Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 216 Vulcan, troubles

Chapter 216 Vulcan, troubles

Just over half a month later, the Bon Empire, which successfully unified the territory west of the Warcraft Mountains, was officially established, and Elena became the empress of the empire.

As for some of the previous kingdoms and principalities of the Holy Alliance, they became provinces of the Bon Empire.On the surface, Elena gave these kingdoms, duke families, and ducal families the power to continue to govern these provinces, becoming the ruling families of the new provinces of the empire, and gave them the hereditary titles of dukes and marquises.

However, do these powerful families dare to disobey the powerful Bon Empire and disobey Elena's orders?Everyone must be obedient. After all, behind Elena is the entire Holy See of Light, and Dico, her husband who has become a god.

Nowadays, some well-informed dignitaries from the Holy See of Light and even the entire Bonn Empire understand why Dico does not care about the identity of the Pope.

He is already a god-level powerhouse, just like the God of War and the High Priest, he is aloof from the world and is the anchor of the entire Bon Empire.As long as he is here, no one can shake the Bon Empire, and the Holy See of Light will always support and protect the Bon Empire.

Thanks to the propaganda of the empire and the Holy See, everyone in the empire and even the entire Magnolia Continent now knows that Diko has become a god.The name of the God of Fire has spread throughout the Magnolia Continent, making Diko's reputation comparable to that of the God of War and the High Priest. He is worshiped and revered by countless young people and even powerful warriors and magicians on the continent.

In Fenlai City, a majestic fire temple even appeared overnight, like a miracle, causing countless people to worship and even believe in Dico.The miracle created by Dico also made the Fire Temple a sacred place standing side by side with the church in Finlay City.

Even slowly, a saying began to spread throughout the Bon Empire that it was the Vulcan who brought the light of the Vulcan, and it would surely make the entire empire brighter.

Her Royal Highness Princess Linxi, who has grown up and has shown amazing magical talents, was also proposed by Pope Luoye and the top leaders of the Holy See. She soon officially replaced Elena and became the new Saint of Light of the Holy See.

Obviously, the senior leaders of the Holy See also have brains and know that they need to better bind the Holy See and the Empire together to ensure the Holy See's status in the Empire.

After becoming the pope, Luo Ye kept a low profile and didn't do much, but he was still keen on practicing hard. He even offered to teach Lin Xi how to practice in person.In this regard, Dico and Elena naturally could not refuse.After all, one of them is busy with cultivation and the other is busy with political affairs, so it is rare for them to have time to teach their daughter.

Once an empire is established, it is natural to reward meritorious officials.Among them, Doug, Dane and his father Aaront, as well as the old Bach and Vicente father and son of the Hyde family of purple flame warriors who had followed Dico for a long time, had worked hard and made great achievements. They were all named dukes, and they were hereditary. kind.

Elena's younger brother Allen has not only grown rapidly in these years, but also held the high position of left prime minister after the establishment of the empire, and was even named a prince by Elena.

This canonization is somewhat intriguing.After all, Diko and Elena only have one daughter, Linxi.Although it is reasonable for the emperor of the empire to designate his younger brother as prince, does this also mean that Elena may pass the throne to Allen in the future?

What’s even more surprising is that Elena also conferred the identity of Prince Trin, Dico’s cheap uncle. Trin’s son Bolk was not only the commander of the most elite cavalry regiment in the empire, he was also made a duke. title.

This kind of canonization is even more interesting.Some people think it's because of Dicko's status, while others think Dicko and Elena are one and the same. In fact, the so-called throne is just because Dicko didn't want to do it, so Elena was asked to manage the empire on her behalf.Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the Trin father and son are members of the royal family.

Anyone who knows something about the Berlin family knows that the family from which siblings Elena and Allen came, was once the royal family of the Puang Empire.

Today's Po'ang Empire takes the word 'Bo' from Dico's family, the Po'le family, and the original Pu'ang Empire, which means that the inheritance of the two ancient families is integrated into one.

Naturally, the issue of future succession to the throne is difficult to say.If Dico and Elena never have a son, it is indeed worth thinking about whether Elena will pass the throne to her brother or her only daughter in the future.Therefore, implicitly, after the establishment of the empire, the empire's elite class naturally formed two groups, the pro-Allen faction headed by Aaront and Dane and his son, former veterans of the Principality of Berlin, and the pro-Allen faction headed by Trin and his son. At the same time, they received the support of newly rising powerful people such as the Hyde family of purple flame warriors and supported the faction of Princess Linxi.

As for Doug, he has watched Allen grow up, and he loves Linxi very much, so he is aloof and has no intention of expressing his position.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the end of the year 10022 of the Magnolia Calendar, and the Magnolia Festival is about to take place. A heavy snowfall has made the palace, which was renovated on the basis of the royal palace, covered in silver, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

Dico and Elena were walking in the snow, laughing and chatting casually, walking towards a pavilion in the middle of the lake amidst the falling snowflakes.The palace maid has already prepared hot pot, fine wine, several exquisite snacks and fruits here.In such weather, it is a pleasure to drink wine and enjoy the snow.

"Did you know? Nowadays, there are two factions in the court, one supports Allen and the other supports Linxi," Elena suddenly said during the chat.

"You're asking for trouble! You have to make Uncle Trin a prince, otherwise they wouldn't have taken sides so quickly," Diko said.

When Elena heard this, she rolled her eyes at Dico angrily: "Is it wrong to do this with my cooperation? Do you really want me to pass the throne to Allen?"

"It doesn't matter! If he is the most suitable, then you might as well pass it on to him early," Diko said noncommittally: "In fact, for the Bolei family, even if they don't become a royal family, as the number of children in the family increases, One by one, they can activate their bloodlines and practice for decades to reach the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. A family with an increasing number of strong Sanctuary experts is destined to have a transcendent status in the Bon Empire in the future. It does not matter whether the throne is passed down or not. Woolen cloth?"

"But..." Elena frowned slightly and hesitated. Diko couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this: "I'll give you a suggestion. Directly delegate power to Allen and let him become the real and nameless emperor under one person. , and you can have more time to practice without having to think about so many annoying things."

"You actually asked me to delegate power to Allen? I..." Elena couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, and she didn't know what to say. Then she couldn't help but asked: "Aren't you afraid that Allen will be too much?" If you are obsessed with power, will you refuse to let it go in the future? What will you do then?"

"Easy to handle! If he wants it, pass it to him directly," Diko took a sip of wine and said nonchalantly: "Do you think he wants the throne?"

Elena glanced at Dico helplessly, frowned and thought for a moment before saying: "He should be thinking about the throne..."

"Perhaps after you hand over the power to him now and let him taste the taste of power, as time goes by, he will find it boring and may not want the throne anymore," Diko continued.

"Is this your method?" Elena really didn't know what to say, but not everyone wanted to pursue strength like Dico and didn't care about power and position.If everyone in the world could be so open-minded, there wouldn't be so many worries in the world.

Diko said casually: "I'm just giving you a suggestion! Anyway, you're not ready to stop being the queen right now, so why bother so much?"

"How about we try more and see if we can give birth to a son?" Diko suddenly looked at Elena with a slightly serious look and said.

(End of this chapter)

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