Chapter 205 Xisai War God

Diko turned his head and moved his body, then looked at Fan with shining eyes and said: "Is this your strongest attack trick? It is indeed very powerful, even more powerful than the tenth level forbidden magic. But unfortunately, Your move does not contain any profound laws, otherwise it would be even more powerful."

"Looking at your sword strike just now, I realized something. I created a new move. Please try it." Dike said with a smile, and the flames all over his body suddenly exploded with speed, turning into an afterimage. When he arrived in front of Fa En, he punched out at the same time. In an instant, like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth, the fist filled with the terrifying power that destroyed the heaven and earth, causing the space to tremble and create tiny cracks.

"What?" Fawn was shocked, staring at Dico's fist, feeling that it was a more terrifying punch with more power than his Thunder Dragon Down move. He was shocked and at the same time came back to his senses. , while turning into a bolt of lightning and retreating, he hurriedly waved his sword to meet him.

Wow.. When Fawn was stabbed with a sword, a large number of electric snakes appeared around the sword shadow. All of those electric snakes wrapped around Diko's fist...
However, immediately after, under Dick's terrifying and destructive fist power, the electric snakes collapsed directly, and then the punch that was about to smash the space collided hard with the blue sword in Fan's hand.

The next moment, the long sword flew out of Fa En's hand. The bones could be faintly seen in the bloody palm. Even the skin of the arm was cracked, and the bloody flesh quickly turned black under the hot fist.
Poof... Throwing away Faen, after stabilizing his figure in a panic, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.This time, he was seriously injured.

But it was obvious that Dico was merciful in that move in the end, otherwise the full power of the mysterious fusion of lightning and fire laws would explode, and it would probably directly explode Faun.

When "Elder Brother" saw Fan's embarrassment, Castro and other disciples of the Martial God also cried out with pale faces.

In their minds, Teacher Martial God, as a god-level powerhouse, is naturally invincible.And the senior brother Fa En is only one step away from becoming a god, and his strength is also far beyond them.Many of them are probably no match for Fa En.

But Faen, who has reached the limit of the holy realm and is only one step away from becoming a god, was seriously injured by Dicko's punch. How can we not be shocked by this?It turns out that Dico had reservations before. Is this his true strength?Unknowingly, this evil genius who is famous in the Magnolia Continent has reached such a level!

"Fa'en..." The God of War also came to Fa'en's side in a flash, looking at the seriously injured eldest disciple, with a look of concern on his face.

"Teacher, I'm fine! Dicko's punch was finally saved," Fawn said with a forced smile.Although he was defeated miserably today, Fa En was convinced of his defeat after seeing Dicko's monster-like understanding.

The God of War, who had noticed the terrifying power of Dico's last move, was also slightly startled.Now that he saw that Fan was fine, he was secretly relieved and turned to look at Dico, his eyes becoming sharper.In front of him, Diko dared to seriously injure his disciple. Obviously, he didn't take him as a god-level warrior in his eyes!
"You have reached the limit of the Holy Realm at the age of 30. Dicko, even I didn't expect how outstanding you are." Martial God O'Brien looked at Dicko, as if there were flames rising in his eyes: "That battle between you and Faun just now , it made my hands itch a little bit."

When Diko heard this, his brows jumped. Are his hands itchy?Is this God of War going to attack him regardless of his identity?Are you really just itching to see Hunter Xinxi, or are you jealous and want to kill him?
"Haha... Martial God, what a coincidence, my hands are itchy too. If you want to fight, I will accompany you. Why bully a junior?" At this moment, sudden laughter sounded, and that familiar voice Dico felt relieved immediately.

"Huh?" O'Brien raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance. He saw a black shadow flashing in the air next to Dico. It was Xi who looked very lazy with his hair disheveled and a loose robe. plug.Looking at Xisai, O'Brien couldn't help but said: "Xise, it seems that you have become very confident after entering the god level! Why, do you think you can fight with me when you first enter the god level?"

"Whether it's possible or not, you'll know after you try it." Xisai smiled noncommittally, and his calm and confident look made O'Brien slightly surprised as he frowned slightly: "This Xisai seems to be very confident. Looks like, is there really anything to rely on?"

O'Brien knew Xisai quite well, and knew that he practiced the mystery of sneaking and escaping in the dark elemental law. He was able to protect himself, but his attack power was not very strong.Not long after he became a god more than 5000 years ago, O'Brien was able to fight against the high priest, and his attack power was astonishing.

With Xisai's temperament, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to seek abuse.Since he dared to come to Wushen Mountain and said that, he was obviously confident that he could fight O'Brien.

"Could it be that Xisai, who has just become a god a few years ago, has improved a lot in strength?" O'Brien was a little unsure for a moment. After all, Xisai was also a genius at the beginning, and he could rely on himself. Being able to become a god independently after practicing for thousands of years is something that should not be underestimated.

Seeing O'Brien's silence, Xisai couldn't help but laugh and said: "What, God of War, could it be that you don't even dare to accept the challenge from me who has just entered the god level?"

"Hmph! Xisai, since you are looking for trouble, then I will help you," O'Brien snorted coldly, and suddenly flames rose all over his body, as if his whole body had really turned into a flame god.

When Diko saw this scene, his heart moved slightly: "This God of War, could it be that the mystery contained in the refined godhead is the fire body technique? However, before he became a god, he had already spent hundreds of Reaching the limit of the Holy Realm in [-], and thousands of years after becoming a god, I must have a deeper understanding of the laws of the fire element. Even if I fail to integrate the mysteries of the laws, the power of the different laws and mysteries complement each other cannot be underestimated. "

"Xisse has just entered the god level for the first time. Even if he has devoted himself to training for several years after becoming a god, how much improvement can he make? How could he suddenly be so confident to challenge O'Brien?" He then looked at Xisay. Dico also had some doubts in his heart.

Feeling the fiery divine power released from the God of War, Xisai narrowed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up, turning into phantoms one after another and killing the God of War.
Boom...chi...The God of War, who did not use his divine weapon, easily blocked Xisei's attacks with just a pair of flaming fists. Each punch contained fiery and terrifying explosive power, and easily defeated Xisei. 's avatar
However, as the clones collapsed, leaving only a solid figure of Xisai, the surrounding sky suddenly darkened, as if half of the sky was covered by darkness, and the whole person seemed to be the god of darkness, facing the darkness. As the Martial God spread away, the whole person disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

"Is this...the mystery of the dark element? Xisai, did he actually fuse the shadow clone technique with the mystery of the dark element?" Diko couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw this scene.

The Martial God, whose face also changed slightly, saw the sky in front of him turn dark. He couldn't help but feel the flames all over his body. At the same time, flames spread around him, as if he wanted to detect the traces of Xisai and force him out.
(End of this chapter)

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