Chapter 204 Shock
Looking at the lightning phantoms around him that looked like Fa En's clones, it was difficult to tell which one was Fa En's real body. However, his eyes lit up: "The law of lightning, lightning clones, extremely fast, the mystery of the clone effect." Is that so? That’s it.”

"Dico, be careful!" Accompanied by the sounds coming from all directions, Fawn's phantoms came towards Dicko in an instant, and they took action almost simultaneously.Every figure exudes a violent aura, and ordinary saint realm experts cannot judge which one is the real body based on aura perception.

But facing Fa En's move, Diko suddenly closed his eyes, and the flames on his body condensed and restrained, forming like a flame armor. He allowed violent energy punches to fall on his body, and then suddenly his figure suddenly disappeared. He dodged the terrifying punch from Faen's real body.

With the sound of explosion, Fawn punched with all his strength but failed to hurt Dico. He couldn't help being shocked, and at the same time he stared at Dico with some surprise.
The phantom-like figure of Diko also turned into several lightning-like phantoms, with thunder and fire gleaming all over his body. He had the same movement skills as Faen.However, the number of clones that Diko transformed into was relatively small, unlike Faun who could transform into dozens of figures in an instant.

Next, in the sound of energy explosions, Diko and Fan were comparing their movement speeds. They saw silhouettes dodging or colliding with each other. The energy phantoms collapsed and dissipated, but in the blink of an eye, it was condensed again
The speed of the two was so fast that the disciples of the God of War who were watching the battle from a distance all widened their eyes in surprise, but they were unable to identify the true identities of Dico and Faun.

Although there are few energy clones that Dick can transform into, his instantaneous burst speed is slightly faster than that of Fawn. Every time, he dodges Fawn's attack in a thrilling way, and then explodes again with a punch. Fawn's figure
For a moment, Dico, who was inextricably locked with Fan, seemed to have no advantage, but he was not at a disadvantage.Slowly, Fawn's figures were bombarded one after another and collapsed, and the frequency and speed of the clones were obviously much faster than that of Dico.

"How is this possible? Even when Xisele, the King of Assassins, came to Wushen Mountain to fight with his senior brother more than 1000 years ago, he was not able to gain the upper hand in terms of movement speed. But this Diko was able to fight like this with his senior brother. Monster, he is so monster! It seems that we have all underestimated him, his understanding and cultivation speed are really terrifying," Castro and other direct disciples of the Martial God were shocked.

Even those direct disciples of the Martial God who had been practicing for thousands of years and whose strength surpassed that of Hedson were filled with shock and couldn't help but laugh wryly at themselves.Thousands of years of hard training are not as good as a junior's 20 years of training. It is really shocking.

"Huh? Look, Dicko..." Ranko, who was next to Castro, suddenly stared in surprise and said, "His figure has become more numerous. Did he realize something in the battle with Senior Brother? Has your understanding of the Law of Thunder and Lightning improved?"

In fact, after seeing the movements that Diko performed that were similar to those of Fa En, the direct disciples of the God of War guessed that Di Ke must also have practiced the Law of Thunder and Lightning, and the mysteries he understood were the same as Fa En's.

But Dicko's understanding of the Law of Thunder and Lightning was obviously not as good as his understanding of the Law of Fire, and even far less than that of Faun.However, after a fight, the understanding of the law has improved by leaps and bounds during the battle. With such understanding, Lanco, Castro and others can only say "monster".

"How is that possible?" Castro shook his head slightly and couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable when he saw that Dicko's figure had increased by half, and that he had transformed into ten figures, almost catching up with Fawn.

The ninth disciple of the God of War, who had fought against Diko and was also practicing the Law of Fire, took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "I told you a long time ago, this guy Diko is too evil. You didn’t believe it before, but do you believe it now?”

"You have reached the limit of the Holy Realm when you are around 30 years old. This is more evil than your senior brother, and even more evil than your teacher back then. It would be strange if you could not become a god with such talent and understanding," said Yi, the fifth disciple of the Martial God. Densi also shook his head and sighed, and heard several senior brothers next to him who were not weaker than him nodding subconsciously.The second disciple of the God of War, whose strength was second only to Fa En, had a complicated look on his face and said: "It seems that there will be another god-level strongman in the Magnolia Continent, and the pattern of the Magnolia Continent will also change!"

While everyone was shocked and sighing, a fiery red stream of light shot from the direction of Wushen Mountain, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed in the void not far away and transformed into a man with thick eyebrows and long red hair, exuding a fiery and domineering aura.

"Teacher!" Sensing the familiar and invisible aura of pressure, Castro and others turned their heads and saw the thick-browed man, and they couldn't help but salute respectfully.

Obviously, this domineering man with long crimson hair and thick eyebrows is none other than the God of War O'Brien.At this time, O'Brien paid no attention to the disciples. Looking at Diko who was fighting fiercely with his eldest disciple Fine, he couldn't help but have a look of emotion on his face.

"Dico...a little guy, his understanding of the law of fire element has reached such a level? The mystery of explosion? This is an extremely profound mystery in the law of fire element. Even I have only scratched the surface of my understanding, but Only when the attack power is greatly increased can he have a strength that is not inferior to that of the high priest. He is only about 30 years old, but he has only been practicing for more than ten years, and his understanding of this mystery has surpassed mine." The God of War was also very shocked in his heart: "So Talent, I’m afraid Mr. Beirut has also noticed him, right?”

"I really didn't expect that the Magnolia Continent, besides Mr. Beirut, could actually give birth to such a genius monster," the Martial God sighed in his heart, and then frowned slightly: "Dico, he is from the Holy See of Light. Once He grew up with the domineering attitude of the Holy See, and was afraid..."

"Fan, you are the most powerful person in the Holy Realm, do you only have this little strength? You really disappoint me," Diko said loudly as the God of War thought, and in the blink of an eye, he exploded one after another. En's lightning clones made the regrouping speed of Fan's clones almost unable to keep up with the speed of Dicko's attack and destruction, so that after the fierce battle for so long, Fan's figure was finally less than Dicko's.

Dico's words also obviously angered Faen. He heard a roar, and the clone phantoms collapsed and disappeared. Only Faen, the only real body, was left, holding a blue long sword and stabbing out...
With the booming sword, endless thunder roared throughout the world. Immediately, hundreds of giant dragons formed by thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air. Countless thunder and lightning dragons roared and roared, wrapping Dico.

The violent thunder and lightning continued to explode, flowing over Diko's body. Facing the terrifying thunder and lightning from all directions, Diko's eyes were blazing and scary, as if there was a flame burning, and then the whole person was slightly stunned. There was a look of thought on his face
"Thunderstorm...Thunder, it turns out that the law of thunder and lightning still has such a mystery." After a moment, Dico came back to his senses as if murmuring to himself. The violent thunder and lightning energy around him had been exhausted, and the armor condensed with flame elements on his body was dim. Quite a few, but Diko, who understood most of the mysteries of the fire element, combined with the energy armor condensed by some of the mysteries of the fire body technique, had a very strong defense and did not collapse.

"What? My strongest trick, 'Thunder Dragon Descending', which I used a lot of mental energy to perform, couldn't break through his defense?" The pale Faen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw the energy armor on Dick's body that was still intact. Confidence: "The attack is strong and the defense is so strong, this Dico is too much."

(End of this chapter)

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