Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 213 Death of Hettings

Chapter 213 Death of Hettings

At the junction of the Territory of Chaos and the Western Magnolia Empire, Heitings and Luo Ye, who were fleeing rapidly, saw a stream of flames flying from the west, and they couldn't help but slow down and stop.

"His Majesty the Pope, it's Dico, it's Dico who's here!" Luo Ye's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw the fiery red figure approaching quickly.

When Heitings saw Dicko, he couldn't help but frown slightly.Before, he asked Dico to come and deal with Lin Lei together, but Dico refused to come on the pretext of practicing in seclusion. Now he only came after they were defeated and fled. Did he come to see their jokes?

"Where are the people? Where are Wusennuo and Lei Ming? Why are there only two of you?" Diko, who got closer, also looked at Heitings and Luo Ye with a frown.

Heitings had a cold face and said nothing, while Luo Ye on the side shook his head with a lonely look and sighed: "Dead, they are all dead, they were killed by Lin Lei and his undead holy wizard Sessler and undead warrior Buck. And several holy beasts joined forces to kill them."

"Dico, you should be very aware of the importance of this battle to the Holy See, but at the critical moment you refused to take action on the grounds of practicing in seclusion. If you took action, how could Wusennuo and Lei Ming be easily killed by Lin Lei? "Haitings then said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing what he said, Diko couldn't help looking at him with a slight frown, and his eyes became colder: "Haitings, when you say that, do you mean that I killed Wuseno and Lei Ming?"

"Hey, Dico, His Majesty the Pope didn't mean it this way..." Luo Ye, who was on the side, saw that both of them sounded a little unkind, and couldn't help but hurriedly tried to persuade them.

"That's what I mean!" Before Luo Ye finished speaking, Heitings looked at Dico with cold eyes and said, "Dico, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. What do you think of Wusennuo, Lei Ming and the others? If you die, even if I, the Pope, die in Lin Lei's hands, the Holy See of Light will respect you, right? You can inherit the position of Pope openly, right?"

"You come back after the battle is over, don't you want me to come back alive? Are you here specifically to kill me?" Heitings continued: "Have you colluded with Linley for a long time? When was it? 12 years ago You went to Chiyan City, the imperial capital of the O'Brien Empire, to meet Lin Lei just for today, right?"

After hearing this, Dico raised his eyebrows slightly in disbelief, and just looked at Heitings calmly.As expected of the Pope of Light, this old guy is quite keen!However, what does he want to do now that he has exposed these things?The broken jar has been broken, do you still want to fall out first?
Luo Ye next to "Haitings" was also anxious, and he also didn't understand why Heitings was going crazy right now, and what good would it do him to fall out with Dico.

But then, the expression on his skinny old face changed, and he couldn't help but look at Dico and said, "Dico, are you here to intercept and kill us?"

"Lord Luo Ye, no matter what, you are also the elder of the Holy See and Elena's teacher. I have no intention of killing you." Dico's words made Luo Ye fall silent.

But Haitings sneered: "Dico, are you finally willing to admit that you want to kill me? It's not true that Haitings prides himself on being smart. It turns out that he has always been feeding tigers. I originally thought that your attitude towards Lin Lei was , just because you are all descendants of the four ultimate warrior families and cherish each other. But now it seems that you have long had the ambition to replace me in controlling the Holy See."

"So what? Heitings, if you were me, with enough strength and potential, would you be willing to succumb to others? What's more, I didn't want to have anything to do with the Holy See of Light, but you insisted on letting me be with Elena joins the Church of Light. We have a choice, can we refuse it? When you recruit us, aren't you just using us? At this point, why bother flaunting yourself?" Diko couldn't help but shake his head as he spoke. He sneered and said, "Actually, it's all your fault. If you hadn't killed Lin Lei's mother, how could we be here today?"

"The cycle of cause and effect, you can't blame anyone! If you want to complain, I can only blame you for being too weak," Diko said. The expression on Luo Ye's face became more complicated, while Heitings fell silent.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Heitings suddenly roared with a ferocious expression, then turned over his hand and took out the Holy See's most precious Bible and tried to fight for it.At the moment when Heitings wanted to use the power of the Bible to take action, Dicko also appeared in front of him and punched him until he vomited blood and flew away.

Looking at Heitings, whose chest was flying backwards like a dent, his pale face looking up at him with a look of horror, and using the power of the Bible to quickly repair his injuries, Dico couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I told you, your He is too weak to be able to do anything to me."

At the same time, a stream of phantoms quickly approached, it was Linley, Beibei, Desili and his two good brothers Higginson and Hayward.

Seeing Heitings' injured and embarrassed appearance, Desili and the others were slightly startled. Linley, who made eye contact with Dicko, flew directly towards Heitings.
"Haha..." Seeing Lin Lei's cold and murderous gaze, Heitings suddenly laughed: "Lin Lei, I have never regretted killing your mother and dedicating her soul to the Lord. Being able to follow Lord, is her glory”

"Haitings, you fart!" Upon hearing what Heitings said, Linley suddenly lost control and swore, but Heitings continued indifferently and indifferently: "The only thing I regret is that I When Fenlai City first caught you, they didn't kill you directly."

"Those of you who dare to disobey the Lord and betray the Lord, one day, the Lord will punish you..." Then his eyes swept over Dico and Desili, and Heitings spoke with some resentment. Before she could finish speaking, Linley rushed forward and punched her hard in the chest.

Poof...Haitings vomited blood and flew away. On the surface, Heitings looked completely unscathed, but there was blood overflowing from his mouth, nose, and ears. While the look in his eyes slowly dissipated, Lin Lei's suppressed roar also suddenly disappeared. It sounded: "This is my punishment for you!"

"Okay, Lin Lei, it's all over. The Holy See of Light in the future will no longer be the same Holy See of Light." Diko stepped forward and patted Lin Lei on the shoulder.

Linley took a deep breath and calmed down a little. He turned his head to look at Dico and said, "Dico, will you be the Pope of the Holy See of Light next?"

"Haha... you will know the answer to this question soon," Diko smiled noncommittally, and Linley nodded slightly: "I believe in you. With you here, the Holy See of Light will become different. And from then on From now on, the grudge between me and the Holy See of Light will be completely settled. However, if I, the Baruch Kingdom, want to unify the territory of chaos, we will not allow the Holy See of Light to preach here."

"It's easy to say that the Lord of Light needs believers, but I don't care." Dicko, who nodded with a slight smile, turned to look at Desili and said: "Mr. Desili, if you have time, you can go to Finlay City Come and get together with me. Don’t worry, I won’t force you to go back to the Holy See of Light.”

"Okay, I will definitely bother you when I have time," Desili nodded and smiled after hearing this, obviously also very fond of Dico's straightforward and straightforward attitude.

"Let's go! Lord Luo Ye," he waved and put away the Vatican's most precious Bible and Heitings' space ring, then called to Dico who said "Lu Ye Ye", and took him to fly directly to the west.

On the way, Luo Ye, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but say: "Dico, what are you going to do next? Like Lin Lei, let the Kingdom of Berlin unify the territory west of the Warcraft Mountains and make the Holy See a vassal of the Kingdom of Berlin Power?"

(End of this chapter)

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