Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 210 White Tiger Essence and Blood and the Power of the Lord God

Chapter 210 White Tiger Essence and Blood and the Power of the Lord God

She didn't expect that Diko would be so kind and polite to him after he became a god. Olivia, who was a little touched, couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

For Dico, Olivia, who has good understanding and great potential for soul mutation but has no ambition other than cultivation, is naturally a good candidate to win over.Even if he couldn't be recruited into his employ in the future, it would still be good to have a good relationship with this genius whose talent and potential were not much inferior to Lin Lei's.

After saying goodbye to Olivia and Rutherford, Dicko did not return directly to the Magnolia Continent. Instead, he first felt the flying speed of a lower god-level powerhouse, and then left the Arctic ice sheet and landed on a deserted island in the North Sea. Falling on the beach, I felt the changes after becoming a god.

After becoming a god, Diko naturally tried to use his divine power to refine his body.As expected, under the nourishment and refining of divine power, Diko's body also rapidly underwent a transformation-like improvement. Soon, his physical body had reached the level of the Holy Realm, just like the divine avatar condensed by divine power.

In the process of tempering the body with divine power, Diko soon discovered that the idea of ​​using divine power to temper the body was feasible.If you just want to cultivate your physical body to a level comparable to that of an artifact, I'm afraid it won't be much easier than conceiving and raising a real artifact. It will take time and effort.

After all, although Diko has become a god now, he does not have the endless power of the Lord God to use like the Lord God.For a god-level powerhouse, the speed of drawing divine power from the elemental ocean is very slow, and the efficiency of using divine power to refine the body can be imagined.

However, Dico also discovered that the divine clone formed by condensing divine power can be easily converted into divine power because the physical body is composed of divine power. The process of using divine power to refine the body consumes relatively less and is more efficient than using divine power to temper the original body. The body is much faster.

But for now, divine body training is not that important to Diko.So what if it is a physical body at the level of a lower artifact?Facing the attack of the middle god, it is simply vulnerable. At most, it can increase the attack power of material attacks.

When Diko enters the realm of higher gods in the future, he will be able to cultivate a physical body at the level of a higher divine weapon. His body will be more powerful than most divine beasts. That will be great.

If one could obtain a large amount of the power of the Lord God, absorb the power of the Lord God to temper the body like the Lord God conceives and raises the Lord's artifact, and train the body to be as powerful as the God-Eating Rat, or even cultivate a body at the level of the Lord God's artifact, then it would be really abnormal.

"There is no rush to cultivate the physical body," Diko, who was not in a hurry to cultivate the physical body, turned to look at the silver-white soul defense master artifact ring on his finger.

After barely triggering and guiding the energy contained in the main soul defense artifact, and forming a soul defense shield in his mind, Diko vaguely felt that the main soul defense artifact should contain some secrets.

For example, Dicko guessed that this should be the main soul defense artifact used by the main god Bai Hu. Could it be that like Lin Lei's Coiling Dragon Ring, a drop of the blood essence of Bai Hu after he became the main god was added to increase spirituality?Will it contain the power of the Lord God?

After all, as the main god of the wind system, Beirut does not lack the power of the main god of the wind system.If this soul defense main artifact ring contains the power of the main god left by the white tiger, Beirut would not be stingy in taking away the main god's power when it gave it to him.It's just that before he became a god, even after Diko became a holy magician and his soul was much stronger, he tried to burn his mental power to detect it, but it still felt like there was an invisible barrier, and he couldn't see through the fog. Defend the situation inside the main artifact.

Now that he has become a god, Diko's mental power has also been transformed. The moment his spiritual consciousness invaded the silver-white ring, he 'saw' a translucent cyan mask in the inner space.

"What a strong aura". Feeling the surging and terrifying aura contained in the seemingly thin cyan mask, an excited Diko tried to use his mental power to carefully approach and touch the cyan mask, and the light instantly flowed under the cyan mask. It just dissipated directly.

"Little guy"'s cool and uninhibited voice with a hint of loneliness then sounded in Diko's mind: "The only ones who can get this soul defense master artifact are the children of my White Tiger clan. Little guy, you must have guessed It’s my status. Remember, don’t think about revenge for me. The grudge fight at the level of the Lord God is not something that gods can interfere with. I only hope that if you have the ability, you can help me protect the family and don’t let the four The mythical beast family has declined because of our fall. Even if it declines, as long as some of its heritage can be preserved..."

"Ancestor of the White Tiger? It turns out that he left a restriction on the use of this ring. Perhaps Beirut can erase this restriction, but as the Lord God, he should not bother to do so. Therefore, this is why Beirut will use this restriction. Is this one of the reasons why you gave me this soul defense master artifact ring?" A somewhat surprised Diko thought to himself.

At the same time, Dico also sensed two energy fluctuations behind the cyan light shield, which were a drop of dark red blood and a ball of cyan liquid the size of a small bowl.

"Is it really the white tiger's essence and blood?" Sensing the dark red blood, Dicko felt his blood boiling all over his body, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. The drop of essence and blood automatically flew out of the main soul defense artifact. At that moment, he sensed the surging and terrifying aura emanating from the cyan liquid the size of a small bowl, and he couldn't help but feel surprised and happy: "With so much power of the Lord God, it must be more than a hundred drops, right? Mr. Baihu Zu is really generous!"

But immediately after that drop of dark red blood merged into his body, the sharp pain that felt like tearing all over his body made him no longer able to think about the power of the Lord God.

Dicko, whose body was transformed into a tiger-striped warrior, was out of control. His skin was congested and oozing with blood beads. In the blink of an eye, blood mist was lingering on his white hair. The surging energy aura on his body made the surroundings even more... The space is trembling and distorted...
"The energy contained in the blood of the white tiger is too terrifying!" The sharp pain all over his body, which was as painful as the soul splitting, made Diko tremble and scream, but he also felt a little surprised in his heart: "Sure enough. .Sure enough, it can strengthen the physical body just like the blue dragon essence and blood, but I just don’t know if I can absorb the power of the main god of wind to help strengthen the physical body?"

Thinking of this, Diko suddenly took out a drop of the power of the main god of wind from the main soul defense artifact ring, and then absorbed it directly into his body to refine and absorb it...
Sure enough, the energy of the main god of wind was instantly integrated into Dicko's body like the blood of the white tiger, causing his limbs, bones and even internal organs to undergo a transformation-like strengthening and improvement, and his body turned into tiger skin-like skin. They have become very resilient, and the speed at which the body absorbs the white tiger's essence and blood is also rapidly increasing...
"Try to see if you can absorb another drop," Diko just did what he wanted to do. He took out a drop of the power of the main god of wind and tried to refine and absorb it. Anyway, the power of the main god was quite a lot, and he was not willing to waste even a drop.

This time, when Diko's body was refining and absorbed part of the energy of the main god's power of the wind system, the efficiency of refining the remaining main god's power energy was significantly reduced, and the efficiency of absorbing the main god's power was far less than that of the main god's power. Escape speed
"Can't it? It's a pity that this drop of the power of the Lord God is gone," Diko felt helpless, and then he had a thought and tried to introduce the remaining energy of the Lord God's power into the sea of ​​consciousness for the God clone to refine. Unexpectedly, the God clone absorbed and refined it. The speed of converting the power of the Lord God is really much faster than the original one, and soon Diko discovered that the energy of the escaped Lord God's power was not wasted under the restraint of the main soul defense artifact shield, but slowed down. Slowly blending into his soul, making Dedic's soul become stronger at a perceptible speed.

(End of this chapter)

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