Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 211 Abnormal Talents and Supernatural Powers

Chapter 211 Abnormal Talents and Supernatural Powers

"The power of the Lord God can not only strengthen the body, but also strengthen the soul? That's right, the power of the Lord God is also the power of the soul!" This discovery immediately surprised Dico.How can the soul golden bead's effect of strengthening the soul match the power of the Lord God?

With this residual power of the Lord God slowly nourishing the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, before Diko becomes a mid-level god, he probably won't need to absorb soul gold beads to strengthen his soul.

Dico, who was in a great mood, clenched his fists and felt the physical body and power that had become many times stronger. He couldn't help but feel more and more surprised: "My current physical body is probably not worse than the upper level artifacts. In this way, on the contrary, it will become even more powerful." There is no need to rely on divine power to refine the body.”

"Well, maybe, after I become a middle god, I can try to continue to absorb the power of the main god to refine my body. At that time, I will put the main body into the soul space and swap it with the god clone. If I can't absorb the escaped soul power, I can use it. Slowly nourish the soul. Presumably, when the upper limit of soul enhancement is raised, there is no need to worry about absorbing too much energy from the power of the Lord God and being exploded," Diko thought to himself.

In fact, it is not difficult for Diko to break through and enter the realm of the middle god.Even if he is cultivating and comprehending while integrating the Mysteries of the Fire Element and the Mysteries of Explosion, it is estimated that it will not take a few years to comprehend the Mysteries of the Fire Element, which is much easier than the Mysteries of Explosion.After all, his soul is much stronger now, and the speed at which he can comprehend the mysteries of the law has naturally increased greatly.

"After absorbing a drop of white tiger essence and blood, the hair of my tiger-striped warrior has changed a bit after my transformation." Di looked at the tiger hair with a blood-red halo on his body, as if every tiger hair was like a fine needle, and Di felt moved in his heart. Ke couldn't help but have a gleam in his eyes: "By the way, the blood concentration of my tiger-striped warrior is now much higher than that of the second and third generation descendants of the White Tiger clan. I wonder if I can display the talent of the White Tiger clan." Where’s the supernatural power?”

"Exerting innate magical powers mainly relies on the innate energy in the soul space..." Dicko, who was thinking secretly, sensed the soul space with his consciousness, and instantly saw the bloody energy halo visible to the naked eye outside the ball of soul fire. He closed his eyes. Recalling the memory of the white tiger using his innate magical power, his mind instantly activated the innate energy in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Buzz...In an instant, the white tiger's shadow appeared behind Dico, and at the same time, bloody light seemed to burst out from his eyes, and invisible fluctuations made the space in front of him suddenly become stagnant and distorted.
"Succeeded?" Diko was pleasantly surprised, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked and excited when he thought of Bai Hu's memories of his innate magical powers.

The innate magical powers of the four divine beasts are all terrible. Among them, the innate magical powers of Qinglong can affect the flow of time, and the innate magical powers of Baihu are also very abnormal. They can actually affect space and produce the effect of spatial stasis, and at the same time, it can distort the stagnant space... But It is conceivable that once the opponent is restrained by the stagnant space and unable to escape, he will be 'kneaded' by the twisted space...
In Bai Hu's memory, there are many scenes of him being hit by his innate magical power and directly exploding into a ball of blood mist!Even if his body is too strong to be crushed into a pulp, the distortion of the space is enough to seriously injure him.What's more, there is also the stagnant binding force of space!

Therefore, as long as one is immobilized under the influence of Bai Hu's innate magical power, unless he is much stronger than Diko who is using his innate magical power, there will be no resistance at all.Its level of dominance is no less than that of the God-Eating Rat's innate magical power of devouring the Godhead.

Even if someone is stronger than Diko, under the influence of White Tiger's innate magical power, it will take a while to break free. That short time is enough to end the battle.

"Too perverted!" Diko was stunned, thinking that Di Lin and Talosha's devouring innate magical powers were nothing compared to his White Tiger innate magical powers!

Of course, innate magical powers are only an auxiliary means.For the strong, the level of strength and the degree of mystical integration of laws are the most critical.A low-level god, no matter how monstrous his talent is, may be able to barely fight against a mid-level god, but if he faces a high-level god, he is seeking death. No matter how powerful his methods are, it will be difficult to kill his opponent across two realms.

"Compared to White Tiger's innate magical power, the power of the Lord God has greatly improved my strength." Then thinking of the power of the Wind God in his soul defense main artifact ring, Diko couldn't help but his eyes flashed: "Beyond The amplitude of the superior divine power is hundreds of times greater than that which the superior god can unleash by fusing the three mysteries of the laws. Coupled with my understanding of the laws, I am afraid that ordinary six-star demons are no match for me, right?" "No wonder, in hell. Zhong Beibei's brother-in-law Salomon is just a five-star demon, and he dares to threaten the seven-star demon with just a drop of the power of the Lord God. The more the power of the Lord God is used by the weak, the more the amplitude of the strength will be exaggerated to an incredible level!" It was too scary for Dicko to think about it.

Once the power of the Lord God is used, both physical attacks and soul defense methods will be frighteningly powerful, so how powerful it can be in the end depends on the user's understanding of the law and the degree of mystical integration.

"As long as I can completely integrate the mysteries of the element of fire and the mysteries of explosion, understand the mysteries of the element of fire and step into the middle god realm, and then use a drop of the main god's power, I should be able to rival or even kill ordinary seven-star demons," Di Ke couldn't help but secretly said with some anticipation: "Of course, the premise is that this seven-star demon does not have the power of the Lord God."

Diko, who had already achieved the breakthrough of becoming a god and had obtained so many benefits and trump cards from the soul defense master artifact ring given by Beirut, naturally had no intention of wandering around the Magnolia Continent anymore.

He returned directly to Fenlai City and began to practice again. Not only did the fire god clone concentrate on understanding the mystery of the element of fire, but he also integrated the mystery of the element of fire and the mystery of explosion. He hoped to fuse the two mysteries and break through to become a Chinese magician as soon as possible. As a god, while I am comprehending the law of fire element, fire body technique and the mystery of fire refining, and trying to integrate these two mysteries with the mystery of fire element and the mystery of explosion, I am also distractedly practicing the law of thunder and lightning, the law of wind element, and the earth. The Law, the Law of the Element of Water, and the Way of Destruction.

Although several different laws and rules were practiced together, Diko focused on them and alternated with each other to understand and practice. Not only did Diko not affect the speed of practice improvement due to distraction, but he became more efficient.

He can even find time to spend with Elena and his daughter Linxi, and even occasionally give guidance to Doug, several purple flame warriors of the Vicente family, and the two tiger striped warriors Trin and Bolk. Strong spiritual power guides them to realize the realm.

In fact, it is a method similar to an illusion, allowing Vicente and the others to more clearly feel the realm of Dicko's opposition, and even understand the mysterious laws of various laws.

Even if they can only feel and understand a little bit, it is enough to quickly improve their realm.When they step into the Holy Realm in human form and transform into the ultimate ultimate warrior, even if they only understand a few laws, their strength will directly reach a level second only to the most powerful ones in the Holy Realm.

Although Doug does not have the blood of the ultimate warrior, he has been practicing for three to four hundred years and is already a seventh-level magician even if his magic talent is average.After practicing the body-refining method, the warrior's strength rapidly increased from the eighth level to the peak of the ninth level.

After quickly realizing the realm of potential under Diko's guidance, he also successfully entered the Holy Realm, and even gained some understanding of the mysterious laws. When he first entered the Holy Realm, he already had the strength at the peak level of the Holy Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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