Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 212 Two years in the blink of an eye

Chapter 212 Two years in the blink of an eye

After returning to Fenlai City, Diko also learned that Linley had established a foothold in the Territory of Chaos and had defeated Usonno.

However, Diko, who had already reached the god level, was not very interested in competing at this level.Linley also quickly chose to compromise for the time being, preparing to practice hard to accumulate strength, and when he was strong enough, he would join forces with Diko to deal with the Holy See of Light.

Even when Linley and Delia got married, Dicko took Elena and his daughter Linxi to attend their wedding in person.

Although Heitings was very dissatisfied with this, he was also afraid of Desili's strength and temporarily chose to compromise with Linley. He even sent Cardinal Gilmer to congratulate Linley. Naturally, he had no reason to say anything about Dico. .

And now, it is increasingly difficult for Heitings to mobilize Dicko.At the same time, due to the influence of Dicko's long-standing attitude and Heitings's choice to compromise with Linley, some high-level powerful people in the Holy See also had some complaints.

You know, it was Heitings who insisted on targeting and killing Lin Lei. Now that Lin Lei is too strong, the Holy See has begun to choose to compromise again. Isn't this a slap in the face?

As for the reason why Desili sided with Linley because of Beibei, which made Haitings and others afraid, only a few people such as Lei Ming and Wusennuo knew about it.Naturally, Heitings would not publicize such a shameful thing everywhere.

But no matter what, the Holy See of Light even destroyed the Holy See of Darkness, but now it is compromising with Lin Lei. How can this make some of the top leaders of the Holy See feel embarrassed?It’s normal to feel dissatisfied.

In comparison, Dicko firmly opposed the Holy See's attitude towards Linley from the beginning, which showed his wisdom and foresight.Haitingsi's insistence on dealing with Linley seemed a bit self-willed.

Then, because the confrontation between the Holy See of Light and Linley in the Territory of Chaos temporarily stopped, the entire Magnolia Continent became calm again.

In the calmness, 12 years have passed in the blink of an eye. Linley's strength has quietly improved, and he has even entered the holy realm level in human form.

Similarly, several of Dico's Purple Flame Warriors and Tiger Stripe Warriors also grew into peak ultimate warriors. Under Dico's guidance and guidance, those with better talents and understanding, such as Old Bach and Bolk's understanding of the law, They are all pretty good, their strength surpasses that of Lei Ming and Wu Sennuo, and is comparable to Desili's good brother Higginson.

Of course, Diko's strength has also improved very quickly. Not only has he fully understood the mystery of the element of fire and entered the realm of the middle god, he has also integrated the mystery of the element of fire and the mystery of explosion, and has mastered both the fire body technique and the mystery of fire refining. With a deeper understanding, even the Fire Body Technique, the Mystery of Explosion, and the Elemental Mystery of Fire began to merge, and the refining of fire, the Fire Body Technique, and the Elemental Mystery of Fire also began to fit together...
In terms of understanding the laws of other elements, Diko has also gained a lot. The speed of fast and slow fusion has no bottleneck before he steps into the middle god. Therefore, Diko, who deliberately speeds up his practice, has also become a god in the wind element law, making the wind system The god clone can comprehend the law of wind element with one heart. The mystery of wind space that has been comprehended for a long time has finally been understood. Most of the mystery of wind element has also been understood. The clone technique, wind movement technique, dimensional attack have also been understood, and even sound waves and vocal music have been understood. Xuan Ao also stepped onto the threshold of cultivation.

Other mysteries of laws, such as the power of the earth law, the psychedelic mystery of the mist of the water element law, have also reached the final bottleneck, and they can break through and become gods at any time. The earth law, the earth element mystery, and the pulse attack , the water element law, the water element, the water body technique, the power of ice and other mysteries have also been introduced, with varying degrees of understanding.

In terms of the Law of Thunder and the Way of Destruction, although Dicko's progress is slightly slower, his accumulation of insights is close to the limit of the Holy Realm.In fact, the biggest gain for Diko is the fusion of the Mysteries of Explosion, Space of Wind, Thunder and Lightning Law, and the Way of Destruction. The Mysteries of the four different laws and rules are all consistent, although only half of them are integrated. It is still far from a true complete fusion, but its power is already greater than that of four mysterious fusions of the same law.

And I don’t know if Diko traveled through time, or was born with a different soul. In short, he was not only able to integrate the mysteries of different laws and rules, but after becoming a god with the wind element law, he discovered the fire and wind elements with different laws. Divine power can actually be fused.

Therefore, Diko is considered a soul mutant, and every time he cultivates another god clone, it means that his potential and the upper limit of the strength he can achieve in the future are raised to a higher level.

In the past 12 years, although Dicko has become increasingly low-key and almost ignored the affairs of the Holy See, his status and influence in the Holy See have not diminished but increased.

After all, anyone with a brain can imagine that with his innate understanding and his hard training over the years, his strength must have improved by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, Di Ke also deliberately selected some ninth-level strong men with good personalities and good character in the Holy See, as well as ascetics, fanatics, etc. who were dedicated to cultivation. He gave them some guidance and guidance, and also trained several strong men in the holy realm. Others, including a Holy Domain Magister.

Naturally, these newly promoted Saint Realm experts regard Diko as half a teacher and a leader on their path of cultivation. They vaguely look up to Diko, which also makes many senior officials of the Holy See, ascetics, and The fanatics and super deacons respected and admired Dicko more and more, making Dicko's prestige in the Holy See even surpass that of Luoye, the leader of the ascetics.

Elena, the saint of light, has not been idle. After becoming the saint of light, as she gained a deeper understanding of the laws of light and the great prophecy, her strength has already become stronger than when she first entered the holy realm. It is much more powerful now, even if it is not as good as Luo Ye and Heitings, the gap is rapidly narrowing.

Finally, the Magnolia Continent, which had been peaceful for 12 years, finally discovered the largest known magic crystal vein in the Kingdom of Baruch near the Dark Forest in the Territory of Chaos. The greedy Holy See of Light, under the instruction of Heitings, finally It was once again provoking a fight with Linley.

This time, they learned a little smarter and directly sent the army of the Holy See of Light. With their absolute superiority in strength, they defeated the Baruch Kingdom and occupied the magic crystal mine.

Haitings, who bullied Linley and other powerful men from the holy realm of the Baruch Kingdom, did not break the previous agreement and took action easily. However, he never expected that the son of Beirut would send hundreds of millions of rat monsters from the Dark Forest to obey Beibei. Order, help the Baruch Kingdom to defeat the army of the Holy See of Light, and take the opportunity to sweep and unify the entire chaotic territory.

At this time, Heitings finally couldn't sit still.Since Dico deliberately used seclusion as an excuse to not care about the matter, Heitings could only take Luo Ye, Lei Ming, Wu Sennuo, and several four-winged saint angels to negotiate with Lin Lei.

The result can be imagined. Lin Lei, who already had a deep hatred for the Holy See, finally waited for this good opportunity, so how could he choose to give in?
In the end, no agreement was reached, and a war inevitably broke out... In the original work, the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness did not succeed in joining forces. Although the Holy See of Light had an extra thunder this time, the result was already conceivable.

The unlucky Wu Sennuo still died, and even Lei Ming died in Lin Lei's hands. However, Lin Lei's Heitings and Luo Ye could only escape in embarrassment when they saw that Desili and others had arrived...
(End of this chapter)

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