Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 208 Dico becomes a god

Chapter 208 Dico becomes a god

The Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, a religious force that only spreads its faith in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory, actually does not have a strong presence in the entire Magnolia Continent.

Even in the eyes of many powerful people in the Holy Realm and those in power, the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple is just a small religion in a corner, far from being comparable to the Holy See of Light.

Only some of the top experts on the Magnolia Continent know that Rosalie, the only female sanctuary expert in the Magnolia Continent, is stationed in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple.

With her here, even if there is no god-level powerhouse in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, even the O'Brien Empire, the strongest country in the neighboring continent, will not easily invade the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory.

In the original work of Panlong's novel, because Olivia used all her strength to destroy the exit seal of the Gorbada plane prison, a large number of strong men from the Gorbada plane came to the Magnolia Continent, and Beirut's son even took action to kill them. Two low-ranking powerful men who wanted to occupy the eighteen principalities in the Northern Territory.

At that time, perhaps the Beirut father and son wanted to establish their authority, but why did they specifically protect the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory? Even before, when the God of War and the High Priest wanted to join forces with Lin Lei to carve up the Magnolia Continent, they specifically reminded them not to send troops into the Eighteen Northern Territory Principalities. The principality, however, forced Diko to suspect that the Ice Goddess Temple had an extraordinary relationship with the Beirut family.

"The Ice and Snow Goddess... Is she Beirut's wife Carolina?" Diko, who left the Far East Prairie, rushed to the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory. He met Rosalie and learned from her that the so-called The Ice and Snow Goddess is not some water god, but a god-level powerhouse who was once born in the Magnolia Continent. I couldn't help but secretly guess.

If this Ice and Snow Goddess is Carolina, then the reason why Carolina established the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple was obviously for the power of faith.The reason why the current Ice and Snow Goddess Temple is located in a corner and is so low-key is probably because Carolina had left the Magnolia Continent ten thousand years ago.

However, as the Beirut father and son are strong men of Warcraft, they are willing to protect the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory and the Temple of the Ice and Snow Goddess. This can be explained clearly.

However, Dico was only a little curious about the origins of the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple. What he was really interested in was to compete with Rosalie, the water-type holy magician at the extreme limit of the holy realm.

No one knows about this battle.Apart from Rosalie, the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, which is located in a corner, does not have many powerful saints, and their strength is average.

This battle is similar to the previous battle between Dico and Desili. Although Rosalie is also a Holy Magician, her soul attack methods are much inferior to Desili, and the mysterious laws she understands are also relatively basic. There are only the mysteries of the water element, as well as the power of ice and the psychedelic mysteries of fog, but they are not deeply understood and cannot pose any threat to Diko.

So the battle between Dicko and Rosalie was really just a sparring match.At the same time, Dico also realized that Rosalie's innate understanding was really inferior compared to several other extreme experts in the God's Realm.

Otherwise, Xisai has already taught her the body refining method, which is enough to make Rosalie have a higher affinity for the water element. Ordinarily, if she has better understanding, she may be able to understand the law of water element and break through to become a god. , but still failed to break through, and the potential was somewhat lacking.

Naturally, Dico gained the least from the battle with Rosalie.In fact, in terms of his understanding of the laws of the water element, in addition to the mysteries of the element of water, Dicko has even surpassed Rosalie in his understanding of the power of ice and the psychedelic mysteries of fog.In fact, Rosalie has not reached the final bottleneck in her understanding of the element of water. She has only understood most of it, and combined with the understanding of the power of ice, she has the ultimate strength of the holy realm.Naturally, even if her affinity for the water element increases, Rosalie will not be able to understand the law of water elements and become a god in a short period of time.Because from the beginning, she understood the mysteries of the element of water, but pursued the destructive power of the cold attribute in attacks, her understanding of the mysteries of the law went astray.

However, Dicko's understanding of the mysteries of the element of water is not as good as Rosalie's. Naturally, it is unexpected that Rosalie has not devoted herself to studying the mysteries of the element of water. Her understanding of the mysteries has not reached the limit of the Holy Realm. She is afraid of becoming a god. I don’t know how long I will continue to practice!
After successively challenging the four most powerful Saints, Dicko's gains were getting smaller and smaller. In fact, he didn't have much hope for the final battle with Rutherford.

In the Arctic Icefield, several months have passed since Dicko's battle with Faun at Mount Valkyrie. After the battle with Hudson, Linley had also left the O'Brien Empire to develop in the Territory of Chaos, and also had a close relationship with Henderson. Olivia was seriously injured in the battle and fell into a coma. After waking up and watching the tragic battle between Lin Lei and Hedson, he was somewhat stimulated and came to the Arctic ice field to practice hard.

Even though she had become a blessing in disguise and her soul had mutated, Olivia, who had just arrived in the Arctic ice field, was still at the bottom of the pack in terms of strength.Almost all the strong men from the Holy Realm who have been practicing hard in the Arctic ice fields for thousands of years have been cultivating for thousands of years, and none of them is weaker than him.

To the north of the North Sea of ​​the Magnolia Continent, the vast Arctic ice sheet is several times larger than the Magnolia Continent.However, the temperature here is too low and the ground is made of extremely hard ice. Except for some powerful monsters, ordinary people cannot survive here at all.

The cold wind howled like a knife. In the Arctic ice field lined with icebergs, beside an iceberg tens of thousands of meters tall, Olivia was fighting with a cold man with short green hair.

To be precise, Olivia was completely abused by the other party.The man struck down with his kick like a sword, which actually produced a clearly visible air blade, causing Olivia to fly away with her sword, and hit the icy ground in the distance hard, causing the The ice surface cracked, and Olivia spurted out a mouthful of blood. She was already seriously injured.

"Hmph, Olivia, do you still want to challenge Mr. Rutherford? Even I can't compete with you. You are only at the bottom of the Arctic ice sheet. Fix yourself well." Before the cold man finished speaking, he suddenly His face changed slightly as he sensed this, and he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance: "In that direction, is Sir Rutherford practicing? Could it be that someone is fighting against Sir Rutherford? In the Arctic ice field, there are Who can fight Lord Rutherford?"

The cold man, who was surprised and suspicious in his heart, turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance without hesitation.Olivia, who was also curious and doubtful, hurriedly followed after briefly treating her injuries.

Deep in the Arctic ice field, on a piece of ice that can be seen, the sun shines on the ice ground, shining with dazzling light. A red phantom and a cyan phantom are vaguely visible, and each collision is like fire and cold. Ice, water, and fire were incompatible, and the violent aura caused the surrounding void to become distorted and blurred.

Suddenly, after a confrontation, the red phantom with a violent aura suddenly restrained collided with the cyan phantom again. As the space suddenly shook, it seemed that there was not too strong energy fluctuation, but The cyan phantom vomited blood and flew away in some embarrassment...
"How is it possible? His attack power has increased so much all of a sudden. What's going on?" The pale-faced Rutherford, the strongest man in the Arctic ice field, covered his chest and looked at the opposite side in mid-air with some disbelief. Dico stopped and couldn't help but blood spilled from the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Diko's punch just now seemed to be restrained in power, but the violent power of the punch after it invaded his body was so explosive. If he hadn't saved his hand, one punch would have directly shattered his internal organs. .

"Haha... The Mystery of Explosion, so that's what it is! Only by being restrained enough can you have stronger explosive power. This is the ultimate secret of the Mystery of Explosion." While Diko's eyes flashed and he laughed, an invisible law The fluctuation also came suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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