: "I can only say that if Elena and I can take charge of the Holy See of Light in the future, we will make some dissidents in the Holy See of Light Bright things slowly fade away."

"Do you want to become the leader of the Holy See of Light?" Linley looked at Diko with slight surprise, his face changed and he was silent for a moment before saying: "I understand! What Elena did in the Holy Alliance, I also have something to do with it. I heard that she does live up to her status as the Saint of Light. If you can really take charge of the Holy See of Light, you may be able to change the Holy See of Light. However, you should also know about my grudges with the Holy See of Light, right?"

"I know!" Diko nodded slightly and said: "I can't guarantee anything else, but if Elena and I take charge of the Holy See of Light in the future, there will never be any such thing as dedicating pure souls to the Lord of Light again, nor will it happen again. Let’s arbitrarily capture some humans with bodies above level six to serve as carriers for angels to descend.”

(End of this chapter)

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