Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 203 Battle against Faen

Chapter 203 Battle against Faen
Martial God Mountain, the top of Qinglei Peak. Dico, who came here under the leadership of Castro, saw at a glance the thin figure in a simple blue robe on the edge of the peak. It was Fan, the senior brother of the Martial God Sect. .

Diko looked seriously at Fawn, who was as straight as a benchmark. Fawn, with short cyan hair, looked thin, but gave people a strong and resolute feeling.Especially those eyes, which were as sharp as lightning.Even with his powerful soul perception, Dicko could feel Fan's soul breath that was faintly violent.

Similarly, Fawn also looked at Dico with interest, and then smiled slightly: "Dico, right? I have heard of your name. You are indeed a more talented monster than Olivia. If I didn't sense If I’m wrong, you should already be a Holy Magician, right?”

"Holy Magister?" Castro on the side looked at Dico in surprise when he heard this. As far as he knew, Dico should be about 30 years old at most. A 30-year-old Holy Magister?Let alone a 30-year-old holy magician, even a 30-year-old ninth-level magician can be called a very perverted evil genius.

Diko nodded simply and said: "That's right! Due to some chance and luck, I am indeed a Holy Magician now."

"You are a 30-year-old holy wizard, incredible! It seems that your magic talent is not inferior to your warrior talent. No wonder, even the teacher is full of praise for you, thinking that you can reach the god level by practicing on your own," said the praise Fawn looked at it, and then asked curiously: "Dico, how is your understanding of the law?"

"This is hard to say. You will know after you give it a try," Diko said with a smile. Seeing Diko's confident look, Fawn was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Okay! Since you are here specifically to challenge Me, then I will satisfy your request."

"Junior brother Castro, go inform the other junior brothers in Wushen Mountain that I am about to fight Dico. Anyone who is interested can come and watch the battle," then Fawn ordered Castro again.

"Yes, senior brother!" Castro responded in high spirits upon hearing this, and then flew away directly.

As the eldest brother on the Martial God Mountain, second only to his teacher Martial God, and considered by the Martial God to be the most promising to break through to become a god, Faen usually devotes himself to hard training. It is rare for juniors like him who started late to have the opportunity to see Faen take action. .

And in the entire Magnolia Continent, although there are many strong men in the Holy Domain, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to fight against Fa En.

"Follow me!" After Castro left, Fawn greeted Dico with a faint smile and then flew away into the distance.

When Dicko saw this, he was moved and flew up after him, catching up with Fawn in a blink of an eye.Immediately afterwards, Fa En, whose figure disappeared, turned into a blue lightning and surged in speed.And Diko instantly turned into a stream of fiery red light, and chased after him with an explosion of speed.

In just a moment, the two of them had left the scope of Wushen Mountain and arrived above a small barren hill outside Wushen Mountain.Fawn, who stopped for a moment, couldn't help but look at Diko in amazement and said: "Although I have long heard that the tiger-striped warrior among the four ultimate warriors is very fast, your speed can actually catch up with me, and you haven't done it yet. Transformed into a tiger-striped warrior. It seems that you have a deep understanding of the laws of the fire element, which is why you explode so fast."

"Dico, now I'm really looking forward to fighting with you," Fawn said, looking at Dicko with burning eyes, his body was filled with cyan lightning, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

Soon, along with the phantoms of flowing light flying from the direction of Martial God Mountain, each of Martial God's direct disciples, whether they have practiced for hundreds of years, thousands of years, or thousands of years, were soon very close. Twenty strong men from the holy realm arrived.When Diko glanced at them, these direct disciples of the God of War also looked at Diko curiously, and even started talking to each other in low voices.After learning about Dicko's identity from Castro, many of them felt the desire to fight in their hearts.

If it weren't for the fact that Diko came here to challenge Faen, and their senior brother had already faced him, there might be someone who couldn't help but want to compete with Diko.

In fact, three of the direct disciples of the Martial God have challenged Diko.However, although they all have the peak strength of the Holy Realm, and the strongest one is not inferior to that of Hedson, there is still a big gap compared with Diko.

Those who can be accepted as direct disciples by the Martial God are basically confident of entering the holy realm.Naturally, the talents and understanding are not bad either. Except for those like Kenyon who have a short training time, it is still very easy to reach the peak level of the Holy Realm as long as they practice for hundreds or thousands of years.However, even though they are both at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, due to the depth of their understanding of the law, the gap in strength is also very large.

Perhaps half of the direct disciples of the Martial God are not weaker than Blackson, but there are probably not even ten who can truly defeat Blackson.

"Dico, my speed is very fast! Among the extreme experts in the Holy Realm in Magnolia Continent, I am considered the top in terms of speed. You have to be careful," he said with a loud laugh after the junior brothers arrived. Faun instantly turned into a blue lightning and killed Diko.

Faced with Faen, who was killing as fast as lightning and with a violent aura, Dicko, who could not dodge, was covered in flames. Then the hot and violent energy gathered on his fist, and the fist wrapped in flames smashed out. ..
Amidst the booming and low muffled sound, the fist wrapped in flames and the fist surrounded by cyan lightning collided fiercely. The violent energy in an instant caused the space to vibrate and twist, and a thunderous energy explosion sounded, and then In the chaotic and violent fire and lightning energy storm, Diko and Fawn were all shaken and flung back.

"What?" Seeing this scene, Castro and other Martial God's direct disciples were all surprised. Apparently they couldn't believe that Dico could go head-to-head with Faun without falling behind.

Even Fawn himself, after stabilizing his figure, couldn't help but look at Dico in surprise.You know, during the fight just now, Dico did not transform into a tiger-striped warrior.Even if Diko has reached the Holy Realm in human form, his fighting spirit has probably not reached the peak level of the Holy Realm!But Dicko was still able to confront him head-on, which shows how deep his understanding of the law is.

"As expected of the Law of Fire, which is famous for its fierce attack power, Diko, the mystery of the law you understand should be the one that is best at energy explosion among the laws of the fire element, right?" Fawn looked at Dikolian with a burning gaze and asked.

Diko also smiled and nodded: "That's right! I named it the mystery of 'explosion'. When it is shot, it is like a volcanic eruption, which condenses its own energy incomparably, and then explodes, and the power is naturally more terrifying."

"The Mystery of Explosion? What a Mystery of Explosion," Fa En said in admiration with twinkling eyes after hearing this: "The thunder and lightning law I practice is also a law with very violent attack power, but the mystery of the law I understand is mainly in the body. In terms of magic speed, it is an attack that relies on speed bursts, which is ultimately inferior to your Explosion Mystery."

"However, the speed of movement is what I am best at. Since your real strength is no less than mine, then don't blame me for relying on speed to win," said Fawn, and his whole body instantly transformed into a series of streaks. Like a phantom of lightning, it surrounded Dico in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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