Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 218 Discussion on the Cemetery of the Gods

Chapter 218 Discussion on the Cemetery of the Gods
After Diko and the other five god-level experts met, before they could say anything more, a hoarse old voice came into their ears: "Okay, there will be plenty of time to chat in the future, so come here quickly!"

After hearing Beirut's message urging them to do so, Diko and the others, who looked at each other, also quickly accelerated their speed, turning into five streams of light and flying towards the depths of the dark forest.

Soon, a dark castle appeared in front of Dico and the others in the dark forest.The castle, which covers an area of ​​several miles, looks like it is made of a strange black metal. Dico couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and thought to himself: "Is this metal life?"

The high priest and the God of War were obviously very familiar with the castle. They flew into the castle first, while Diko, Di Lin, who looked indifferent, and Xisai, who was also full of curiosity, hurriedly followed.

The layout inside the metal castle is very beautiful. The colors of the metals are different or even changeable. There are also rockeries and flowers made of metal, which look like real flowers. Diko, who is here for the first time, can't help but marvel. .

"Come in!" Beirut's voice came from the living room, and Dicko and the other five god-level experts also walked into the castle living room.

There is a long oval metal table like a conference table in the living room. The old man Beirut, who is dressed in a black robe, has long black hair, and a black beard that reaches to his chest, is sitting at the top. After Dico and the others came in, he had a pair of very tall God's little eyes glanced over, his gaze paused on Dico, and then he said calmly: "Come sit down and talk!"

"Yes, Lord Beirut!" The God of War and the High Priest both responded respectfully, and Dico, who pretended to look at Beirut in surprise, walked with them to sit on both sides of the long metal table.

Among them, the God of War, the High Priest, and Di Lin sit on the right hand side of Beirut.According to strength, Di Lin sits closest to Beirut, followed by the high priest and the god of war.Dico was sitting opposite them, and Dico took the initiative to give in and let Xisei sit in the first place on the left hand side of Beirut, which made Xisei feel quite constrained and uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, Beirut, who had shown a smile recently, still said in a cold and calm tone: "It's rare that this time the cemetery of the gods is opened, we have three more god-level experts in the Magnolia Continent. Together, you two If we join forces, we may be able to achieve greater gains by then.”

As soon as Beirut said these words, the eyes of the God of War and the High Priest suddenly brightened.They had been to the cemetery of the gods many times before and had obtained some artifacts and other treasures, but what they longed for most was naturally the middle-ranked god with the same cultivation attributes as them.

After all, once you obtain the mid-level godhead, you can easily reach the mid-level god realm by spending at most several decades refining it.And if they cultivate on their own, I don’t know if it will take another few thousand or tens of thousands of years!
"I know that you all want to get the godhead. But in this practice, if possible, it is best to break through on your own. After all, the future achievements of refining the godhead are limited," Beirut said and glanced at Diko: " Diko, you are a rare genius in the long history since the birth of the Magnolia Continent. At less than half a hundred years old, you have not only reached the intermediate god realm, but have even integrated the mysterious laws. With such a talent, your future will be limitless."

"With your strength, you can enter the Cemetery of the Gods, and you have a great chance of obtaining the Godhead of a higher god. However, I don't want you to refine the Godhead, do you understand?" Beirut's expression became slightly serious as he spoke.

Unexpectedly, Beirut would praise and remind him so much in front of the God of War and the others. Diko was stunned for a moment and said: "Thank you, Lord Beirut, for the reminder! Of course I want to become a high-level god by practicing on my own."

"Well! I'm just reminding you, lest you make the wrong choice due to impatience and regret it in the future." Beirut nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to Di Lin and Xisei and said, "You two have pretty good talents. , it is fully possible to become a god on your own and step into the middle god realm. Therefore, there is no need to deliberately pursue the refinement of the middle god's divinity like O'Brien and Catherine."

"Entering the Cemetery of the Gods is also a good training for you. Seize the opportunity, and if you are lucky, you may be able to break through," Beirut said, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he looked at Dico and said: " By the way, Dico, you probably don’t know much about the Cemetery of the Gods, right?” “Well, I’ve heard a little bit about this, but I still don’t know exactly what the Cemetery of the Gods is. Listen to Mr. Beirut. , can you get the godhead by entering the cemetery of the gods?" Diko asked pretending to be ignorant and curious.

Beirut nodded slightly and said: "That's right! There are gods, artifacts and some other special treasures in the Cemetery of the Gods. Among them, the first eleven floors of the Cemetery of the Gods are for the strong men of the Holy Domain, and the [-]th to [-]th floors On the other level, it’s up to the god-level powerhouses to break through.”

"Dico, fortunately we are strong men in the Magnolia Continent, and the cemetery of the gods managed by Mr. Beirut is in the Magnolia Continent. Otherwise, there would be no such a good opportunity to obtain artifacts and godheads!" Martial God Orb Lai Enlian said.

And Beirut continued: "Okay! After leaving later, it won't be too late for you to introduce the situation of the Cemetery of the Gods to Dicko in detail. I called you here today mainly to discuss the opening of the Cemetery of the Gods. , the issue of the quota for those strong men from the Holy Realm to enter."

"Before, there were only three god-level powerhouses in Magnolia Continent: myself, O'Brien, and Catherine. The saintly domain powerhouses who cultivated in Magnolia Continent were mainly under the command of the three of us. Every time, there were quotas. It's probably a definite number," Beirut said and looked at Dilin, Diko and Xisai again: "But now that Dilin has escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane, and Diko and Xisai have broken through, the three of you will naturally get some. A sacred quota to enter the graveyard of the gods.”

"Although there are many sacred monsters in our Warcraft Mountains, there are only a handful of them who are qualified to go to the cemetery of the gods." Dilin spoke first, and Xisai followed up: "A few of my saber organization In the Sanctuary, they are too weak, and if they go there, they are looking for death. So, I don’t need any quota this time.”

Beirut, who nodded slightly, finally looked at Dico and smiled: "Dico, what about you? How many places do you need?"

"Me? The previous members of the Holy See, Heitingsi, Wusennuo, and Lei Ming, all died in the hands of Lin Lei. There are no strong men left who can take action. Luo Ye may be qualified to go, but he is the Pope now..." Dico But he shook his head and smiled helplessly.

After hearing this, Beirut smiled noncommittally and said: "As far as I know, those purple flame warriors and tiger pattern warriors under you have also reached the peak of the holy realm, and their strength is not inferior to some second-level holy realm experts. What? Aren’t you going to let them enter the cemetery of the gods to hone their skills?”

"This...forget it! I have heard Desili mention the dangers in the cemetery of the gods before. It is difficult for the most powerful people in the holy realm to obtain the godhead if they enter it. I have managed to cultivate a few people with good strength under my command. Don't let them die," Dico said while shaking his head.

Hearing what Diko said, Beirut suddenly smiled more and stroked his beard and said: "Haha... you are calm! Unlike those strong men in the holy realm, in order to obtain the godhead and refine them into gods, each of them seemed to be rushed. It’s like losing your mind.”

"Okay! Since you don't want them to take risks in the cemetery of the gods, I won't give you a place in the holy domain this time," Beirut said, turning to look at the God of War and the high priest and said: "Aub. Well, Catherine, you all go back and prepare! More than a year later, on March [-]th of the year after next, it will be the time for the Cemetery of the Gods to open."

(End of this chapter)

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