Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 207 Desili and Tu Lilei

Chapter 207 Desili and Tu Lilei

Then Diko suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "Master Xisai, have you taught this body refining method to others?"

"Well...well, in addition to the people in our Saber organization, I also passed it on to Rosalie. However, her talent and understanding are still a little worse, at least she can't compare with me. So, she is not as good as me. Such a lucky breakthrough to become a god," Xisai said awkwardly.

Seeing that he didn't forget to boast about it when he talked about it, Diko was a little speechless, but he was thinking about the congratulatory gift someone from Beirut sent to him when he got married.

If the body training method can really improve the innate understanding, then it may be of some use even to Beirut.If the power of the main god is used to refine the body, the effect may be even more amazing. It may make Beirut's god-eating rat's physical body more powerful. It is not impossible to train the physical body to be comparable to the main artifact like Qinglong.

If this is the case, then it is understandable that Beirut would let someone give him such a heavy gift.Although Xisai did not inform Beirut of this body-refining method, with Beirut's methods, there are probably many people in the Saber organization who have practiced this body-refining method, so it is not difficult for him to obtain it.

"Could it be that Rosalie told Beirut about this body-refining method?" Dicko secretly guessed that Rosalie, Desili, Tu Lilei, and Rutherford, the four most powerful people in the Holy Realm, were directly related to each other. It is normal for those who obeyed Beirut to obtain such a mysterious body-refining method and told Beirut that they would first get some benefits from it.

"Hey Dico, what are you thinking about?" Seeing Dico stunned, Xisai couldn't help asking. Dico, who came back to his senses after hearing the words, also smiled and said: "Oh, it's nothing! I just feel a little pity, I wanted to fight Fa En to see if I could be inspired to break through and become a god. But unfortunately, although this battle gave me some new insights into the laws of thunder and lightning, I gained nothing about the laws of fire elements. This mystery of explosion , I don’t know when I will be able to break through.”

"So, I plan to go and discuss with several other extreme experts in the Holy Realm to see if I can find an opportunity for a breakthrough!" Diko then said with some expectation.

Xisai nodded with a smile, and then said with relief: "Don't worry! Look at me, I have been stuck at the limit of the Holy Realm for so long, and I have practiced for thousands of years before I broke through and became a god. In comparison, your cultivation speed has been It's fast enough. If you want to break through the bottleneck and don't rush, there is no other good way. Apart from accumulating, you can only fight against strong people, run around and look around, maybe you can be touched."

"Your idea is good. You really can't just practice hard." Xisai said with a smile and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you to find opportunities for breakthroughs. And I am also ready to go everywhere. Let’s go and relax.”

After saying that, Xisai waved to Dico and left.And watching him leave gracefully, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the distant sky in a blink of an eye, Diko, who shook his head and smiled, also pondered thoughtfully: "Where should we go first? Let's go to the Territory of Chaos! Let's go first. Meet Desili, and then go to the Far East Prairie to discuss with Tu Lilei."

Desili also lived for thousands of years. When the legendary Pope Ernst was the pope of the Holy See of Light, he was the Holy Demon of Light, just like Lord Luoye today, he was the spiritual leader of the ascetic group.

He and his good brother Higginson had both been in the Holy See and were high-ranking members of the Holy See of Light.But later, they all left the Holy See and devoted themselves to practicing hard to become gods.

Today, Desili, his two brothers, and several powerful men from the Holy Realm who follow him live a peaceful life of seclusion in a hidden mountain village in the southern part of the Territory of Chaos.

Although they are practicing in a low-key manner, Desili and others have not cut off contact with the outside world. They are also aware of the changes in the situation on the Magnolia Continent, as well as the information about some powerful men in the Holy Domain.So even though Dedesli and the others were a little surprised by Dico's arrival, they still warmly entertained Dico.Of course, this is not to give face to the Holy See of Light, but I just think that Dicko has great talent, high potential, and the hope of becoming a god in the future, so he is worthy of their friendship.

But like Fawn, they also don't understand Dicko's true strength.Therefore, when Dicko proposed a fight, Desili had no intention of taking action. On the contrary, his two good brothers Higginson and the fire holy wizard Hayward were both very curious about Dicko and wanted to Let's start and weigh the weight of Dico, a young man from the Demonic Sanctuary.

Needless to say, when Dicko defeated Higginson easily, even Hayward's soul attack method couldn't do anything to him. Desili, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, finally faced up to Dicko's strength, and couldn't help but be curious and personally Start sparring with Dicko.

It's a pity that Desili, who is best at soul attack methods, met Diko, who is also very good at soul defense. His soul attack methods can't help Diko, so naturally there is nothing he can do against Diko.

It can be said that Dicko completely restrained Desili. If he really killed Desili, it would be much easier to kill Desili than fighting Fawn.

Dicko, who had won the respect and even awe of Desli and others with his strength, during their increasingly warm and polite reception, he even gave some guidance to a saint named Livingston who was under Desli and also practiced the law of fire element. After defeating the strong men in the domain, he said goodbye and left for the Far Eastern Prairie.

Dico, who wanted to find a breakthrough opportunity, had nothing to gain from Desili, so naturally he didn't want to waste any more time and wanted to go to the Far East Prairie to fight with Tu Lilei as soon as possible.

The reason why he delayed a little time in Desili and even pointed out Livingston was mainly because he had the idea of ​​​​recruiting them to work for him in the future.

Desili and the powerful men from the sanctuary beside him are a force that cannot be underestimated.What's more, Desili later broke through and became a god on his own. If they can be persuaded to come out, the empire established by Dicko to replace the Holy See of Light will have a deeper foundation in the future.

Anyway, Desili and Higginson have also spent time in the Holy See of Light. After Dicko and Elena take charge of the Holy See of Light, they will not be too resistant to returning to help and continuing to use their remaining energy.

Martial Saint Tu Li Lei, his strength is not inferior to Fa En.He practiced the way of destruction, and his attacks were even more powerful than Fa En's.Therefore, the battle between Diko and Tu Lilei was equally exciting, and it also touched him on the way of destruction and deepened his understanding.

Diko even fought twice with Tu Li Lei. In the first game, he relied on the Law of Fire to seriously injure Tu Li Lei. After Tu Li Lei recovered from his injuries, he later used the Way of Destruction to fight Tu Li Lei. , with the help of the speed of the tiger-striped warrior's transformation, the battle with Tu Lilei became more and more enjoyable, which also made Tu Lilei have a great impression of him and he was sincerely convinced.

This time, Dike and Tu Lilei had never known each other before fighting each other. If Tu Lilei hadn't been touched after the fierce battle with him and wanted to go into seclusion and practice hard to find a breakthrough opportunity, I'm afraid he wouldn't have let Dike go easily!
Diko was a little depressed. Although he also gained a lot from the battle with Tu Lilei, he still had no intention of breaking through the mystery of the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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