Chapter 214 The New Pope
"Isn't unification bad? As for vassals, what do you think the Holy See can do to override the Kingdom of Berlin today? By strength? Does it still have that strength? By faith, can faith be a meal?" Looking sideways Dico asked, glancing at the fallen leaves.

Luo Ye, who was silent again, then looked at Dico with burning eyes and said, "What about the Pope? The Holy See always needs a Pope. Are you going to be the Pope yourself, or are you going to let Elena be the one?"

"Pope? I'm not interested," Diko, who shook his head slightly, said indifferently: "As for Elena, it sounds good to be the queen of the future empire and then the pope, but I don't want her to work so hard. After all, She also wants to practice! How can she be a queen and a pope at the same time? So, I don’t think she is interested in being a pope."

"What do you guys want?" I didn't expect Dico to be so dismissive of the papacy of the Holy See. Luo Ye was stunned for a moment and seemed to be confused about Dico's thoughts, but he also had some vague guesses. , but this guess makes it feel more and more unreal.

A few days later, in the Western Sea close to the Magnolia Continent, in the most majestic and empty ninth-floor hall of the Temple of Light on the Holy Island of the Holy See of Light, protected by the Lord of Light's Glory Magic Array.

All the saintly powerhouses of the Holy See of Light, as well as some important high-level officials, such as several red archbishops, as well as the higher-ranking ninth-level powerhouses among the ascetics, fanatics, and special deacons, as well as the legion commanders of several major knights of the Holy See. Wait, there were hundreds of people gathered together, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn and depressing.

Naturally, Dico and Elena, the Saint of Light, are also indispensable. They even sit in the two frontmost seats on one side. Heading across from them is Lord Luo Ye, the leader of the ascetics. He is also now Apart from Dico, he is the most powerful Saint Realm expert in the Holy See. Naturally, his influence and status cannot be underestimated.

But the throne high above, belonging to the Pope, was empty.There is no doubt that today's gathering of senior members of the Holy See is to elect a pope.

"Okay, everyone is silent! Let's talk and tell us your opinions. Who is qualified to sit on the throne of the Pope?" Diko, who was the first to speak, had just finished speaking. As several saints in the group of super deacons, Kendler, the leader of the strong men in the domain, was the first to express his support for Dico to be the pope.

Immediately afterwards, many people spoke in agreement, especially those strong men from the Holy Realm who had just broken through under Dico's guidance, and they wholeheartedly supported Dico.

Likewise, there are also proposals to make Elena the pope.After all, she, the Holy Lady of Light, was trained as the successor of the Pope.It makes sense to choose her as pope.Moreover, Elena, who has been the Queen of the Kingdom of Berlin for these years, has no doubt about her ability to manage the Holy See.

In the blink of an eye, most of the top leaders of the Holy See have expressed their support for Dico and Elena.In fact, their husband and wife are one, and whether they support Dicko or Elena, there is actually not much difference.

Elena's advantage is her legal inheritance status, while Dicko's advantage is his strength.As the undoubted most powerful person in the Holy See today, it seems natural for Dicko to become the Pope.

However, Dico also noticed that there were still a small number of high-level members of the Holy See, a few red archbishops, legion commanders of several major knights, as well as a small number of ascetics, fanatics and strong men of the Inquisition who looked hesitant and subconsciously looked towards The fallen leaves that have been silent.

"Thank you all for your support. However, after all, Elena and I are still young. I want to focus on cultivation, and Elena also wants to manage the Kingdom of Berlin. Therefore, I suggest that for this position of pope, we should choose someone with more moral integrity and qualifications. Only when someone is appointed can everyone be convinced," Diko suddenly spoke and looked at Luo Ye: "So, I propose that Mr. Luo Ye be the new pope."

Lord Luo Ye?Upon hearing Diko's words, both those who supported him, the higher-ups of the Holy See who were slightly hesitant, and all the Holy See powerhouses looked at him in shock and surprise, obviously not expecting that he would take the initiative to refuse. Is it humility?Or do you really want to give up the position of Pope to Luo Ye? "Master Dico..." Kendler was about to speak subconsciously, but couldn't help but glance at the fallen leaves with a slight hesitation, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.Object?If he directly opposed it, he would definitely offend Mr. Luo Ye.However, in the hearts of him and most of the powerful people present in the Holy See, they definitely still prefer Dico to be the Pope than Luo Ye.

"Dico..." Luo Ye also frowned and looked at Diko. Just when he was about to speak, Diko already said: "The Pope does not necessarily have to be the strongest. The most important thing is to have a bright mind! So, I think Mr. Luo Ye is the most suitable. If everyone has no objections, then this matter will be settled."

Diko's words were very domineering. If he wanted to be the pope, even if most people supported him, he would still be a little dissatisfied.But he directly recommended Luo Ye to be the pope without any doubt, which made everyone feel complicated, and they even had feelings of admiration for Diko.

The Pope, as the most powerful person in the Holy See of Light, has a high and noble status. Not just anyone can do it, and not just anyone can ignore it and be willing to give up this status.

For a time, people who had been a little hesitant about Dico being the pope before, and even people who were a little dissatisfied with Dico, now had a change in their feelings towards Dico.

"I also support the teacher to be the pope," Elena, the saint of light, said in agreement with Dico. Suddenly Luo Ye, who was a little hesitant, could not say any words of rejection, and the others couldn't say anything more. They even started to respond in agreement.

At this time, no one hesitated or remained silent. Soon it was obvious that Luo Ye would be the new pope, and Luo Ye, who had already been raised up, could only acquiesce.

"Okay! In that case, Gilmer..." Dicko said, looking at Gilmer, who was the most familiar among the five cardinal archbishops of the Vatican, and Gilmer also got up excitedly and responded respectfully: "Mr. Dicko!"

"Let's make arrangements for the Pope's enthronement as soon as possible!" Dico ordered, and Gilmer quickly responded.

After the agreement, everyone left the hall one after another. When only Diko, Elena and Luo Ye were left in the whole hall, Luo Ye couldn't help but look at Diko with a helpless smile and asked: "Why do you have to let me?" To be the pope?”

"Lord Luo Ye, do you still remember what you said when Gilmer brought Lin Lei to see you and wanted Lin Lei to become your teacher? You said that you would only teach people who are kind-hearted and have pure souls. I believe that you are a A pure ascetic with a bright heart. That’s why you have such a deep understanding of the laws of light," Diko said seriously: "I also believe that under the leadership of Master Luo Ye, the Holy See of Light will become a truly bright Holy See."

Luo Ye was silent, and was speechless for a long time as he watched Dico's complicated expression change, and then he silently handed over to Dico with a flash of determination in his eyes.

In this way, just three days later, the grand papal succession ceremony was held in the Temple of Light on the Holy Island.
Everything went well. After the ceremony, at the high-level meeting of the Holy See held in the temple that night, a deputy chief judge of the Inquisition once again mentioned the previous battle between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Baruch, as well as the battle between Heitings and Ukraine. Sennuo, Lei Ming's death...
(End of this chapter)

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