Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 217 Beirut’s Call

Chapter 217 Beirut’s Call
Seeing Diko's serious look, Elena couldn't help but blush slightly, and glared at him with some embarrassment, while Diko immediately said: "However, even if she gives birth to a son, this son will not be born in the future." You don’t necessarily like to be the emperor! So, let’s not worry about this troublesome issue for now. If you really have no choice, just take care of the queen first.”

"Hey, I am also a hard-working person. If I had known better, I should not have agreed to let you continue to be the queen of this empire," Elena sighed helplessly.

"Even if you don't want to be the one, it's not easy to decide who will inherit the throne right now," Diko shrugged noncommittally, "So, just wait! Time is the best way to solve problems. For many things, when the time comes, everything will be over. Everything will fall into place. It’s useless to think too much and it will only increase worries.”

Elena nodded slightly and then said: "Then I will delegate the power to Allen. To be honest, I really don't want to take care of so many things. Sometimes it's really tiring. Now, I really want to be like you. , spend more time on cultivation! You have already become a god, and even if I, the former saint of light of the Holy See, am not as good as you, I can't be much worse than Lin Lei!"

"Haha, don't worry, let's delegate the power. Allen, the left prime minister, is supposed to help you handle government affairs," Diko said with a smile: "As for enlightenment, I will teach you the soul-burning method. You can practice and improve." It shouldn't be difficult to get up, if you spend more time on cultivation, it will be no problem to catch up with Lin Lei."

"Well, it is indeed much easier to use the Soul-Burning Technique to sense the mysterious laws. Dicko, do you think this Soul-Burning Technique should be taught to teachers? If some of the ninth-level great magisters of the Holy See can practice the Soul-Burning Technique, they must also be able to practice it. Will it be easier to break through and become a Holy Magician?" Elena nodded and couldn't help but said.

Di Ke frowned slightly: "We don't have to rush to train so many holy magicians. What's the use of having so many strong saints? However, this body refining method can slowly spread. Yes. With the help of this body refining method, the efficiency of the birth of strong men in the Holy See and the entire empire will be greatly improved. Moreover, those ninth-level angels, after their bodies become stronger, will have the power of the holy realm. Although most of them are the two wings who have just entered the holy realm. Angel, but after all, it is a holy realm combat force."

"However, these Sanctuary Angels are a group of Sanctuary forces that cannot be ignored. It is best to have them in your hands," Diko continued sternly: "Sanctuary Angels can no longer be used as tools of the Holy See, but should be the empire itself. The sharp edge of control.”

"By the way, there is also the Inquisition. With the Saber Organization, it means little to us. Therefore, we must weaken the power of the Inquisition and the meaning of its existence as much as possible," Dico said again.

"I know that I will deal with these matters as soon as possible," Elena nodded and replied: "Once those ninth-level angels practice the body training method, their strength will increase very quickly. However, the problem of the Inquisition must be solved slowly. That’s it, don’t rush it.”

Just as the two were discussing how to slowly enhance the empire's strength and resolve some worries, an invisible and powerful wave of spiritual consciousness suddenly came, causing Dike's expression to change slightly.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Noticing the change in Dico's expression, Elena couldn't help but asked with some doubts, and Dico also frowned slightly and said: "It's the Beirut man from the Dark Forest. He sent a message to invite I’m going to the Dark Forest.”

"Beirut? Why did he ask you to go to the Dark Forest at this time?" When Elena heard this, she couldn't help but asked in surprise and confusion.

"It's not clear yet, but it shouldn't be a bad thing," Diko shook his head slightly, but secretly thought in his mind: "Is it for the opening of the cemetery of the gods once in a thousand years? If it is for this, the Baruch of Lin Lei in the original work should be When the kingdom was at war with the two major Holy Sees, Beirut called several god-level powerhouses from the Magnolia Continent over, so why did you call me over at this time?"

Diko, who was confused, quickly left Finlai City and flew directly towards the Dark Forest.At the same time, on the way, Diko, who used his spiritual sense to investigate, discovered that Di Lin, Martial God O'Brien, the high priest and Xisai also flew into the Dark Forest from different directions.

"They are also going at this time? Could it be that because of me, Beirut delayed the gathering of several god-level experts?" Dico, who was thinking to himself, soon arrived above the Dark Forest. .

Since he discovered that Di Lin and the others were also going to the Dark Forest, Dico deliberately slowed down and met Di Lin and the others not long after.Over the Dark Forest, Xisai, who was the first to arrive after sensing Dico's aura, saw Dico standing in the air waiting for him. He suddenly glared exaggeratedly and said: "Dico, you kid, even though I know your talent Monster, it’s too exciting to cultivate to the middle god realm so quickly, isn’t it? Moreover, you have also cultivated a wind god clone, I’m afraid your wind god clone is no weaker than mine!”

"Haha, Master Xisai, if you know the gap, just practice hard! I believe that with your talent, it shouldn't be too difficult to become a middle god with the headless dark elemental law," Diko said with a smile.

"Damn! You said it so easily. Do you think it's as simple as eating and drinking water for me to understand the mysteries of laws like you?" Xisai rolled his eyes at Dico, then waved his hands and said, "Don't call me Sir Xisai." , you are already a mid-level god, are you fooling me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, Master Xisai, even if I am a high-ranking god, I am still a junior in front of you!" Diko said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xisai also laughed: "Haha...Okay, Dico, it's not in vain that I thought so highly of and cared for you before! Now it seems that I, Xisai, really have a sharp eye, and I discovered such a raw genius like you." !”

"This time, Master Beirut called us here to open the Cemetery of the Gods. When we god-level experts enter the Cemetery of the Gods, you have to help me if we encounter danger! Otherwise, my life will be over. But that's too bad," Xisai continued.

As soon as Xisai finished speaking, he was approached by a fiery breath, and then a familiar sonorous and powerful voice came: "Are you done with your life? Xisai, when you step into the god level, what you practice is the law of darkness about sneaking and escaping. Mysterious, right? Your strength is no less than mine, and your ability to escape is so great. I am afraid that even if you enter the cemetery of the gods, you will not be in danger of life and death. Maybe you will be the most promising among us to obtain the divine status. "

"God of War?" Diko and Xisai both turned to look at the God of War with fierce strength and sharp eyes. The God of War who also looked at Diko couldn't help but have a complicated look on his face.Diko, who had not yet become a god when we met at the Martial God Mountain, had become a mid-level god in only twelve or thirteen years, and had cultivated more than one god clone. This was something that the Martial God could not have imagined.

"Dico, congratulations on becoming a mid-level god so quickly," the God of War, who had complicated emotions in his heart, still said politely to Diko.

Before Diko could speak, Xisai on the side said with a hint of joking: "God of War, Diko is now a middle-level god. When you see him, you should call him Master Diko."

The corners of Wu Shen's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, and a hint of unnaturalness appeared on his tough, knife-like face. Seeing this, Diko couldn't help but waved his hands with a helpless smile and said: "You're welcome! You are all seniors. My lord, wouldn’t you kill me?”

After Diko finished speaking, Martial God O'Brien's expression softened slightly. At the same time, the arrival of Di Lin and the high priest one after another also relieved his embarrassment.

"Dico, I really didn't expect that I would meet a genius like you when I returned to the Magnolia Continent this time." When Di Lin saw Diko, he couldn't help but admire and speak. The high priest wearing a mask on the side was also a little curious. He looked at Dico like a man.

(End of this chapter)

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