Chapter 202 Teaming up
"I understand your hatred for the Holy See, but not everyone in the Holy See of Light does dark things under the banner of light. Do you have to kill everyone in the Holy See of Light in order to relieve your hatred?" Diko then asked. .

Linley's expression changed when he heard this, and he clenched his hands: "Dico, are you coming here this time to persuade me to give up hatred? Do you know that my mother was killed by the Holy See. And my father also wanted to track down my mother. He died because of his whereabouts. The Holy See of Light also repeatedly sent people to kill me, and I have also killed people from the Holy See of Light. The hatred between me and the Holy See of Light has long been irresolvable."

"In that case, then kill all the enemies who participated in the death of your parents. The two Clyde brothers, kings of the Kingdom of Finlay, have died in your hands. Who else do you want to kill in the Holy See of Light? Pope Hai Tingsi? He is the chief culprit who killed your mother, and he is also the person who wants to kill you the most. As well as the people who directly killed your mother, I can help you, help you kill them, or send them to Come to you," Dicko continued.

"Haitings? You want to help me kill him?" Linley looked at Diko in surprise when he heard this. Diko smiled noncommittally and said: "If we don't kill him, how can Elena and I control the Holy See of Light? ?”

Lin Lei was suffocated when he heard this, and couldn't help frowning: "Dico, you and Elena already have a Berlin Kingdom, why do you have to become the leader of the Holy See of Light? And if you can kill If so, Heitings, why are you still looking for me? You don’t want me to be an enemy of the Holy See of Light in the future, do you?”

"That's right! Linley, I don't want to be your enemy," Diko nodded and said simply: "As for why I want to control the Holy See of Light, let me ask you, are you prepared to stay in the O'Brien Empire and serve the O'Brien Empire wholeheartedly? , or do you want to conquer a territory of your own and establish your own power?"

"I understand! Diko, you saved my life in the first place. Therefore, I will not be your enemy, not now, nor in the future." Linley also nodded and continued: "But with the Holy See of Light, I will not be your enemy." I will definitely avenge you! I may not completely destroy the Holy See of Light, but I can also help you become the leader of the Holy See of Light. But in the same way, whether it is Heitings or the people who participated in the death of my mother, I will never I won’t let them go.”

"Of course! In fact, I just thought it was too troublesome to build a force from scratch, so I helped the Holy See of Light destroy the Holy See of Darkness, and then took control of the Holy See of Light. In this way, I can unify the Warcraft Mountains without too many killings in the future. To the west, we established a powerful empire that was truly peaceful and prosperous," Diko said.

Build a peaceful and prosperous empire?When Lin Lei heard what Di Ke said, his eyes brightened and he muttered: "In this case, I will go to the Territory of Chaos to develop in the future. If I can unify the Territory of Chaos, there will be less chaos and fighting. "

"The Territory of Chaos is now under the control of the Holy See of Light. If you go there, you will directly confront the Holy See of Light. When the time comes, the Holy See of Light will definitely send strong men from the Holy Domain to deal with you. Kill if you can, and if you really do, If not, just accumulate strength. When you are strong enough and really want to unify the Territory of Chaos, I am afraid that Heitings will not be able to help but deal with you personally, and then we will naturally be given the opportunity to kill him." Dicolian said.

Lin Lei, who nodded slightly, then frowned and said: "But if I kill the Saint Realm strongman of the Holy See of Light, or even kill Haitings, then the hatred with the Holy See of Light will be even more unsolvable. Even if you can control the light How can the Holy See change the hostility of the higher-ups of the Holy See towards me?"

"Hostile? I have never agreed to be an enemy of you, and I will make the higher-ups of the Holy See realize that being an enemy to you is the stupidest decision of Heitings. When Heitings and some of his radical ideas are dead, , even if there are still people who are hostile to you, in the face of the absolute strength gap and my suppression, the Holy See will naturally not be your enemy anymore."

"So, you actually want to use my hand to kill Heitings and eliminate dissidents, so that you can more easily control the Holy See of Light?" Lin Lei suddenly said.

Diko smiled noncommittally and said: "Similarly, you also want to kill Heitings and take revenge on those people from the Holy See who killed your mother, don't you? Since we all have something to ask for, why can't we cooperate? Can't we? , now you no longer believe in me as a friend?"

"I hope we can be friends forever," Lin Lei said noncommittally, then took out a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, poured two glasses of wine, raised his glass to Dico and said, "May we have a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Di Ke also raised his glass and smiled at Lin Lei. This cooperation is the best choice for both him and Lin Lei.After entering into a joint cooperation agreement with Lin Da, Diko quickly left Chiyan City and went straight to Wushen Mountain on the outskirts of Xicheng.

The main peak of Wushen Mountain seems to have been flattened from the top, forming a huge open space with a large number of buildings. This is where the registered disciples of Wushen Sect live and practice.

Even the named disciples are almost all ninth-level warriors.It can be said that more than half of the ninth-level experts in the O'Brien Empire have gathered here and become registered disciples of the Martial God Sect.

And even the most outstanding among these named disciples may not necessarily become the direct disciples of the Martial God.Generally speaking, it would take about two to three hundred years for the God of War to accept a direct disciple. They are all talented and knowledgeable enough to be able to enter the holy realm.

Where the registered disciples of Martial God Mountain live, there are also three strong men from the Holy Domain. They are all weak among the direct disciples of Martial God. They are usually responsible for handling the affairs of Martial God Mountain.

After Dico arrived, he announced his name. Unexpectedly, he alerted Kenyon, Castro and Ranko, the three direct disciples of the Martial God, and made them come out curiously.

After all, Diko's fame is so legendary. Not only is he a tiger-striped warrior, he has already reached the pinnacle of the holy realm in terms of law understanding, and his strength is unfathomable.His reputation is greater than that of the genius swordsman Olivia. He can be called a peerless evil genius that has been rare in the entire Yulan Continent for thousands of years. He has great hope of reaching the god level in the future.So even the Martial God Sect has enough respect for Diko.

"Dico, do you want to meet our senior brother?" After a warm and polite chat, Castro was suddenly surprised when he heard what Dico said.

Diko nodded slightly and said seriously: "That's right! I came here this time because I have reached a bottleneck in my practice and want to have a discussion with Mr. Fine."

"What? You still want to challenge Senior Brother?" Kenyon on the side stared blankly and said. Even Castro and Ranko looked at Dico with increasing surprise. Castro couldn't help but Lianda said: "Dico, do you know what level our senior brother's strength has reached?"

"I know the limit of the holy realm! What I want to challenge is the limit of the holy realm. If you are too weak, there is no point in challenging it," Diko nodded slightly.

And as soon as he said these words, Castro and the others were immediately choked.But after looking at each other, Castro nodded: "Okay! Since you insist, I can go to see the senior brother and explain to him your purpose of coming. I hope you will see me, will you agree to be with me?" When it comes to sparring, it depends on what Senior Brother wants."

"Dico, although your talent is very evil, you still want to challenge senior brother." After Castro finished speaking, he turned and left. Ranko beside him couldn't help but shook his head, obviously not believing Dico. Can have the strength to fight against Faen.

(End of this chapter)

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