Chapter 215 Bon Empire
Looking at the passionate old man in black robe of the Inquisition, facing the subconscious glances of everyone in the quiet temple, Diko said calmly: "Deputy Chief Judge, why, you are still planning to let me, the Holy See Fighting with Lin Lei? Are you going to kill Lin Lei?"

"I" the deputy referee, who was only at level [-], was suffocated when he heard this, and then couldn't help but said: "Lord Dicko, Linley not only killed Pope Heatings, but also the referee Wuseno and Lord Lei Ming. , Aren’t you ready to avenge them?”

"Revenge? How to take revenge? You want me to kill Lin Lei?" Diko asked: "This matter is already over, and Lin Lei is willing to settle his grudges with the Holy See. Now, you want me to provoke a fight again, let Will the Holy See and the Baruch Kingdom fight to the death?"

"We all know that Mr. Diko has always disapproved of being enemies with Linley. In fact, because they are both descendants of the four ultimate warrior families, Mr. Diko even has a good relationship with Linley. So before, Pope Hettings and Usono When my lords and others went to fight with Lin Lei, you didn't go. But now, lord Wusennuo and his friends have all died tragically in Lin Lei's hands. How can this matter just be let go?" The old man in black robe continued: "If the matter ends like this, Where is the majesty of my Holy See? Others will think that my Holy See is afraid of Lin Lei. Master Di Ke, are you unwilling to take care of this matter or not?"

"I don't want to care and I don't want to care!" Diko also said in a cold voice directly: "I said, Linley has proposed to settle the grudges with my Holy See. And this so-called grudges were all started by Heitings. , he insisted on killing Lin Lei, and I have always been opposed to it. Now that Haitings has paid the price for his stubbornness, why should I continue to make mistakes for his mistakes? "

"If you continue to be Linley's enemy, how many more people do you want from the Holy See? How much do you want to pay? And what's the point of all these sacrifices? If the deputy chief referee is really capable, stop talking nonsense here and go find him in person. Linley. If you don’t have that ability, it’s useless to talk so much.” Dike’s unkind words immediately made the old man in black robe look ugly and he was speechless.

There was silence in the main hall, and the expressions of all the senior officials of the Holy See changed, or they frowned.Although they did not necessarily agree with what Dico said, and many even vaguely agreed with the old man in black robe, they had to admit that what Dico said was quite realistic.

"Are Mr. Di Ke afraid? Or do you think you can't deal with Lin Lei? Or are you afraid of Desili behind Lin Lei?" the old man in black robe asked.

Di Ke shook his head and said coldly: "You don't need to provoke me! Okay, since we have talked about it today, let's just talk openly! I don't take Lin Lei's strength seriously, and Desili won't either. What should I be afraid of? But why do you think Desili, the most powerful person in the holy realm, would help Lin Lei?"

"This" the senior members of the Holy See looked at each other after hearing this. In fact, this was something they couldn't figure out. Even Luo Ye, who was sitting on the papal throne, subconsciously looked at Dico.

"Did you know that there is a black rat holy beast next to Lin Lei? This time the Baruch Kingdom used an army of rats. Why did the rat tribe in the dark forest listen to Beibei's instructions, and why did they want to help? Where is Linley?" Dicko's successive questions suddenly made everyone more alarmed and suspicious.

Just when everyone was already suspicious, Diko also said: "The reason is very simple. Because of Beibei, Linley got the recognition and support of the Beirut man in the Dark Forest. So behind Linley, The strongest person in the Warcraft clan, the uncrowned king of the entire Magnolia Continent, Lord Beirut, even the God of War and the High Priest are afraid of the respectful Lord Beirut."

"What? That Lord Beirut is the uncrowned king of the Magnolia Continent, and even the God of War and the High Priest are afraid to treat him respectfully?" Among the senior officials of the Holy See present, almost no one understood these secrets. Even Luo Ye looked at him with slightly changed expressions in surprise. Dico.

Diko paused for a moment, then turned to look at the old man in black robe with a changeable expression and said: "Deputy Chief Referee, do you think that even if I have achieved breakthrough and become a god, I dare to deal with Linley and offend that Beirut man?" Sir? What's more, Lin Lei and I have no enmity, why should I deal with him?"

Become a god?The people who were originally talking in an uproar in surprise, upon hearing what Dico said, including Luo Ye and the old man in black robe, turned their heads in shock and looked at Dico in disbelief. For a moment, the entire hall was silent.

"Didico, have you become a god?" Luo Ye, who came to his senses first, couldn't help but asked with a trembling voice.Diko said nothing, but a fiery red halo appeared on his body, and an invisible and terrifying divine power suddenly filled the hall, causing everyone's trembling hearts to become even more excited and trembling.

"Congratulations to Mr. Dico!" Kendler stood up excitedly and knelt down on one knee to Dico. Then, as if in tacit agreement, all the senior officials of the Holy See, including the powerful ones from the Holy Realm, stood up and knelt down to Dico one after another. : "Congratulations to Lord Dick for becoming a god!"

God!In the Magnolia Continent, god-level powerhouses are too rare.After Xisai, the King of Killers, became a god, even if he directly took away the five Buck brothers who they dreamed of and had an eighth-level body from the people of the Vatican, the Vatican did not dare to fart.

The reason why the O'Brien Empire has become the largest military power in the Magnolia Continent is because of the presence of the God of War.The Magnolia Empire has been able to stand on the Magnolia Continent for over ten thousand years. Even if it has become decayed and decayed, it can still maintain prosperity and glory because of the existence of the high priest.

The Holy See of Light has long been eager to have god-level powerhouses as its commanders. Not to mention that Diko has become a god after just a short period of training. In the future, he may be even more powerful than the God of War and the High Priest. These high-level powerhouses of the Holy See can already be imagined. The future of the Holy See will be glorious.

Even the old man in black robe, the deputy chief judge of the Inquisition, knelt down to Dico after being slightly distracted.

With Dico's strength, no one will be able to shake his position in the Holy See. Even if his words and decisions are wrong, even if everyone does not agree with them, no one will question or disobey them again.

"Get up!" Diko raised his hand lightly and an invisible force made everyone unable to resist. He was lifted up. He looked at the people who were more and more in awe of him and continued: "Next, there will be no Holy Alliance. To the west of the Warcraft Mountains Although the territory is not small, it does not need so many kingdoms and principalities. The territory is too fragmented and difficult to manage. From now on, there will be only one country and a powerful empire west of the entire Warcraft Mountain Range."

"I have discussed with Elena that the Kingdom of Berlin will be renamed, and the empire to be established will be called the Empire of Bonn," Diko said in turn: "And the Holy See will also become a purer Holy See, responsible for managing all aspects of the empire. Churches everywhere, and spread the light and faith of the Lord. The purpose of the Holy See is to strive to make its believers, that is, the people of the Bon Empire, live a better life."

"And you, don't think too much about the struggle for power and status, just practice hard! As long as you can become a strong man in the Holy Realm, you will naturally have a lofty identity and status in the Holy See, the Bon Empire and even the entire Magnolia Continent. ," Dico's words also made everyone quietly become enthusiastic.

Obviously, according to Dico's wishes, the Holy See will no longer be able to influence the imperial power of the Bon Empire, and the authority of the Empire will also override the Holy See.

However, after Luo Ye took the lead in expressing his approval, the senior leaders of the Holy See naturally did not dare to have any objections.Moreover, in this case, the Holy See will still have a transcendent status, but as Dico said, it will become more pure.

(End of this chapter)

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