Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 209 Dico becomes a god

Chapter 209 Dico becomes a god

After the battle with Rutherford, he finally turned around and understood the mystery of explosion. This was something Dico never expected.

Rutherford, who was practicing hard in the Arctic ice field, had a profound understanding of the cold power of the water element law, and his use of it had reached a state of perfection, and he was only one step away from becoming a god.

And it was precisely because he personally experienced Rutherford's use of the power of ice during the fight. The power of ice that seemed restrained but very destructive, completely opposite to the mystery of the explosion, made Dico I was touched, and thought about the principle that in order to burst out with strong enough power, I need to accumulate strength. I finally had a sudden enlightenment on the essence of the mystery of explosion, and I instantly realized the breakthrough.

At the same time that Diko understood the mystery of explosion, the huge and unparalleled power of strange laws came, which also distorted the space area where Diko was located. The power of laws also penetrated Diko instantly. Ko's soul has penetrated all his understanding of the mysteries of explosion.

At the same time, above Diko's head, the power containing the aura of law began to condense. A large amount of fire element energy gathered crazily, and finally condensed into a point, turning into a suspended black crystal emitting red light. It is the lower god with the attribute of fire.

The moment this godhead was formed, it was connected with Diko's soul. According to the godhead formed by Diko's soul aura, it naturally fit perfectly with Diko. At the same time, the invisible message was also passed into Diko's soul. , the rules of heaven and earth for becoming a god made Diko make a choice, whether to keep the godhead outside the body or inside the body.

Diko, who was not planning to only practice the law of fire element, naturally did not hesitate to control the fire-attribute low-level god to float aside...
Yes.. The next moment, the terrible tearing feeling from the soul made Dico's whole consciousness a little confused. The pain from the soul made him tremble all over, his face was ferocious and convulsed, and then for a while Dark red flames like a refining fire flew out of his mind, like soul fire. It was his soul that condensed into substance after becoming a holy magician.

After the dark red flame-like soul flew out of Diko's body, it instantly merged into the godhead. At the same time, the soul in the godhead also felt a place called Dieter, which was located at the core of the boundless space. Only those who became gods could A vast and boundless ocean of plane elements that only the strong can sense.

In the foggy plane space, there is only the red light emitted by the boundless elemental ocean itself.The elemental tide is sweeping across the waves, and under the substantial fire element condensed into liquid on the surface, there is endless divine power.

Diko's soul easily felt the pure fire-attribute divine power ten meters under the elemental ocean, and then with a thought, some of the divine power followed the special passage formed by the laws of heaven and earth and descended over the Arctic ice sheet where Diko was. , with Dikona's fire-attribute godhead fused with the soul as the center, the divine body was quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, a body exactly like Diko was condensed and formed. At the same time, he took the opportunity to absorb the divine power and absorbed a lot of divine power. As the laws of heaven and earth that became a god fluctuated and dissipated, it became extremely difficult for Diko to absorb the divine power. , then he opened his eyes with a sigh of relief.

"Have you finally become a god? Does it really feel like a god?" Diko can clearly feel that the godhead in the mind of the fire-type identity god seems to have special power, and he can easily control the fire element in the world with a single thought. Energy forms the realm of God, which is the authority given by heaven and earth to god-level powerhouses. It is stronger than Diko's flame realm.

"Becoming a god? He actually broke through and became a god like that?" Rutherford, who saw Dicko becoming a god with his own eyes, his expression changed, and his heart was extremely complicated.

You must know that in order to become a god, Rutherford practiced hard for thousands of years in the bitter cold land of the Arctic ice sheet, endured thousands of years of loneliness and cold, and pursued for thousands of years!But he is still trapped in the limit of the holy realm and cannot break through. Now that he sees Dico, a junior with a demonic talent, breaking through, and he broke through after fighting him, one can imagine how mixed emotions he will feel in his heart.

"This is...godhead? Who is this person who fought against Lord Rutherford? He actually became a god? This..." After the cold-haired man arrived, he happened to see the light of godhead flashing next to Diko. He condensed into a divine clone, and he couldn't help but stare with surprise and disbelief on his face.Olivia, who came after him, recognized Dico at a glance, saw the condensed god clone beside him, felt the fiery divine power exuded by Dico's identity, and made some guesses. He also stared with surprise on his face: "Dico...has he become a god?"

"Olivia, do you know him?" Hearing Olivia's surprised murmur, the cold-haired man immediately turned to look at him.

Olivia nodded slightly, but couldn't help but feel a little lost: "His name is Diko, he entered the Holy Realm earlier than me, he is a real evil genius on the Magnolia Continent, and he has only been practicing for 30 or [-] years. .”

"What? You said he has become a god after only 30 or [-] years of cultivation? Monster! Isn't this too monster? How could such a peerless genius be born in our Yulan continent? I'm afraid, his future strength will be able to Comparable to or even better than Mr. Beirut, right?" Upon hearing Olivia's words, the green-haired man suddenly couldn't keep his cool look, and couldn't help but murmured with shock on his face.

At the same time, with the sound of sound breaking through the air, almost in a very short time, the strong men from the Arctic Icefield Hermitage Sanctuary, who noticed the movement of Dicko and Rutherford, came one after another, Everyone was shocked when they learned that someone had become a god and Dico's identity.

"Master Dicko, congratulations!" Rutherford, who suppressed the complicated and bitter emotions in his heart, was the first to speak respectfully to Dicko.

No matter how short Diko's training time was, he would no longer be on the same level as these powerful saints when he reached the god level.Even Rutherford, who is only one step away from the god level, can kill him instantly with the wave of his hand.

Therefore, facing any god-level powerhouse, the saintly domain powerhouses would not dare to neglect.Immediately afterwards, other powerful men from the Holy Realm who came over, including Olivia, also hurriedly said to Diko: "Congratulations to Master Diko for becoming a god!"

Dicko, who nodded slightly to them, looked at Rutherford with a smile and said: "Rutherford, speaking of which, I was able to break through to godhood so quickly, thanks to you! It was you who made me feel something. , can you understand the mystery of the explosion. Therefore, I also give you a piece of advice. If you want to understand the mystery of the cold power of the water element law, you'd better put more effort into the mystery of the water element. Feel it carefully. The secret of the water element may be able to help you break through.”

"Thank you, Lord Dick, for your advice!" Rutherford said with surprise as his eyes lit up when he heard this.Regardless of whether it works or not, at least Dico gave him hope of a possible breakthrough. For Rutherford, who had been unable to break through through hard work, it was undoubtedly like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

Immediately afterwards, Rutherford, who was slightly stunned, looked at Dicko in slight surprise, because Dicko had just sent a message from his spiritual consciousness to ask him to go to Rosalie to learn a body-training method, saying that he could Improving elemental affinity will help him understand the mysteries of the law.

Seeing that Dico was only telling him through a message without speaking, and realizing that he didn't want other strong men in the Holy Realm to know about this, Rutherford immediately understood and nodded hurriedly and thanked Dico again, but didn't mention the refinement at all. Matters about the body method.

"Okay, the fun is over, you can go," Diko said calmly to the other strong men in the sanctuary. After they respectfully left, he turned to Olivia, who was also about to leave. Beside him, Danxiao reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Practice well. If anything happens in the future, you can go directly to Fenlai City to find me."

(End of this chapter)

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