Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 206 The magic of body refining method

Chapter 206 The magic of body refining method

Just when the flames filled the air around the God of War, and the light of the flames forced the darkness back and dispersed, Xisai's figure appeared and he instantly approached the God of War.
Boom... The God of War punched out, and the fist containing a violent and terrifying aura directly bombarded Xisei, and Xisei's figure disappeared in an instant, but at the same time as it disappeared, the corners of Xisei's mouth were exposed A smile.

"Huh?" The God of War, whose face changed slightly, was about to react when he felt a sharp and cold breath coming from behind, followed by a stinging pain in his back.

"Teacher" A group of Martial God's disciples who were watching the battle from a distance saw Xisai's figure disintegrating in front of the Martial God. At the same time, Xisai suddenly appeared behind the Martial God. At the same time, the black dagger in his hand stabbed into the Martial God's back like a trick. They couldn't help but Their faces changed drastically.

Even Fan couldn't help but stare at this scene with disbelief: "How is it possible? Xisai, he...he actually hurt the teacher?"

"What a brilliant concealment method!" Diko also looked at this scene with a slightly moved expression, becoming more and more sure of his guess.

After stabbing the Martial God, Xisai's figure disappeared, and he retreated, smiling at the Martial God O'Brien from a distance and said: "How is it, Martial God, now do you think I can fight with you?"

The wound on his back healed instantly. He turned to look at Xisai, the God of War. He couldn't help but said with a stern look on his face: "Xise, you really surprised me! I didn't expect that you, who had just entered the god level, would reach such a level of strength. It seems that I really underestimated you!"

"Haha.. Since you became a god, you have never lost in a battle with the high priest. Why do you still care about us, the most powerful ones in the holy realm!" Xisai shook his head and smiled.

The God of War looked at Xisai noncommittally, and then couldn't help but frown and asked: "How come you are so strong? Moreover, you can actually practice the shadow clone technique to such a level that you can hide your figure in the darkness. In the elements, even I can’t clearly perceive them, such a method..."

"Haha... very powerful, isn't it? Martial God, I used to be the strongest man in the holy realm who was best at assassination, and was called the 'King of Killers'. Now that I, the King of Killers, have broken through and become a god, I should naturally have The qualification is to be able to threaten a god-level powerhouse. Tell me, if I want to assassinate you, is there any hope of success?" Xisai laughed proudly.

After hearing this, the Martial God was slightly silent, then nodded slightly and said: "If you hadn't been merciful just now and stabbed the dagger directly into my head, I would have been dead."

Upon hearing what the Martial God said, the proud smile on Xisai's face suddenly grew stronger, while Fa En and other Martial God's direct disciples' expressions changed again.

In their hearts, their teacher Martial God is invincible, and even the high priest cannot defeat Martial God.But today, Xisai, who had just become a god a few years ago, actually has the strength to defeat and kill the God of War. The shock to them can be imagined.

"You have just entered the god level. It is impossible for your strength to improve so quickly." The God of War frowned at Xisai and asked curiously: "How did you practice?"

"Of course I have accumulated a lot of experience. I am a genius! Do you think I have not made any progress after staying at the Holy Realm level for thousands of years and reaching the extreme level of the Holy Realm for so long?" As soon as Xisai said these words, the God of War immediately made a slight smile. A suffocation.

"Speaking of it, I was able to reach the god level so quickly and have the strength I have now, thanks to Dico," Xisai then said and looked at Dico with a smile.

Diko was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.Thanks to him?Is it because...
The God of War couldn't help but subconsciously looked at Diko, and then asked doubtfully: "Xise, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Diko can still give you some advice? He does not practice the law of darkness, and although he is talented His understanding is very powerful, and his strength has reached the limit of the holy realm, but he has not become a god after all." "Haha, so what if I haven't become a god? God of War, do you think that with Diko's talent, it will be difficult to become a god? Will it take a long time? Once you wait Now that he has become a god, how difficult will it be for him to surpass you and me in strength?" Xisai's rhetorical question immediately left the God of War speechless again.

Xisai continued: "As for how he helped me, this is a secret between us, but I can't tell you. You just need to know that this guy is my friend. From now on, In this Yulan Continent plane, if you mess with him, you mess with me."

Hearing Xisai's slightly threatening words, Wu Shen couldn't help but frown slightly, while Dike felt warm in his heart, secretly thinking that although this person was uninhibited, he was indeed a friend he could make.

Although Diko is now a man whose strength far exceeds the limit of the ordinary holy realm, he has not yet become a god after all.In Xisei's opinion, he would not be a match for the God of War.Today, Xisai took action to scare the God of War, and specifically said words to cover up and defend him. It was obvious that he was not just treating him as a junior with potential.

"Okay, we've beaten each other, it's time to go! Dico, come with me!" After saying this, Xisai, who greeted Dico, flew away first.

After hearing this, Diko nodded slightly, and after slightly handing over Wu Shen and Fa En, he quickly transformed into a stream of flames and quickly chased after them.

After flying dozens of miles in the blink of an eye, Xisai slowed down and flew side by side with Diko. At the same time, he looked sideways at Diko with a smile and said, "You kid, I didn't expect that in just ten years, we would reach the Holy Realm." The limit. Such a talent is really a monster! I think I am a genius in vain, but in front of you, I can't help but feel ashamed."

"Lord Xisai, I've said it before! No matter how talented I am, I haven't become a god yet, and there is still a big gap between me and you and the God of War," Diko shook his head and said.

"Then practice hard and strive to break through and become a god as soon as possible!" Xisai smiled noncommittally, reached out and patted Diko on the shoulder, and then said: "Boy, are you curious about why my strength improves so fast? You must be the same. Have you made any guesses? Yes, the reason why I became a god so quickly, and my strength improved rapidly after becoming a god, is all because of your method of cultivating the physical body."

Although he had already made some guesses in his mind, after hearing what Xisai said, Diko couldn't help frowning and asked: "Why? Master Xisai, that is just a method of cultivating the physical body, why would you let me?"

"You don't know?" Xisai also looked at Diko with a little surprise and said: "Isn't it because of this that you are so fast in practicing and comprehending the mysterious laws? Or is it that even you are not aware of the special method of cultivating the physical body? How amazing?"

"Lord Xisai, you mean..." Diko raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, while Xisai continued: "Absorbing the elements of heaven and earth to temper the body is also nourishing and tempering the soul, which can naturally improve cultivation. A person's affinity for elements. Because of this, I have a clearer perception of dark elements, and it was only after I had an epiphany that I broke through and became a god. At the same time, I also felt the mystery contained in the simplest dark elements, and even transformed into a god. In the past few years, I have been practicing the fusion of shadow clone technique and elements, but I never expected that it would improve my strength so quickly."

"Is it because of this? To increase the affinity of elements? It turns out that this is how Xisai stepped into the threshold of the fusion of laws and mysteries!" Diko, whose expression changed for a while, was really surprised in his heart: "Is it possible that my innate understanding is so good? Is it also for this reason? It’s really incredible that this body training method can actually improve a person’s understanding potential.”

Diko, who then looked at Xisai, couldn't help but thought to himself: "In this way, Xisai, who was already extremely talented, now seems to have his potential stimulated. It is hard to say what his future achievements will be. At least he can understand the mysteries of the dark elements and become a It should not be difficult to become a middle-level god, but it is not necessary to keep refining the godhead to become a high-level god like in the original work. After all, those who refine the godhead to become a god have limited potential, and it is almost impossible to integrate the mysterious laws."

(End of this chapter)

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